Update YM to use their API directly (#19232)
* Update YM to use their API directly. * Skip a redirect in the popular manga list. Co-authored-by: Vetle Ledaal <vetle.ledaal@gmail.com> * Skip a redirect in the latest manga list. Co-authored-by: Vetle Ledaal <vetle.ledaal@gmail.com> --------- Co-authored-by: Vetle Ledaal <vetle.ledaal@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ext {
extName = 'Yugen Mangás'
pkgNameSuffix = 'pt.yugenmangas'
extClass = '.YugenMangas'
extVersionCode = 37
extVersionCode = 38
apply from: "$rootDir/common.gradle"
@ -1,40 +1,34 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.pt.yugenmangas
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.GET
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.POST
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.interceptor.rateLimit
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.FilterList
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.MangasPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.online.ParsedHttpSource
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.online.HttpSource
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import okhttp3.Headers
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl
import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaType
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Request
import okhttp3.RequestBody
import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody
import okhttp3.Response
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import okio.Buffer
import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* Changed the name from "YugenMangas" to "Yugen Mangás" when
* the source was updated to handle their CMS changes, so no
* `versionId` change is needed as the ID should be different to
* force users to migrate.
class YugenMangas : ParsedHttpSource() {
class YugenMangas : HttpSource() {
override val name = "Yugen Mangás"
override val baseUrl = "https://yugenmangas.org"
override val baseUrl = "https://yugenmangas.net.br"
override val lang = "pt-BR"
@ -49,76 +43,73 @@ class YugenMangas : ParsedHttpSource() {
override fun headersBuilder(): Headers.Builder = Headers.Builder()
.add("Referer", "$baseUrl/")
override fun popularMangaRequest(page: Int): Request = GET(baseUrl, headers)
val apiHeaders by lazy { apiHeadersBuilder().build() }
override fun popularMangaSelector(): String = "div.popular div.swiper-wrapper a"
private fun apiHeadersBuilder(): Headers.Builder = headersBuilder()
.add("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*")
.add("Origin", baseUrl)
.add("Sec-Fetch-Dest", "empty")
.add("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "cors")
.add("Sec-Fetch-Site", "same-site")
override fun popularMangaFromElement(element: Element): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
title = element.selectFirst("h1")!!.text()
thumbnail_url = element.selectFirst("img")!!.absUrl("src")
url = element.attr("href")
override fun popularMangaRequest(page: Int): Request {
return GET("$API_BASE_URL/random_top_series/", apiHeaders)
override fun popularMangaNextPageSelector(): String? = null
override fun popularMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage {
val result = response.parseAs<List<YugenMangaDto>>()
val mangaList = result.map { it.toSManga(baseUrl) }
return MangasPage(mangaList, hasNextPage = false)
override fun latestUpdatesRequest(page: Int): Request {
return GET("$baseUrl/updates/?page=$page", headers)
return GET("$API_BASE_URL/latest_updates/", apiHeaders)
override fun latestUpdatesSelector() = "div.container-update-series div.card-series-updates"
override fun latestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
title = element.selectFirst("a.title-serie h1")!!.text()
thumbnail_url = element.selectFirst("img")!!.absUrl("src")
url = element.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")
override fun latestUpdatesNextPageSelector() = "div.pagination a:contains(Próxima)"
override fun latestUpdatesParse(response: Response) = popularMangaParse(response)
override fun searchMangaRequest(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Request {
val url = "$baseUrl/api/series/list".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
val apiUrl = "$API_BASE_URL/series/list".toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("query", query)
return GET(url, headers)
return GET(apiUrl, apiHeaders)
override fun searchMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage {
val result = response.parseAs<List<SearchResultDto>>()
val matches = result.map {
SManga.create().apply {
title = it.name
url = "/series/${it.slug}"
override fun searchMangaParse(response: Response) = popularMangaParse(response)
override fun mangaDetailsRequest(manga: SManga): Request {
val slug = manga.url.removePrefix("/series/")
return POST("$API_BASE_URL/serie_details/$slug", apiHeaders)
return MangasPage(matches, hasNextPage = false)
override fun getMangaUrl(manga: SManga) = baseUrl + manga.url
override fun mangaDetailsParse(response: Response): SManga {
return response.parseAs<YugenMangaDto>().toSManga(baseUrl)
override fun searchMangaSelector() = throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not used")
override fun chapterListRequest(manga: SManga): Request {
val slug = manga.url.removePrefix("/series/")
val body = YugenGetChaptersBySeriesDto(slug)
val payload = json.encodeToString(body).toRequestBody(JSON_MEDIA_TYPE)
override fun searchMangaFromElement(element: Element) = throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not used")
val newHeaders = apiHeadersBuilder()
.set("Content-Length", payload.contentLength().toString())
.set("Content-Type", payload.contentType().toString())
override fun searchMangaNextPageSelector() = throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not used")
override fun mangaDetailsParse(document: Document): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
val infoElement = document.selectFirst("div.main div.resume > div.sinopse")!!
