* <zh-dmzj>Add ratelimit to fix HTTP 429 and return human readable webpage url to "Open in browser" and "Share manga".
* Add ratelimit interceptor that only handle specific url host.
* Rename AndroidConfig to Config
* Move base AndroidManifest.xml
* Make fallback icons into an Android module
* Add example of how to only load a single extension in Gradle project
* Add TwoStatePreference and CheckBoxPreference stubs
* Add setEnabled on Preference, Formatting again.
* Remove isEnabled. Thanks to API difference between androidx and v7 libs
* Initial support of their new site announcing algorithm.
What the heck is DDOS-GUARD
* Apply changes of announcing algorithm that can work with tachi >_<
It will uses main thread that cause temp freeze when enter browse
* Clean up codes little bit.
* Simplify Decoder
* Finalize update.
* Try-Catch on req failed.
* Update build.gradle
* Use regular network client.
* Improve Preference-stub
* Re-arrange some stubs to correct class.
* Add `EditTextPreference`.
* Update MSM extension.
* Update filter.
* Fix image fetch due to site changes (v4 -> v11)
* Add BaseUrl Override for site domain changes.
- Korean sources are change domain every 1-2 weeks due to internet censorship.
* Add missing file `EditTextPreference.java`
* Fix tags.
* mangadex: r18 property support
* removed log statement
* fixed browse/latest not updating on property change
* clean up formatting
* Mangadex:
adds [END] tag back on final chapter.
Assign title during details parse
* move to preference-stub
* add summary
* fixed finished status