[New] MangaKisa (#1646)
* Update and rename src/en/mangakakalot/build.gradle to src/en/mangakisa/build.gradle * Create MangaKisa.kt * Update searchMangaSelector Filters out an extra invalid manga entry in search results. * Added parseRelativeDate Added Date Parsing based off of Mandara * Update popularMangaSelector Removed invalid entry between pages * Add icons * Update build.gradle Added Preferences * Add Preferences Adds preferences to select between: Latest Manga by Popular Updates vs All Updates Popular Manga by Week vs All Time * Removed Debug Code * Update build.gradle Return to version 1
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
ext {
appName = 'Tachiyomi: MangaKisa'
pkgNameSuffix = 'en.mangakisa'
extClass = '.MangaKisa'
extVersionCode = 1
libVersion = '1.2'
dependencies {
compileOnly project(':preference-stub')
compileOnly 'com.github.inorichi.injekt:injekt-core:65b0440'
apply from: "$rootDir/common.gradle"
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@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.en.mangakisa
import android.net.Uri
import android.app.Application
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import android.support.v7.preference.ListPreference
import android.support.v7.preference.PreferenceScreen
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.GET
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.ConfigurableSource
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.*
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.online.ParsedHttpSource
import okhttp3.*
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class MangaKisa : ConfigurableSource, ParsedHttpSource() {
override val name = "MangaKisa"
override val baseUrl = "https://mangakisa.com"
override val lang = "en"
override val supportsLatest = true
override val client: OkHttpClient = network.cloudflareClient.newBuilder()
.connectTimeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.readTimeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
private val preferences: SharedPreferences by lazy {
Injekt.get<Application>().getSharedPreferences("source_$id", 0x0000)
override fun popularMangaSelector() = "div.listanimes a.an"
override fun latestUpdatesSelector() = ".episode-box-2"
override fun searchMangaSelector() = "div.iepbox a.an"
override fun chapterListSelector() = ".infoepbox > a"
override fun popularMangaNextPageSelector() = "div:containsOwn(Next Page >)"
override fun latestUpdatesNextPageSelector() = popularMangaNextPageSelector()
override fun searchMangaNextPageSelector() = popularMangaNextPageSelector()
override fun popularMangaRequest(page: Int): Request {
val page0 = page-1
val popselect = getpoppref()
return GET("$baseUrl/$popselect/$page0", headers)
override fun latestUpdatesRequest(page: Int): Request {
val page0 = page-1
val latestselect = getlastestpref()
return GET("$baseUrl/$latestselect/$page0", headers)
override fun searchMangaRequest(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Request {
val page0 = page-1
val uri = if (query.isNotBlank()) {
} else {
val uri = Uri.parse("$baseUrl/").buildUpon()
//Append uri filters
filters.forEach {
if (it is UriFilter)
return GET(uri.toString(), headers)
override fun mangaDetailsRequest(manga: SManga) = GET(baseUrl + manga.url, headers)
override fun chapterListRequest(manga: SManga) = mangaDetailsRequest(manga)
override fun pageListRequest(chapter: SChapter) = GET(baseUrl + chapter.url, headers)
override fun popularMangaFromElement(element: Element) = mangaFromElement(element)
override fun latestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element) = mangaFromElement(element)
override fun searchMangaFromElement(element: Element)= mangaFromElement(element)
private fun mangaFromElement(element: Element): SManga {
val manga = SManga.create()
manga.title = element.select("img").attr("alt").trim()
manga.thumbnail_url = baseUrl + element.select("img").attr("src")
return manga
override fun chapterFromElement(element: Element): SChapter {
val chapter = SChapter.create()
chapter.setUrlWithoutDomain("/" + element.select("a").attr("href"))
chapter.chapter_number = element.select("[class*=infoept2] > div").text().toFloat()
chapter.name = "Chapter " + element.select("[class*=infoept2] > div").text().trim()
chapter.date_upload = parseRelativeDate(element.select("[class*=infoept3] > div").text()) ?:0
return chapter
private fun parseRelativeDate(date: String): Long? {
val trimmedDate = date.split(" ")
if (trimmedDate[2] != "ago") return null
val number = trimmedDate[0].toIntOrNull() ?: return null
// Map English and other language units to Java units
val javaUnit = when (trimmedDate[1].removeSuffix("s")) {
