- Added type hinting (for now, 3.5-compatible)
- Split `db` namespace into `db` module and `model` namespace
- Changed elastic search to be created lazily for each operation
- Changed to class based approach in entity serialization to allow
stronger typing
- Removed `required` argument from `context.get_*` family of functions;
now it's implied if `default` argument is omitted
- Changed `unalias_dict` implementation to use less magic inputs
In the post list, when we navigate to the page with ">" button, we
navigate to older posts.
In the post view, when we navigate to the page with ">" button, we
navigate to older posts as well.
However, in the post list, the ">" button is called "next page".
At the same time, in the post view, the ">" button was called "previous
post". Now it's called "next post".
The difference isn't visible to normal users nor even API consumers as
the "get posts around post X" request isn't documented.
The change is motivated not only by consistency, but to also improve
compatibility with Vimperator's `[[` and `]]`. Vimperator assumes the
word "next" refers to ">" and the word "previous" refers to "<".
Let range criteria (values that contain ..) that end up being used as
strings, to be used as if they were simple criteria. So let the user
search for "when_you_see_it..." and don't throw a warning.
miko -miko
is a contradiction that shouldn't have been returning any matches, but
it has nonetheless. This change fixes the construction of negated
expressions that use subqueries.
Using sqlalchemy's subqueryload to fetch tags works like this:
1. Get basic info about posts with query X
2. Copy query X
3. SELECT all tags WHERE post_id IN (SELECT post_ids FROM query X)
4. Associate the resulting tags with the posts
When original query contains .order_by(func.random()), it looks like
1. SELECT post.* FROM post ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10
2. Copy "ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10"
3. SELECT tag.* FROM tag WHERE tag.post_id IN (
SELECT id FROM post ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10)
4. Disaster! Each post now has completely arbitrary tags!
To circumvent this, we replace eager loading with lazy loading. This
generates one extra query for each result row, but it has no chance of
producing such anomalies. This behavior is activated only for
queries containing "sort:random" and derivatives so it shouldn't hit
performance too much.
Ignored only the rules about continuing / hanging indentation.
Also, added __init__.py to tests so that pylint discovers them. (I don't
buy pytest's BS about installing your package.)
On a test page with 50 tags, 158 queries were reduced to 3:
1. Get the authenticated user
2. Get tags for given page
3. Count all tags
Looks just about right.