# Contributing ## Prerequisites Before you start, please note that the ability to use following technologies is **required** and that existing contributors will not actively teach them to you. - Basic [Android development](https://developer.android.com/) - [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/) - Web scraping - [HTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML) - [CSS selectors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors) - [OkHttp](https://square.github.io/okhttp/) - [JSoup](https://jsoup.org/) ### Tools - [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio) - Emulator or phone with developer options enabled and a recent version of Tachiyomi installed ## Getting help - Join [the Discord server](https://discord.gg/tachiyomi) for online help and to ask questions while developing your extension. - There are some features and tricks that are not explored in this document. Refer to existing extension code for examples. ## Writing an extension The quickest way to get started is to copy an existing extension's folder structure and renaming it as needed. We also recommend reading through a few existing extensions' code before you start. ### Setting up a new Gradle module Each extension should reside in `src/<lang>/<mysourcename>`. Use `all` as `<lang>` if your target source supports multiple languages or if it could support multiple sources. #### Extension file structure The simplest extension structure looks like this: ```console $ tree src/<lang>/<mysourcename>/ src/<lang>/<mysourcename>/ ├── AndroidManifest.xml ├── build.gradle ├── res │ ├── mipmap-hdpi │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ ├── mipmap-mdpi │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ ├── mipmap-xhdpi │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ ├── mipmap-xxhdpi │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ ├── mipmap-xxxhdpi │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ └── web_hi_res_512.png └── src └── eu └── kanade └── tachiyomi └── extension └── <lang> └── <mysourcename> └── <MySourceName>.kt 13 directories, 9 files ``` #### AndroidManifest.xml A minimal [Android manifest file](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro) is needed for Android to recognize a extension when it's compiled into an APK file. You can also add intent filters inside this file (see [URL intent filter](#url-intent-filter) for more information). #### build.gradle Make sure that your new extension's `build.gradle` file follows the following structure: ```gradle apply plugin: 'com.android.application' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' ext { extName = '<My source name>' pkgNameSuffix = '<lang>.<mysourcename>' extClass = '.<MySourceName>' extVersionCode = 1 libVersion = '1.2' containsNsfw = true } apply from: "$rootDir/common.gradle" ``` | Field | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | `extName` | The name of the extension. | | `pkgNameSuffix` | A unique suffix added to `eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension`. The language and the site name should be enough. Remember your extension code implementation must be placed in this package. | | `extClass` | Points to the class that implements `Source`. You can use a relative path starting with a dot (the package name is the base path). This is used to find and instantiate the source(s). | | `extVersionCode` | The extension version code. This must be a positive integer and incremented with any change to the code. | | `libVersion` | The version of the [extensions library](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/extensions-lib) used. | | `containsNsfw` | (Optional, defaults to `false`) Flag to indicate that a source contains NSFW content. | The extension's version name is generated automatically by concatenating `libVersion` and `extVersionCode`. With the example used above, the version would be `1.2.1`. ### Core dependencies #### Extension API Extensions rely on [extensions-lib](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/extensions-lib), which provides some interfaces and stubs from the [app](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi) for compilation purposes. The actual implementations can be found [here](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/tree/master/app/src/main/java/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/source). Referencing the actual implementation will help with understanding extensions' call flow. #### Duktape stub [`duktape-stub`](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/tree/master/lib/duktape-stub) provides stubs for using Duktape functionality without pulling in the full library. Functionality is bundled into the main Tachiyomi app. ```gradle dependencies { compileOnly project(':duktape-stub') } ``` #### Rate limiting library [`lib-ratelimit`](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/tree/master/lib/ratelimit) is a library for adding rate limiting functionality as an [OkHttp interceptor](https://square.github.io/okhttp/interceptors/). ```gradle dependencies { implementation project(':lib-ratelimit') } ``` #### DataImage library [`lib-dataimage`](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/tree/master/lib/dataimage) is a library for handling [base 64 encoded image data](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URIs) using an [OkHttp interceptor](https://square.github.io/okhttp/interceptors/). ```gradle dependencies { implementation project(':lib-dataimage') } ``` #### Additional dependencies You may find yourself needing additional functionality and wanting to add more dependencies to your `build.gradle` file. Since extensions are run