203 lines
5.9 KiB
203 lines
5.9 KiB
import os
import requests
import json
videoFolder = "public/videos/"
urlGraphQL = ""
accessToken = ""
def booleanToString(bool):
return "true" if bool else "false"
def query(query, variables={}, operationName=None):
data = {
"query": query,
"variables": variables,
if operationName:
data["operationName"] = operationName
command = []
command += ["curl --request POST -s"]
command += ["--url " + urlGraphQL]
command += ["--header 'Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken + "'"]
command += ["--header 'Content-Type: application/json'"]
command += ["--data '" + json.dumps(data) + "'"]
command = " ".join(command)
# print(command)
ret = os.popen(command)
return ret.read()
with open(".env.local", "r") as configFile:
for line in configFile.readlines():
if line.startswith("URL_GRAPHQL="):
urlGraphQL = line[len("URL_GRAPHQL="):-1]
elif line.startswith("ACCESS_TOKEN="):
accessToken = line[len("ACCESS_TOKEN="):-1]
data = {}
previousUid = ""
for file in sorted(os.listdir(videoFolder)):
uid = file.split(".")[0]
extension = file.split(".")[1:]
if uid != previousUid:
previousUid = uid
data[uid] = {
"thumbnail": False,
"video": False,
"info": False,
"live_chat": False,
"gone": False,
"title": "",
"description": "",
"published_date": {
"year": 1970,
"month": 0,
"day": 0
"channel": {
"uid": "",
"title": "",
"subscribers": ""
"categories": [],
"views": 0,
"likes": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"duration": 0,
"audio_languages": [],
"subs_languages": [],
"source": "YouTube"
if len(extension) == 0:
print("Unexpected file", file)
elif len(extension) == 1:
if extension[0] == "webp":
data[uid]["thumbnail"] = True
elif extension[0] == "mp4":
data[uid]["video"] = True
print("Unexpected file", file)
elif len(extension) == 2:
if extension[0] == "info" and extension[1] == "json":
data[uid]["info"] = True
elif extension[0] == "live_chat" and extension[1] == "json":
data[uid]["live_chat"] = True
elif extension[1] == "vtt":
data[uid]["subs_languages"] += [extension[0]]
print("Unexpected file", file)
for uid in data:
archive = data[uid]
if not archive["thumbnail"]:
print("Missing thumbnail for", uid)
if not archive["video"]:
print("Missing video for", uid)
if not archive["info"]:
print("Missing info for", uid)
with open(videoFolder + uid + ".info.json", "r") as jsonFile:
info = json.loads(jsonFile.read())
archive["title"] = info["title"].replace("'", "’")
archive["description"] = info["description"].replace("'", "’")
archive["views"] = info["view_count"]
archive["likes"] = info["like_count"] if "like_count" in info else 0
archive["width"] = info["width"]
archive["height"] = info["height"]
archive["duration"] = info["duration"]
archive["published_date"]["year"] = int(info["upload_date"][:4])
archive["published_date"]["month"] = int(info["upload_date"][4:6])
archive["published_date"]["day"] = int(info["upload_date"][6:8])
archive["channel"]["uid"] = info["channel_id"]
archive["channel"]["title"] = info["channel"]
archive["channel"]["subscribers"] = info["channel_follower_count"] if "channel_follower_count" in info else 0
# Create the Channel
createVideoChannel = '''
mutation {
data: {
uid: "''' + archive["channel"]["uid"] + '''"
title: "''' + archive["channel"]["title"] + '''"
subscribers: ''' + str(archive["channel"]["subscribers"]) + '''
) {
data {
query(createVideoChannel, {}, "")
# Retrieve Channel ID
getVideoChannel = '''
query getVideoChannel($uid: String) {
videoChannels(filters: { uid: { eq: $uid } }) {
data {
res = query(getVideoChannel, {
"uid": archive["channel"]["uid"]}, "getVideoChannel")
res = json.loads(res)
channelId = res["data"]["videoChannels"]["data"][0]["id"]
# Create Video
createVideo = \
mutation {
createVideo(data: {
uid: "''' + uid + '''"
title: ''' + json.dumps(archive["title"]) + '''
published_date: {
year: ''' + str(archive["published_date"]["year"]) + '''
month: ''' + str(archive["published_date"]["month"]) + '''
day: ''' + str(archive["published_date"]["day"]) + '''
channel: ''' + channelId + '''
views: ''' + str(archive["views"]) + '''
likes: ''' + str(archive["likes"]) + '''
width: ''' + str(archive["width"]) + '''
height: ''' + str(archive["height"]) + '''
duration: ''' + str(archive["duration"]) + '''
source: ''' + archive["source"] + '''
gone: ''' + booleanToString(archive["gone"]) + '''
live_chat: ''' + booleanToString(archive["live_chat"]) + '''
description: ''' + json.dumps(archive["description"]) + '''
}) {
data {
# print(createVideo)
res = query(createVideo)
if ("This attribute must be unique" not in res):
print(uid, res)
# exit()