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## Technologies
#### [Back](
- CMS: Stapi
- GraphQL endpoint
- Multilanguage support
- Markdown format for the rich text fields
#### [Front]( (this repository)
- Language: [TypeScript](
- Queries: [GraphQL](
- [GraphQL Code Generator]( to automatically generated types for the operations variables and responses
- The operations are stored in a graphql file and then retrieved and wrap as an actual TypeScript function
- Markdown: [markdown-to-jsx](
- Support for Arbitrary React Components and Component Props!
- Styling: [Tailwind CSS](
- Good typographic defaults using [Tailwind/Typography](
- Beside the theme declaration no CSS outside of Tailwind CSS
- Manually added support for scrollbar styling
- Support for [Material Icons](
- Framework: [Next.js]( (React)
- Multilanguage support
- State Management: [React Context](
- Persistent app state using LocalStorage
- Support for many screen sizes and resolutions