Dragontea: update pageListParse and imageRequest (#3083)
* update pageListParse and imageRequest * didn't even need to override * didn't even need to override part 2
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ext {
extClass = '.DragonTea'
themePkg = 'madara'
baseUrl = 'https://dragontea.ink'
overrideVersionCode = 3
overrideVersionCode = 4
apply from: "$rootDir/common.gradle"
@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.en.dragontea
import android.util.Base64
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.lib.cryptoaes.CryptoAES
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.multisrc.madara.Madara
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.interceptor.rateLimit
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonElement
import kotlinx.serialization.json.jsonObject
import kotlinx.serialization.json.jsonPrimitive
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
@ -26,43 +19,4 @@ class DragonTea : Madara(
override val mangaSubString = "novel"
override val useNewChapterEndpoint = true
private val pageIndexRegex = Regex("""image-(\d+)[a-z]+""", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE)
override fun pageListParse(document: Document): List<Page> {
val dataId = document.selectFirst(".entry-header.header")?.attr("data-id")?.toInt()
?: return super.pageListParse(document)
val elements = document.select(".reading-content .page-break img")
val pageCount = elements.size
val idKey = "11" + ((dataId + 1307) * 3 - pageCount).toString()
elements.forEach {
val decryptedId = decryptAesJson(it.attr("id"), idKey).jsonPrimitive.content
it.attr("id", decryptedId)
val orderedElements = elements.sortedBy {
pageIndexRegex.find(it.attr("id"))?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toInt() ?: 0
val dtaKey = "15" + orderedElements.joinToString("") { it.attr("id").takeLast(1) } + (((dataId + 88) * 2) - pageCount - 5).toString()
val srcKey = (dataId + 20).toString() + orderedElements.joinToString("") {
decryptAesJson(it.attr("dta"), dtaKey).jsonPrimitive.content.takeLast(2)
} + (pageCount * 4).toString()
return orderedElements.mapIndexed { i, element ->
val src = decryptAesJson(element.attr("data-src"), srcKey).jsonPrimitive.content
Page(i, document.location(), src)
private fun decryptAesJson(ciphertext: String, key: String): JsonElement {
val cipherData = json.parseToJsonElement(ciphertext).jsonObject
val unsaltedCiphertext = Base64.decode(cipherData["ct"]!!.jsonPrimitive.content, Base64.DEFAULT)
val salt = cipherData["s"]!!.jsonPrimitive.content.decodeHex()
val saltedCiphertext = salted + salt + unsaltedCiphertext
return json.parseToJsonElement(CryptoAES.decrypt(Base64.encodeToString(saltedCiphertext, Base64.DEFAULT), key))
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