"year" -> Calendar.YEAR
"month" -> Calendar.MONTH
"day" -> Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH
"hr" -> Calendar.HOUR
"min" -> Calendar.MINUTE
"second" -> Calendar.SECOND
else -> return null
return Calendar.getInstance().apply { add(javaUnit, -number) }.timeInMillis
override fun mangaDetailsParse(document: Document): SManga {
val manga = SManga.create()
manga.title = document.select(".infopicbox > img").attr("alt").trim()
manga.artist = document.select(".textc > a[href*=authors]").text().trim()
manga.author = document.select(".textc > a[href*=authors]").text().trim()
manga.description = document.select(".infodes2").first().text()
val glist = document.select("a.infoan[href*=genres]").map { it.text() }
manga.genre = glist.joinToString(", ")
manga.status = when (document.select(".textc:contains(Ongoing), .textc:contains(Completed)")?.first()?.text()) {
"Ongoing" -> SManga.ONGOING
"Completed" -> SManga.COMPLETED
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
manga.thumbnail_url = baseUrl + "/" + document.select(".infopicbox > img").attr("src")
return manga
override fun pageListParse(document: Document): List<Page> {
val pages = mutableListOf<Page>()
document.select("img")?.forEach {
pages.add(Page(pages.size, "", it.attr("src")))
return pages
override fun imageUrlRequest(page: Page) = throw Exception("Not used")
override fun imageUrlParse(document: Document) = throw Exception("Not used")
//Filter List Code
override fun getFilterList() = FilterList(
Filter.Header("NOTE: Ignored if using text search!"),
private open class UriSelectFilter(displayName: String, val uriParam: String, val vals: Array<Pair<String, String>>,
val firstIsUnspecified: Boolean = true,
defaultValue: Int = 0) :
Filter.Select<String>(displayName, vals.map { it.second }.toTypedArray(), defaultValue), UriFilter {
override fun addToUri(uri: Uri.Builder) {
if (state != 0 || !firstIsUnspecified)
private interface UriFilter {
fun addToUri(uri: Uri.Builder)
private class GenreFilter : UriSelectFilter("Genre","genres", arrayOf(
Pair("all", "ALL"),
Pair("action", "Action "),
Pair("adult", "Adult "),
Pair("adventure", "Adventure "),
Pair("comedy", "Comedy "),
Pair("cooking", "Cooking "),
Pair("doujinshi", "Doujinshi "),
Pair("drama", "Drama "),
Pair("ecchi", "Ecchi "),
Pair("fantasy", "Fantasy "),
Pair("gender-bender", "Gender Bender "),
Pair("harem", "Harem "),
Pair("historical", "Historical "),
Pair("horror", "Horror "),
Pair("isekai", "Isekai "),
Pair("josei", "Josei "),
Pair("manhua", "Manhua "),
Pair("manhwa", "Manhwa "),
Pair("martial-arts", "Martial Arts "),
Pair("mature", "Mature "),
Pair("mecha", "Mecha "),
Pair("medical", "Medical "),
Pair("mystery", "Mystery "),
Pair("one-shot", "One Shot "),
Pair("psychological", "Psychological "),
Pair("romance", "Romance "),
Pair("school-life", "School Life "),
Pair("sci-fi", "Sci Fi "),
Pair("seinen", "Seinen "),
Pair("shoujo", "Shoujo "),
Pair("shoujo-ai", "Shoujo Ai "),
Pair("shounen", "Shounen "),
Pair("shounen-ai", "Shounen Ai "),
Pair("slice-of-life", "Slice Of Life "),
Pair("smut", "Smut "),
Pair("sports", "Sports "),
Pair("supernatural", "Supernatural "),
Pair("tragedy", "Tragedy "),
Pair("webtoons", "Webtoons "),
Pair("yaoi", "Yaoi "),
Pair("yuri", "Yuri ")
// Preferences Code
override fun setupPreferenceScreen(screen: PreferenceScreen) {
val popularmangapref = ListPreference(screen.context).apply {
key = BROWSE_PREF_Title
title = BROWSE_PREF_Title
entries = arrayOf("Weekly", "All Time")
entryValues = arrayOf("popular", "popular-alltime")
summary = "%s"
setOnPreferenceChangeListener { _, newValue ->
val selected = newValue as String
val index = this.findIndexOfValue(selected)
val entry = entryValues.get(index) as String
preferences.edit().putString(BROWSE_PREF, entry).commit()
val latestmangapref = ListPreference(screen.context).apply {
key = LATEST_PREF_Title
title = LATEST_PREF_Title
entries = arrayOf("Popular Updates", "All Updates")
entryValues = arrayOf("latest", "all-updates/latest")
summary = "%s"
setOnPreferenceChangeListener { _, newValue ->
val selected = newValue as String
val index = this.findIndexOfValue(selected)
val entry = entryValues.get(index) as String
preferences.edit().putString(LATEST_PREF, entry).commit()
private fun getpoppref() = preferences.getString(BROWSE_PREF, "popular")
private fun getlastestpref() = preferences.getString(LATEST_PREF, "latest")
companion object {
private const val LATEST_PREF_Title = "Latest Manga Selector"
private const val LATEST_PREF = "latestmangaurl"
private const val BROWSE_PREF_Title = "Popular Manga Selector"
private const val BROWSE_PREF = "popularmangaurl"
Reference in New Issue