Refactor SS extension due to website redesign (#7655)
* Refactor SS extension due to website redesign. * Remove compatibility with old URLs since id changed.
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlinx-serialization'
ext {
extName = 'Saikai Scan'
pkgNameSuffix = 'pt.saikaiscan'
extClass = '.SaikaiScan'
extVersionCode = 5
extVersionCode = 6
libVersion = '1.2'
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.0 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 48 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |
@ -2,25 +2,30 @@ package
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.lib.ratelimit.RateLimitInterceptor
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Filter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.FilterList
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.MangasPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import okhttp3.Headers
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Request
import okhttp3.Response
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import rx.Observable
import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
import java.text.ParseException
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class SaikaiScan : ParsedHttpSource() {
// Hardcode the id because the language wasn't specific.
override val id: Long = 2686610366990303664
class SaikaiScan : HttpSource() {
override val name = "Saikai Scan"
@ -30,121 +35,377 @@ class SaikaiScan : ParsedHttpSource() {
override val supportsLatest = true
override val client: OkHttpClient = network.client.newBuilder()
override val client: OkHttpClient = network.cloudflareClient.newBuilder()
.addInterceptor(RateLimitInterceptor(1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
private val json: Json by injectLazy()
override fun headersBuilder(): Headers.Builder = Headers.Builder()
.add("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
.add("Origin", baseUrl)
.add("Referer", baseUrl)
.add("Referer", "$baseUrl/")
override fun popularMangaRequest(page: Int): Request = GET(baseUrl, headers)
override fun popularMangaRequest(page: Int): Request {
val apiHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_JSON)
override fun popularMangaSelector(): String = "div#menu ul li.has_submenu:eq(3) li a"
val apiEndpointUrl = "$API_URL/api/stories".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("format", COMIC_FORMAT_ID)
.addQueryParameter("sortProperty", "pageviews")
.addQueryParameter("sortDirection", "desc")
.addQueryParameter("page", page.toString())
.addQueryParameter("per_page", PER_PAGE)
.addQueryParameter("relationships", "language,type,format")
override fun popularMangaFromElement(element: Element): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
title = element.text().substringBeforeLast("(")
url = element.attr("href")
return GET(apiEndpointUrl, apiHeaders)
override fun popularMangaNextPageSelector(): String? = null
override fun popularMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage {
val result = json.decodeFromString<SaikaiScanPaginatedStoriesDto>(response.body!!.string())
override fun latestUpdatesRequest(page: Int): Request = GET(baseUrl, headers)
val mangaList =!!.map(::popularMangaFromObject)
val hasNextPage = result.meta!!.currentPage < result.meta.lastPage
override fun latestUpdatesSelector(): String = "ul.manhuas li.manhua-item"
override fun latestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
val image ="div.image.lazyload")
val name ="h3")
title = name.text().substringBeforeLast("(")
thumbnail_url = baseUrl + image.attr("data-src")
url ="a").attr("href")
return MangasPage(mangaList, hasNextPage)
override fun latestUpdatesNextPageSelector(): String? = null
private fun popularMangaFromObject(obj: SaikaiScanStoryDto): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
title = obj.title
thumbnail_url = "$IMAGE_SERVER_URL/${obj.image}"
url = "/comics/${obj.slug}"
override fun latestUpdatesRequest(page: Int): Request {
val apiHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_JSON)
val apiEndpointUrl = "$API_URL/api/lancamentos".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("format", COMIC_FORMAT_ID)