within the main Tachiyomi app, you can make use of [its dependencies](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/blob/master/app/build.gradle). For example, an extension that needs Gson could add the following: ```gradle dependencies { compileOnly 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.2' } ``` (Note that Gson, and several other dependencies, are already exposed to all extensions via `common.gradle`.) Notice that we're using `compileOnly` instead of `implementation`, since the app already contains it. You could use `implementation` instead for a new dependency, or you prefer not to rely on whatever the main app has at the expense of app size. Note that using `compileOnly` restricts you to versions that must be compatible with those used in [Tachiyomi v0.8.5+](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/blob/82141cec6e612885fef4fa70092e29e99d60adbb/app/build.gradle#L104) for proper backwards compatibility. ### Extension main class The class which is refrenced and defined by `extClass` in `build.gradle`. This class should implement either `SourceFactory` or extend one of the `Source` implementations: `HttpSource` or `ParsedHttpSource`. | Class | Description | | ----- | ----------- | |`SourceFactory`| Used to expose multiple `Source`s. Use this in case of a source that supports multiple languages or mirrors of the same website. For similar websites use [theme sources](#multi-source-themes). | | `HttpSource`| For online source, where requests are made using HTTP. | | `ParsedHttpSource`| Similar to `HttpSource`, but has methods useful for scraping pages. | #### Main class key variables | Field | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | `name` | Name displayed in the "Sources" tab in Tachiyomi. | | `baseUrl` | Base URL of the source without any trailing slashes. | | `lang` | An ISO 639-1 compliant language code (two letters in lower case). | | `id` | Identifier of your source, automatically set in `HttpSource`. It should only be manually overriden if you need to copy an existing autogenerated ID. | ### Extension call flow #### Popular Manga a.k.a. the Browse source entry point in the app (invoked by tapping on the source name). - The app calls `fetchPopularManga` which should return a `MangasPage` containing the first batch of found `SManga` entries. - This method supports pagination. When user scrolls the manga list and more results must be fetched, the app calls it again with increasing `page` values(starting with `page=1`). This continues until `MangasPage.hasNextPage` is passed as `true` and `MangasPage.mangas` is not empty. - To show the list properly, the app needs `url`, `title` and `thumbnail_url`. You must set them here. The rest of the fields could be filled later.(refer to Manga Details below) - You should set `thumbnail_url` if is available, if not, `fetchMangaDetails` will be **immediately** called.(this will increase network calls heavily and should be avoided) #### Latest Manga a.k.a. the Latest source entry point in the app (invoked by tapping on the "Latest" button beside the source name). - Enabled if `supportsLatest` is `true` for a source - Similar to popular manga, but should be fetching the latest entries from a source. #### Manga Search - When the user searches inside the app, `fetchSearchManga` will be called and the rest of the flow is similar to what happens with `fetchPopularManga`. - If search functionality is not available, return `Observable.just(MangasPage(emptyList(), false))` - `getFilterList` will be called to get all filters and filter types. **TODO: explain more about `Filter`** #### Manga Details - When user taps on a manga, `fetchMangaDetails` and `fetchChapterList` will be called and the results will be cached. - A `SManga` entry is identified by it's `url`. - `fetchMangaDetails` is called to update a manga's details from when it was initialized earlier. - `SManga.initialized` tells the app if it should call `fetchMangaDetails`. If you are overriding `fetchMangaDetails`, make sure to pass it as `true`. - `SManga.genre` is a string containing list of all genres separated with `", "`. - `SManga.status` is an "enum" value. Refer to [the values in the `SManga` companion object](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/extensions-lib/blob/9733fcf8d7708ce1ef24b6c242c47d67ac60b045/library/src/main/java/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/source/model/SManga.kt#L24-L27). - During a backup, only `url` and `title` are stored. To restore the rest of the manga data, the app calls `fetchMangaDetails`, so all fields should be (re)filled in if possible. - If a `SManga` is cached `fetchMangaDetails` will be only called when the user does a manual update(Swipe-to-Refresh). - `fetchChapterList` is called to display the chapter list. - The list should be sorted descending by the source order. - If `Page.imageUrl`s are available immediately, you should pass them here. Otherwise, you should set `page.url` to a page that contains them and override `imageUrlParse` to fill those `imageUrl`s. #### Chapter - After a chapter list for the manga is fetched and the app is going to cache the data, `prepareNewChapter` will be called. - `SChapter.date_upload` is the [UNIX Epoch time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) **expressed in miliseconds**. - If you don't pass `SChapter.date_upload`, the user won't get notifications for new chapters. refer to [this issue](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi/issues/2089) for more info. `System.currentTimeMillis()` works as a substitute when real data is not available. #### Chapter Pages - When user opens a chapter, `fetchPageList` will be called and it will return a list of `Page`s. - While a chapter is open in the reader or is being downloaded, `fetchImageUrl` will be called to get URLs for each page of the manga. - Chapter pages numbers start from `0`. ### Misc notes - Sometimes you may find no use for some inherited methods. If so just override them and throw exceptions: `throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not used.")