title = infoElement.selectFirst("div.title-name h1")!!.text()
author = infoElement.selectFirst("div.author")!!.text()
genre = infoElement.select("div.genero span").joinToString { it.text() }
status = infoElement.selectFirst("div.lancamento p")!!.text().toStatus()
description = infoElement.select("div.sinopse > p").text()
thumbnail_url = document.selectFirst("div.content div.side div.top-side img")!!.absUrl("src")
return POST("$API_BASE_URL/get_chapters_by_serie/", newHeaders, payload)
override fun chapterListSelector() = "#listadecapitulos div.chapter a"
override fun chapterListParse(response: Response): List<SChapter> {
val (seriesSlug) = response.request.body!!.parseAs<YugenGetChaptersBySeriesDto>()
override fun chapterFromElement(element: Element): SChapter = SChapter.create().apply {
name = element.selectFirst("span.chapter-title")!!.text()
scanlator = element.selectFirst("div.end-chapter span")?.text()
date_upload = element.selectFirst("span.chapter-lancado")!!.text().toDate()
url = element.attr("href")
return response.parseAs<YugenChapterListDto>().chapters
.map { it.toSChapter(seriesSlug) }
override fun getChapterUrl(chapter: SChapter) = baseUrl + chapter.url
@ -126,25 +117,23 @@ class YugenMangas : ParsedHttpSource() {
override fun pageListRequest(chapter: SChapter): Request {
val paths = chapter.url.removePrefix("/").split("/")
val newHeaders = headersBuilder()
val newHeaders = apiHeadersBuilder()
.set("Referer", getChapterUrl(chapter))
return GET("$baseUrl/api/serie/${paths[1]}/chapter/${paths[2]}/images/imgs", newHeaders)
return POST("$API_BASE_URL/serie/${paths[1]}/chapter/${paths[2]}/images/imgs/", newHeaders)
override fun pageListParse(response: Response): List<Page> {
val result = response.parseAs<ReaderDto>()
val result = response.parseAs<YugenReaderDto>()
val chapterUrl = response.request.headers["Referer"].orEmpty()
return result.images.orEmpty().mapIndexed { index, image ->
Page(index, chapterUrl, "$CDN_BASE_URL/${image.removePrefix("/")}")
Page(index, chapterUrl, "$baseUrl/${image.removePrefix("/")}")
override fun pageListParse(document: Document) = throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not used")
override fun imageUrlParse(document: Document) = ""
override fun imageUrlParse(response: Response) = ""
override fun imageRequest(page: Page): Request {
val newHeaders = headersBuilder()
@ -154,34 +143,17 @@ class YugenMangas : ParsedHttpSource() {
return GET(page.imageUrl!!, newHeaders)
private data class SearchResultDto(val name: String, val slug: String)
private data class ReaderDto(
@SerialName("chapter_images") val images: List<String>? = emptyList(),
private fun String.toDate(): Long {
return runCatching { DATE_FORMATTER.parse(trim())?.time }
.getOrNull() ?: 0L
private fun String.toStatus() = when (this) {
"ongoing" -> SManga.ONGOING
"completed", "finished" -> SManga.COMPLETED
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
private inline fun <reified T> Response.parseAs(): T = use {
companion object {
private const val CDN_BASE_URL = "https://media.yugenmangas.org"
private inline fun <reified T> RequestBody.parseAs(): T {
val jsonString = Buffer().also { writeTo(it) }.readUtf8()
return json.decodeFromString(jsonString)
private val DATE_FORMATTER by lazy {
SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy", Locale("pt", "BR"))
companion object {
private const val API_BASE_URL = "https://api.yugenmangas.net.br/api"
private val JSON_MEDIA_TYPE = "application/json".toMediaType()
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.pt.yugenmangas
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonNames
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
data class YugenMangaDto(
val name: String,
@JsonNames("capa", "cover") val cover: String,
val slug: String,
val author: String? = null,
val artist: String? = null,
val genres: List<String> = emptyList(),
val synopsis: String? = null,
val status: String? = null,
) {
fun toSManga(baseUrl: String): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
title = name
author = this@YugenMangaDto.author
artist = this@YugenMangaDto.artist
description = synopsis
status = when (this@YugenMangaDto.status) {
"ongoing" -> SManga.ONGOING
"completed", "finished" -> SManga.COMPLETED
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
thumbnail_url = if (cover.startsWith("/")) baseUrl + cover else cover
url = "/series/$slug"
data class YugenChapterListDto(val chapters: List<YugenChapterDto>)
data class YugenChapterDto(
val name: String,
val season: Int,
@SerialName("upload_date") val uploadDate: String,
val slug: String,
val group: String,
) {
fun toSChapter(mangaSlug: String): SChapter = SChapter.create().apply {
name = this@YugenChapterDto.name
date_upload = runCatching { DATE_FORMATTER.parse(uploadDate)?.time }
.getOrNull() ?: 0L
chapter_number = this@YugenChapterDto.name
.removePrefix("Capítulo ")
.substringBefore(" - ")
.toFloatOrNull() ?: -1f
scanlator = group.ifEmpty { null }
url = "/series/$mangaSlug/$slug"
companion object {
private val DATE_FORMATTER by lazy {
SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy", Locale("pt", "BR"))
data class YugenReaderDto(
@SerialName("chapter_images") val images: List<String>? = emptyList(),
data class YugenGetChaptersBySeriesDto(
@SerialName("serie_slug") val seriesSlug: String,
Reference in New Issue