.addQueryParameter("page", page.toString())
.addQueryParameter("per_page", PER_PAGE)
.addQueryParameter("relationships", "language,type,format,latestReleases.separator")
return GET(apiEndpointUrl, apiHeaders)
override fun latestUpdatesParse(response: Response): MangasPage = popularMangaParse(response)
override fun searchMangaRequest(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Request {
val url = "$baseUrl/busca".toHttpUrlOrNull()!!.newBuilder()
val apiHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_JSON)
val apiEndpointUrl = "$API_URL/api/stories".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("format", COMIC_FORMAT_ID)
.addQueryParameter("q", query)
.addQueryParameter("sortProperty", "pageViews")
.addQueryParameter("sortDirection", "desc")
.addQueryParameter("page", page.toString())
.addQueryParameter("per_page", PER_PAGE)
.addQueryParameter("relationships", "language,type,format")
return GET(url.toString(), headers)
filters.forEach { filter ->
when (filter) {
is GenreFilter -> {
val genresParameter = filter.state
.filter { it.state }
.joinToString(",") { }
apiEndpointUrl.addQueryParameter("genres", genresParameter)
override fun searchMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage {
val results = super.searchMangaParse(response)
val manhuas = results.mangas.filter { it.url.contains("/manhuas/") }
return MangasPage(manhuas, results.hasNextPage)
override fun searchMangaSelector(): String = "div#news-content ul li"
override fun searchMangaFromElement(element: Element): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
val image ="div.image.lazyload")
val name ="h3")
title = name.text().substringBeforeLast("(")
thumbnail_url = baseUrl + image.attr("data-src")
url ="a").attr("href")
override fun searchMangaNextPageSelector(): String? = null
override fun mangaDetailsParse(document: Document): SManga {
val projectContent ="div#project-content")
val name ="h2").first()
val cover ="div.cover img.lazyload")
val genres ="ênero:)")
val author ="")
val status ="")
val summary ="div.summary-text")
return SManga.create().apply {
title = name.text()
thumbnail_url = baseUrl + cover.attr("data-src")
genre = removeLabel(genres.text())
|||| = removeLabel(author.text())
artist = removeLabel(author.text())
this.status = parseStatus(removeLabel(status.text()))
description = summary.text()
is CountryFilter -> {
if (filter.state > 0) {
private fun parseStatus(status: String) = when {
status.contains("Completo") -> SManga.COMPLETED
status.contains("Em Tradução", true) -> SManga.ONGOING
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
is StatusFilter -> {
if (filter.state > 0) {
is SortByFilter -> {
val sortProperty = filter.sortProperties[filter.state!!.index]
val sortDirection = if (filter.state!!.ascending) "asc" else "desc"
apiEndpointUrl.setQueryParameter("sortProperty", sortProperty.slug)
apiEndpointUrl.setQueryParameter("sortDirection", sortDirection)
return GET(apiEndpointUrl.toString(), apiHeaders)
override fun searchMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage = popularMangaParse(response)
// Workaround to allow "Open in browser" use the real URL.
override fun fetchMangaDetails(manga: SManga): Observable<SManga> {
return client.newCall(storyDetailsRequest(manga))
.map { response ->
mangaDetailsParse(response).apply { initialized = true }
private fun storyDetailsRequest(manga: SManga): Request {
val storySlug = manga.url.substringAfterLast("/")
val apiHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_JSON)
val apiEndpointUrl = "$API_URL/api/stories".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("format", COMIC_FORMAT_ID)
.addQueryParameter("slug", storySlug)
.addQueryParameter("per_page", "1")
.addQueryParameter("relationships", "language,type,format,artists,status")
return GET(apiEndpointUrl, apiHeaders)
override fun mangaDetailsParse(response: Response): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
val result = json.decodeFromString<SaikaiScanPaginatedStoriesDto>(response.body!!.string())
val story =!![0]
title = story.title
author = story.authors.joinToString { }
artist = story.artists.joinToString { }
