plugins { id("") kotlin("android") id("kotlinx-serialization") } android { compileSdk = AndroidConfig.compileSdk defaultConfig { minSdk = 29 targetSdk = AndroidConfig.targetSdk } namespace = "eu.kanade.tachiyomi.lib.themesources" kotlinOptions { freeCompilerArgs += "-opt-in=kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi" } } repositories { mavenCentral() } configurations { compileOnly { isCanBeResolved = true } } dependencies { compileOnly(libs.bundles.common) // Implements all :lib libraries on the multisrc generator // Note that this does not mean that generated sources are going to // implement them too; this is just to be able to compile and generate sources. rootProject.subprojects .filter { it.path.startsWith(":lib") } .forEach(::implementation) } tasks { register<JavaExec>("generateExtensions") { classpath = configurations.compileOnly.get() + configurations.androidApis.get() + // android.jar path files("$buildDir/intermediates/aar_main_jar/debug/classes.jar") // jar made from this module mainClass.set("generator.GeneratorMainKt") workingDir = workingDir.parentFile // project root errorOutput = System.out // for GitHub workflow commands if (!logger.isInfoEnabled) { standardOutput = } dependsOn("ktLint", "assembleDebug") } register<org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.LintTask>("ktLint") { if (project.hasProperty("theme")) { val theme ="theme") source(files("src/main/java/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/multisrc/$theme", "overrides/$theme")) return@register } source(files("src", "overrides")) } register<org.jmailen.gradle.kotlinter.tasks.FormatTask>("ktFormat") { if (project.hasProperty("theme")) { val theme ="theme") source(files("src/main/java/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/multisrc/$theme", "overrides/$theme")) return@register } source(files("src", "overrides")) } }