88 lines
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88 lines
2.8 KiB
''' Exports create_app. '''
import os
import logging
import coloredlogs
from szurubooru import config, errors, rest
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from szurubooru import api, middleware
def _on_auth_error(ex):
raise rest.errors.HttpForbidden(
title='Authentication error', description=str(ex))
def _on_validation_error(ex):
raise rest.errors.HttpBadRequest(
title='Validation error', description=str(ex))
def _on_search_error(ex):
raise rest.errors.HttpBadRequest(
title='Search error', description=str(ex))
def _on_integrity_error(ex):
raise rest.errors.HttpConflict(
title='Integrity violation', description=ex.args[0])
def _on_not_found_error(ex):
raise rest.errors.HttpNotFound(
title='Not found', description=str(ex))
def _on_processing_error(ex):
raise rest.errors.HttpBadRequest(
title='Processing error', description=str(ex))
def validate_config():
Check whether config doesn't contain errors that might prove
lethal at runtime.
from szurubooru.func.auth import RANK_MAP
for privilege, rank in config.config['privileges'].items():
if rank not in RANK_MAP.values():
raise errors.ConfigError(
'Rank %r for privilege %r is missing' % (rank, privilege))
if config.config['default_rank'] not in RANK_MAP.values():
raise errors.ConfigError(
'Default rank %r is not on the list of known ranks' % (
for key in ['base_url', 'api_url', 'data_url', 'data_dir']:
if not config.config[key]:
raise errors.ConfigError(
'Service is not configured: %r is missing' % key)
if not os.path.isabs(config.config['data_dir']):
raise errors.ConfigError(
'data_dir must be an absolute path')
for key in ['schema', 'host', 'port', 'user', 'pass', 'name']:
if not config.config['database'][key]:
raise errors.ConfigError(
'Database is not configured: %r is missing' % key)
def create_app():
''' Create a WSGI compatible App object. '''
coloredlogs.install(fmt='[%(asctime)-15s] %(name)s %(message)s')
if config.config['debug']:
if config.config['show_sql']:
rest.errors.handle(errors.AuthError, _on_auth_error)
rest.errors.handle(errors.ValidationError, _on_validation_error)
rest.errors.handle(errors.SearchError, _on_search_error)
rest.errors.handle(errors.IntegrityError, _on_integrity_error)
rest.errors.handle(errors.NotFoundError, _on_not_found_error)
rest.errors.handle(errors.ProcessingError, _on_processing_error)
return rest.application