215 lines
6.8 KiB
215 lines
6.8 KiB
from typing import List
import logging
import json
import shlex
import subprocess
import math
import re
from szurubooru import errors
from szurubooru.func import mime, util
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Image:
def __init__(self, content: bytes) -> None:
self.content = content
def width(self) -> int:
return self.info['streams'][0]['width']
def height(self) -> int:
return self.info['streams'][0]['height']
def frames(self) -> int:
return self.info['streams'][0]['nb_read_frames']
def resize_fill(self, width: int, height: int) -> None:
width_greater = self.width > self.height
width, height = (-1, height) if width_greater else (width, -1)
cli = [
'-i', '{path}',
'-f', 'image2',
'-filter:v', "scale='{width}:{height}'".format(
width=width, height=height),
'-map', '0:v:0',
'-vframes', '1',
'-vcodec', 'png',
if 'duration' in self.info['format'] \
and self.info['format']['format_name'] != 'swf':
duration = float(self.info['format']['duration'])
if duration > 3:
cli = [
'%d' % math.floor(duration * 0.3),
] + cli
content = self._execute(cli, ignore_error_if_data=True)
if not content:
raise errors.ProcessingError('Error while resizing image.')
self.content = content
def to_png(self) -> bytes:
return self._execute([
'-i', '{path}',
'-f', 'image2',
'-map', '0:v:0',
'-vframes', '1',
'-vcodec', 'png',
def to_jpeg(self) -> bytes:
return self._execute([
'-f', 'lavfi',
'-i', 'color=white:s=%dx%d' % (self.width, self.height),
'-i', '{path}',
'-f', 'image2',
'-filter_complex', 'overlay',
'-map', '0:v:0',
'-vframes', '1',
'-vcodec', 'mjpeg',
def to_webm(self) -> bytes:
with util.create_temp_file_path(suffix='.log') as phase_log_path:
# Pass 1
'-i', '{path}',
'-pass', '1',
'-passlogfile', phase_log_path,
'-vcodec', 'libvpx-vp9',
'-crf', '4',
'-b:v', '2500K',
'-acodec', 'libvorbis',
'-f', 'webm',
'-y', '/dev/null'
# Pass 2
return self._execute([
'-i', '{path}',
'-pass', '2',
'-passlogfile', phase_log_path,
'-vcodec', 'libvpx-vp9',
'-crf', '4',
'-b:v', '2500K',
'-acodec', 'libvorbis',
'-f', 'webm',
def to_mp4(self) -> bytes:
with util.create_temp_file_path(suffix='.dat') as mp4_temp_path:
width = self.width
height = self.height
altered_dimensions = False
if self.width % 2 != 0:
width = self.width - 1
altered_dimensions = True
if self.height % 2 != 0:
height = self.height - 1
altered_dimensions = True
args = [
'-i', '{path}',
'-vcodec', 'libx264',
'-preset', 'slow',
'-crf', '22',
'-b:v', '200K',
'-profile:v', 'main',
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
'-acodec', 'aac',
'-f', 'mp4'
if altered_dimensions:
args += ['-filter:v', 'scale=\'%d:%d\'' % (width, height)]
self._execute(args + ['-y', mp4_temp_path])
with open(mp4_temp_path, 'rb') as mp4_temp:
return mp4_temp.read()
def check_for_sound(self) -> bool:
audioinfo = json.loads(self._execute([
'-i', '{path}',
'-of', 'json',
'-select_streams', 'a',
], program='ffprobe').decode('utf-8'))
assert 'streams' in audioinfo
if len(audioinfo['streams']) < 1:
return False
log = self._execute([
'-i', '{path}',
'-af', 'volumedetect',
'-f', 'null',
'-y', '/dev/null',
], get_logs=True).decode('utf-8')
log_match = re.search(r'.*volumedetect.*mean_volume: (.*) dB', log)
assert log_match
assert log_match.groups()
meanvol = float(log_match.groups()[0])
# -91.0 dB is the minimum for 16-bit audio, assume sound if > -80.0 dB
return meanvol > -80.0
def _execute(
cli: List[str],
program: str = 'ffmpeg',
ignore_error_if_data: bool = False,
get_logs: bool = False) -> bytes:
extension = mime.get_extension(mime.get_mime_type(self.content))
assert extension
with util.create_temp_file(suffix='.' + extension) as handle:
cli = [program, '-loglevel', '32' if get_logs else '24'] + cli
cli = [part.format(path=handle.name) for part in cli]
proc = subprocess.Popen(
out, err = proc.communicate(input=self.content)
if proc.returncode != 0:
'Failed to execute ffmpeg command (cli=%r, err=%r)',
' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in cli),
if ((len(out) > 0 and not ignore_error_if_data)
or len(out) == 0):
raise errors.ProcessingError(
'Error while processing image.\n'
+ err.decode('utf-8'))
return err if get_logs else out
def _reload_info(self) -> None:
self.info = json.loads(self._execute([
'-i', '{path}',
'-of', 'json',
'-select_streams', 'v',
], program='ffprobe').decode('utf-8'))
assert 'format' in self.info
assert 'streams' in self.info
if len(self.info['streams']) < 1:
logger.warning('The video contains no video streams.')
raise errors.ProcessingError(
'The video contains no video streams.')