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# Accord's Library v3.0
## Short term
- [Timeline] inline links to pages not working (timeline 2026/06)
## Mid term
- Save cookies for longer than just the session
- [Scripts] Can't run the scripts using node (ts-node?)
- Support for nameless section
- [Timeline] Error if collectible not published?
- [Timeline] Handle no JS for footers
- [Timeline] Add details button in footer with credits + last updated / created
- [Collectibles] Create page for gallery
- [Collectibles] Create page for scans
- When the tags overflow, the tag group name should be align start (see http://localhost:12499/en/pages/magnitude-negative-chapter-1)
- [SDK] create a initPayload() that return a payload sdk (and stop hard wirring to ENV or node-cache)
## Long term
- [Timeline] Some filtering options (by source/languages)
- The Chronicles
- The Changelog
- Grid view (all files)
- Web archives
- Videos
- Contact page
- About us page
- Global search function
- Consider official search plugin for payload https://payloadcms.com/docs/plugins/search
- Convert Rich text to simple text for indexing and open graph purposes
- Anonymous comments
- [Images] add images group (which could be named or not)
## Bonus
- Static HTML site export for archival
- Secret Terminal mode