thumbnail_url = "$IMAGE_SERVER_URL/${story.image}"
genre = story.genres.joinToString { }
status = story.status!!.name.toStatus()
description = Jsoup.parse(story.synopsis)
.joinToString("\n\n") { it.text() }
override fun chapterListRequest(manga: SManga): Request {
val storySlug = manga.url.substringAfterLast("/")
val apiHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_JSON)
val apiEndpointUrl = "$API_URL/api/stories".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("format", COMIC_FORMAT_ID)
.addQueryParameter("slug", storySlug)
.addQueryParameter("per_page", "1")
.addQueryParameter("relationships", "releases")
return GET(apiEndpointUrl, apiHeaders)
override fun chapterListParse(response: Response): List<SChapter> {
return super.chapterListParse(response).reversed()
val result = json.decodeFromString<SaikaiScanPaginatedStoriesDto>(response.body!!.string())
val story =!![0]
return story.releases
.filter { it.isActive == 1 }
.map { chapterFromObject(it, story.slug) }
.sortedByDescending { it.chapter_number }
override fun chapterListSelector(): String = "div#project-content div.project-chapters div.chapters ul li a"
override fun chapterFromElement(element: Element): SChapter = SChapter.create().apply {
scanlator = "Saikai Scan"
chapter_number = CHAPTER_REGEX.find(element.text())?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toFloatOrNull() ?: -1f
name = element.text()
url = element.attr("href")
private fun chapterFromObject(obj: SaikaiScanReleaseDto, storySlug: String): SChapter =
SChapter.create().apply {
name = "Capítulo ${obj.chapter}" +
(if (obj.title.isNullOrEmpty().not()) " - ${obj.title}" else "")
chapter_number = obj.chapter.toFloatOrNull() ?: -1f
date_upload = obj.publishedAt.substringBefore(" ").toDate()
scanlator =
url = "/ler/comics/$storySlug/${}/${obj.slug}"
override fun pageListParse(document: Document): List<Page> {
val imagesBlock ="div.manhua-slide div.images-block img.lazyload")
override fun pageListRequest(chapter: SChapter): Request {
val releaseId = chapter.url
return imagesBlock
.mapIndexed { i, el -> Page(i, "", el.absUrl("src")) }
val apiHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_JSON)
val apiEndpointUrl = "$API_URL/api/releases/$releaseId".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("relationships", "releaseImages")
return GET(apiEndpointUrl, apiHeaders)
override fun imageUrlParse(document: Document): String = ""
override fun pageListParse(response: Response): List<Page> {
val result = json.decodeFromString<SaikaiScanReleaseResultDto>(response.body!!.string())
private fun removeLabel(info: String) = info.substringAfter(":")
return!!.releaseImages.mapIndexed { i, obj ->
Page(i, "", "$IMAGE_SERVER_URL/${obj.image}")
override fun fetchImageUrl(page: Page): Observable<String> = Observable.just(page.imageUrl!!)
override fun imageUrlParse(response: Response): String = ""
override fun imageRequest(page: Page): Request {
val imageHeaders = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", ACCEPT_IMAGE)
return GET(page.imageUrl!!, imageHeaders)
private class Genre(title: String, val id: Int) : Filter.CheckBox(title)
private class GenreFilter(genres: List<Genre>) : Filter.Group<Genre>("Gêneros", genres)
private data class Country(val name: String, val id: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = name
private open class EnhancedSelect<T>(name: String, values: Array<T>) : Filter.Select<T>(name, values) {
val selected: T
get() = values[state]
private class CountryFilter(countries: List<Country>) : EnhancedSelect<Country>(
private data class Status(val name: String, val id: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = name
private class StatusFilter(statuses: List<Status>) : EnhancedSelect<Status>(
private data class SortProperty(val name: String, val slug: String) {
override fun toString(): String = name
private class SortByFilter(val sortProperties: List<SortProperty>) : Filter.Sort(
"Ordenar por",
|||| { }.toTypedArray(),
Selection(2, ascending = false)
// fetch('')
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(res => console.log( => `Genre("${}", ${})`).join(',\n')))
private fun getGenreList(): List<Genre> = listOf(
Genre("Ação", 1),
