* Add ShoujoSense (reader.shoujosense.com) source.
* Change chapter date parsing to be more in line with other extensions.
* Make parseChapterDate private.
* Move SimpleDateFormat() and Pattern.compile() calls to avoid initializing more than once.
* Remove implicit return and implicit return type from popularMangaRequest() and latestUpdatesRequest(), as per @null-dev's suggestion.
* Remove unnecessary calls to jsoup Elements.first().)
* Fix manga.author and manga.description in mangaDetailsParse(), as previous implementation did not select the correct text.
* Remove print() call that was left over from debugging.
* Change popularMangaFromElement to use the correct title (exclude the latest released chapter), and remove id assignment.
* Add Hentai2Read (hentai2read.com) source.
* Convert sch_flt_in and sch_flt_out to camelCase.
* Combine tag selectors in mangaDetailsParse().
* Move Pattern.compile() call to companion object to avoid repeated initialization.
* Move constant String imageBaseUrl to companion object.
* Make parseChapterDate() a little more compact.
* Refactor things to avoid unnecessary string splitting and calls to Elements.first().
* Remove implicit return and implicit return type from popularMangaRequest() and latestUpdatesRequest().
* Trim whitespace from string before parsing chapter date.
* Update POST params and change how tags are included/excluded.
* Add CharacterName and CharacterNameSelect filters.
* Add TagSearchMode filter.
* Change TagList to have title, to prepare for different groups of tags.
* Change TagList in FilterList to use new title.
* Add category list.
* Change tag list.
* Add doujin list.
* Update FilterList to include new filters.
* Add Gson and Kotson dependencies.
* Fix searching, now compute base64-encoded string to use in URL.
* Remove all code used to manually compute base64 string in URL.
* Add searchMangaParse override, store base64String if there is a next page in search.
* Remove unnecessary url val, left over from debug.
* Update tag list.
* Update doujin list.
* Update comments showing number of tags/doujins in TagList.
* Remove unnecessary tags var in mangaDetailsParse, can build manga.genre directly from list.
* Add webtoons.com
* Add suggested changes by null-dev
* Add Mangazuki.co
* Edit to fit suggested changes
* Remove Webtoons source ID assignment
* Change chapterListParse
Change chapterListParse so it doesn't request the first page twice.
* Add MangaPark source
* Add pagination to MangaPark source
Enable HTTPS in MangaPark source
* Add Mangago source
* Add Tapastic source
Fix UriSelectFilters returning incorrect default states
* Add nhentai source
* Fix tapastic source breaking on manga with square brackets in title
* Fix issues found by j2ghz
Fix tapastic source showing scheduled comics
* Add E-Hentai source
Bump Kotlin version for all extensions to 1.1.1
Minor code cleanup in nhentai source
* Add Sen Manga source.
Minor code cleanup.
* Fix incorrect package name in Sen Manga source.
* Fix incorrect Japanese language code on E-Hentai, nhentai and Sen Manga sources.
* Bump Kotlin version to 1.1.2
* Code cleanup
Fix a bug with thumbnails and URLs in E-Hentai that is currently not triggerable but may cause problems in the future
* Code cleanup
* Fix some minor incorrect spacing