163 lines
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163 lines
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import datetime
import re
from sqlalchemy import func
from szurubooru import config, db, errors
from szurubooru.func import auth, util, files, images
class UserNotFoundError(errors.NotFoundError): pass
class UserAlreadyExistsError(errors.ValidationError): pass
class InvalidUserNameError(errors.ValidationError): pass
class InvalidEmailError(errors.ValidationError): pass
class InvalidPasswordError(errors.ValidationError): pass
class InvalidRankError(errors.ValidationError): pass
class InvalidAvatarError(errors.ValidationError): pass
def serialize_user(user, authenticated_user, force_show_email=False):
if not user:
return {}
ret = {
'name': user.name,
'rank': user.rank,
'rankName': config.config['rank_names'].get(user.rank, 'Unknown'),
'creationTime': user.creation_time,
'lastLoginTime': user.last_login_time,
'avatarStyle': user.avatar_style,
'email': user.email,
if user.avatar_style == user.AVATAR_GRAVATAR:
ret['avatarUrl'] = 'http://gravatar.com/avatar/%s?d=retro&s=%d' % (
util.get_md5((user.email or user.name).lower()),
ret['avatarUrl'] = '%s/avatars/%s.jpg' % (
config.config['data_url'].rstrip('/'), user.name.lower())
if authenticated_user.user_id != user.user_id \
and not force_show_email \
and not auth.has_privilege(authenticated_user, 'users:edit:any:email'):
del ret['email']
return ret
def serialize_user_with_details(user, authenticated_user, **kwargs):
return {'user': serialize_user(user, authenticated_user, **kwargs)}
def get_user_count():
return db.session.query(db.User).count()
def try_get_user_by_name(name):
return db.session \
.query(db.User) \
.filter(func.lower(db.User.name) == func.lower(name)) \
def get_user_by_name(name):
user = try_get_user_by_name(name)
if not user:
raise UserNotFoundError('User %r not found.' % name)
return user
def try_get_user_by_name_or_email(name_or_email):
return db.session \
.query(db.User) \
(func.lower(db.User.name) == func.lower(name_or_email))
| (func.lower(db.User.email) == func.lower(name_or_email))) \
def get_user_by_name_or_email(name_or_email):
user = try_get_user_by_name_or_email(name_or_email)
if not user:
raise UserNotFoundError('User %r not found.' % name_or_email)
return user
def create_user(name, password, email, auth_user):
user = db.User()
update_user_name(user, name, auth_user)
update_user_password(user, password)
update_user_email(user, email)
if get_user_count() > 0:
user.rank = config.config['default_rank']
user.rank = 'admin'
user.creation_time = datetime.datetime.now()
user.avatar_style = db.User.AVATAR_GRAVATAR
return user
def update_user_name(user, name, auth_user):
if not name:
raise InvalidUserNameError('Name cannot be empty.')
if util.value_exceeds_column_size(name, db.User.name):
raise InvalidUserNameError('User name is too long.')
other_user = try_get_user_by_name(name)
if other_user and other_user.user_id != auth_user.user_id:
raise UserAlreadyExistsError('User %r already exists.' % name)
name = name.strip()
name_regex = config.config['user_name_regex']
if not re.match(name_regex, name):
raise InvalidUserNameError(
'User name %r must satisfy regex %r.' % (name, name_regex))
user.name = name
def update_user_password(user, password):
if not password:
raise InvalidPasswordError('Password cannot be empty.')
password_regex = config.config['password_regex']
if not re.match(password_regex, password):
raise InvalidPasswordError(
'Password must satisfy regex %r.' % password_regex)
user.password_salt = auth.create_password()
user.password_hash = auth.get_password_hash(user.password_salt, password)
def update_user_email(user, email):
if email:
email = email.strip()
if not email:
email = None
if email and util.value_exceeds_column_size(email, db.User.email):
raise InvalidEmailError('Email is too long.')
if not util.is_valid_email(email):
raise InvalidEmailError('E-mail is invalid.')
user.email = email
def update_user_rank(user, rank, authenticated_user):
if not rank:
raise InvalidRankError('Rank cannot be empty.')
rank = rank.strip()
available_ranks = config.config['ranks']
if not rank in available_ranks:
raise InvalidRankError(
'Rank %r is invalid. Valid ranks: %r' % (rank, available_ranks))
if available_ranks.index(authenticated_user.rank) \
< available_ranks.index(rank) and get_user_count() > 0:
raise errors.AuthError('Trying to set higher rank than your own.')
user.rank = rank
def update_user_avatar(user, avatar_style, avatar_content):
if avatar_style == 'gravatar':
user.avatar_style = user.AVATAR_GRAVATAR
elif avatar_style == 'manual':
user.avatar_style = user.AVATAR_MANUAL
if not avatar_content:
raise InvalidAvatarError('Avatar content missing.')
image = images.Image(avatar_content)
files.save('avatars/' + user.name.lower() + '.jpg', image.to_jpeg())
raise InvalidAvatarError(
'Avatar style %r is invalid. Valid avatar styles: %r.' % (
avatar_style, ['gravatar', 'manual']))
def bump_user_login_time(user):
user.last_login_time = datetime.datetime.now()
def reset_user_password(user):
password = auth.create_password()
user.password_salt = auth.create_password()
user.password_hash = auth.get_password_hash(user.password_salt, password)
return password