Genre("Adulto", 23),
Genre("Artes Marciais", 84),
Genre("Aventura", 2),
Genre("Comédia", 15),
Genre("Drama", 14),
Genre("Ecchi", 19),
Genre("Esportes", 42),
Genre("eSports", 25),
Genre("Fantasia", 3),
Genre("Ficção Cientifica", 16),
Genre("Histórico", 37),
Genre("Horror", 27),
Genre("Isekai", 52),
Genre("Josei", 40),
Genre("Luta", 68),
Genre("Magia", 11),
Genre("Militar", 76),
Genre("Mistério", 57),
Genre("MMORPG", 80),
Genre("Música", 82),
Genre("One-shot", 51),
Genre("Psicológico", 34),
Genre("Realidade Vitual", 18),
Genre("Reencarnação", 43),
Genre("Romance", 9),
Genre("RPG", 61),
Genre("Sci-fi", 58),
Genre("Seinen", 21),
Genre("Shoujo", 35),
Genre("Shounen", 26),
Genre("Slice of Life", 38),
Genre("Sobrenatural", 74),
Genre("Suspense", 63),
Genre("Tragédia", 22),
Genre("VRMMO", 17),
Genre("Wuxia", 6),
Genre("Xianxia", 7),
Genre("Xuanhuan", 48),
Genre("Yaoi", 41),
Genre("Yuri", 83)
// fetch('')
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(res => console.log( => `Country("${}", ${})`).join(',\n')))
private fun getCountryList(): List<Country> = listOf(
Country("Todas", 0),
Country("Brasil", 32),
Country("China", 45),
Country("Coréia do Sul", 115),
Country("Espanha", 199),
Country("Estados Unidos da América", 1),
Country("Japão", 109),
Country("Portugal", 173)
// fetch('')
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(res => console.log( => `Country("${}", ${})`).join(',\n')))
private fun getStatusList(): List<Status> = listOf(
Status("Todos", 0),
Status("Cancelado", 5),
Status("Concluído", 1),
Status("Dropado", 6),
Status("Em Andamento", 2),
Status("Hiato", 4),
Status("Pausado", 3)
private fun getSortProperties(): List<SortProperty> = listOf(
SortProperty("Título", "title"),
SortProperty("Quantidade de capítulos", "releases_count"),
SortProperty("Visualizações", "pageviews"),
SortProperty("Data de criação", "created_at")
override fun getFilterList(): FilterList = FilterList(
private fun String.toDate(): Long {
return try {
DATE_FORMATTER.parse(this)?.time ?: 0L
} catch (e: ParseException) {
private fun String.toStatus(): Int = when (this) {
"Concluído" -> SManga.COMPLETED
"Em Andamento" -> SManga.ONGOING
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
companion object {
private const val USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) " +
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36"
private val CHAPTER_REGEX = "Capítulo (\\d+)".toRegex()
private const val ACCEPT_IMAGE = "image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/svg+xml,image/*,*/*;q=0.8"
private const val ACCEPT_JSON = "application/json, text/plain, */*"
private const val COMIC_FORMAT_ID = "2"
private const val PER_PAGE = "12"
private val DATE_FORMATTER = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale("pt", "BR"))
private const val API_URL = ""
private const val IMAGE_SERVER_URL = ""
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
data class SaikaiScanResultDto<T>(
val data: T? = null,
val meta: SaikaiScanMetaDto? = null
typealias SaikaiScanPaginatedStoriesDto = SaikaiScanResultDto<List<SaikaiScanStoryDto>>
typealias SaikaiScanReleaseResultDto = SaikaiScanResultDto<SaikaiScanReleaseDto>
data class SaikaiScanMetaDto(
@SerialName("current_page") val currentPage: Int,
@SerialName("last_page") val lastPage: Int
data class SaikaiScanStoryDto(
val artists: List<SaikaiScanPersonDto> = emptyList(),
val authors: List<SaikaiScanPersonDto> = emptyList(),
val genres: List<SaikaiScanGenreDto> = emptyList(),
val image: String,
val releases: List<SaikaiScanReleaseDto> = emptyList(),
val slug: String,
val status: SaikaiScanStatusDto? = null,
val synopsis: String,
val title: String
data class SaikaiScanPersonDto(
val name: String
data class SaikaiScanGenreDto(
val name: String
data class SaikaiScanStatusDto(
val name: String
data class SaikaiScanReleaseDto(
val chapter: String,
val id: Int,
@SerialName("is_active") val isActive: Int = 1,
@SerialName("published_at") val publishedAt: String,
@SerialName("release_images") val releaseImages: List<SaikaiScanReleaseImageDto> = emptyList(),
val slug: String,
val title: String? = ""
data class SaikaiScanReleaseImageDto(
val image: String