name: Issue closer on: issues: types: [opened, edited, reopened] jobs: autoclose: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Autoclose issues uses: arkon/issue-closer-action@v3.4 with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ignoreLabel: do-not-autoclose rules: | [ { "type": "body", "regex": ".*DELETE THIS SECTION IF YOU HAVE READ AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT.*", "message": "The acknowledgment section was not removed." }, { "type": "body", "regex": ".*\\* (Tachiyomi version|Android version|Device): \\?.*", "message": "Requested information in the template was not filled out." }, { "type": "title", "regex": ".*(Source name|Short description).*", "message": "You did not fill out the description in the title" }, { "type": "both", "regex": ".*(mangago|mangafox|hq\\s*dragon|manga\\s*host|supermangas|superhentais|union\\s*mangas|yes\\s*mangas|manhuascan|heroscan|manhwahot).*", "ignoreCase": true, "message": "{match} will not be added back as it is too difficult to maintain. Read #3475 for more information" }, { "type": "both", "regex": ".*(teamx|tqneplus|manga\\s*disk|komiktap|gourmet\\s*scans|manga\\s*crimson|mangawow|voidscans|hikari\\s*scans|mangagegecesi|piedpiperfb|knightnoscanlations|ahstudios|mangagecesi).*", "ignoreCase": true, "message": "{match} will not be added back as the Scanlator team has requested it to be removed. Read #3475 for more information" } ]