* mangadex: r18 property support
* removed log statement
* fixed browse/latest not updating on property change
* clean up formatting
* Mangadex:
adds [END] tag back on final chapter.
Assign title during details parse
* move to preference-stub
* add summary
* fixed finished status
* Added mangaeden(it) extension
* Not overriding id anymore
* Fixed search selector for the case the query has no results
* Added mangaeden(en) extension
* Removed id override
* Added perveden it+en extensions
* Minor modifications: today/yesterday management, null safety and code enhancements
* Type and status are now multiselect
* Genres, types and statuses now are functions
* Genres/types are now multiselect and minor modifications
* Renamed into Manga Eden, fixed missing cover imgs and checkbox filter now are shown at the end
* Changes done on mangaeden(it) has been reflected on mangaeden(en) and perveden(it/en)
* Removed unnecessary code and fixed english date format
* Added text filter support for categories (from paronos)
* Fixed page image url
* Added text filter support for categories also in perveden/en (from paronos)
* Added mangaeden(it) extension
* Not overriding id anymore
* Fixed search selector for the case the query has no results
* Minor modifications: today/yesterday management, null safety and code enhancements
* Type and status are now multiselect
* Genres, types and statuses now are functions
* Renamed into Manga Eden, fixed missing cover imgs and checkbox filter now are shown at the end