` - You probably will find `getUrlWithoutDomain` useful when parsing the target source URLs. - If possible try to stick to the general workflow from `HttpSource`/`ParsedHttpSource`; breaking them may cause you more headache than necessary. - By implementing `ConfigurableSource` you can add settings to your source, which is backed by [`SharedPreferences`](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/SharedPreferences). ### Advanced Extension features #### URL intent filter Extensions can define URL intent filters by defining it inside a custom `AndroidManifest.xml` file. For an example, refer to [the NHentai module's `AndroidManifest.xml` file](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/blob/master/src/all/nhentai/AndroidManifest.xml) and [its corresponding `NHUrlActivity` handler](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/blob/master/src/all/nhentai/src/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/extension/all/nhentai/NHUrlActivity.kt). ## Multi-source themes The `multisrc` module houses source code for generating extensions for cases where multiple source sites use the same site generator tool(usually a CMS) for bootsraping their website and this makes them similar enough to prompt code reuse through inheritance/composition; which from now on we will use the general **theme** term to refer to. This module contains the *default implementation* for each theme and definitions for each source that builds upon that default implementation and also it's overrides upon that default implementation, all of this becomes a set of source code which then is used to generate individual extensions from. ### The directory structure ```console $ tree multisrc multisrc ├── build.gradle.kts ├── overrides │ └── <themepkg> │ ├── default │ │ ├── additional.gradle.kts │ │ └── res │ │ ├── mipmap-hdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-mdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-xhdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-xxhdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-xxxhdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ └── web_hi_res_512.png │ └── <sourcepkg> │ ├── additional.gradle.kts │ ├── AndroidManifest.xml │ ├── res │ │ ├── mipmap-hdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-mdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-xhdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-xxhdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ ├── mipmap-xxxhdpi │ │ │ └── ic_launcher.png │ │ └── web_hi_res_512.png │ └── src │ └── <SourceName>.kt └── src └── main ├── AndroidManifest.xml └── java ├── eu │ └── kanade │ └── tachiyomi │ └── multisrc │ └── <themepkg> │ ├── <ThemeName>Generator.kt │ └── <ThemeName>.kt └── generator ├── GeneratorMain.kt ├── IntelijConfigurationGeneratorMain.kt └── ThemeSourceGenerator.kt ``` - `multisrc/src/main/java/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/multisrc/<themepkg>/<Theme>.kt` defines the the theme's default implementation. - `multisrc/src/main/java/eu/kanade/tachiyomi/multisrc/<theme>/<Theme>Generator.kt` defines the the theme's generator class, this is similar to a `SourceFactory` class. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/default/res` is the theme's default icons, if a source doesn't have overrides for `res`, then default icons will be used. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/default/additional.gradle.kts` defines additional gradle code, this will be copied at the end of all generated sources from this theme. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/<sourcepkg>` contains overrides for a source that is defined inside the `<Theme>Generator.kt` class. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/<sourcepkg>/src` contains source overrides. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/<sourcepkg>/res` contains override for icons. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/<sourcepkg>/additional.gradle.kts` defines additional gradle code, this will be copied at the end of the generated gradle file below the theme's `additional.gradle.kts`. - `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/<sourcepkg>/AndroidManifest.xml` is copied as an override to the default `AndroidManifest.xml` generation if it exists. ### Development workflow There are three steps in running and testing a theme source: 1. Generate the sources - **Option 1: Only generate sources from one theme** - **Method 1:** Find and run `<ThemeName>Generator` run configuration form the `Run/Debug Configuration` menu. - **Method 2:** Directly run `<themepkg>.<ThemeName>Generator.main` by pressing the play button in front of the method shown inside Android Studio's Code Editor to generate sources from the said theme. - **Option 2: Generate sources from all themes** - **Method 1:** Run `./gradlew multisrc:generateExtensions` from a terminal window to generate all sources. - **Method 2:** Directly run `Generator.GeneratorMain.main` by pressing the play button in front of the method shown inside Android Studio's Code Editor to generate all sources. - 2. Sync gradle to import the new generated sources inside `generated-src` - **Method 1:** Android Studio might prompt to sync the gradle. Click on `Sync Now`. - **Method 2:** Manually re-sync by opening `File` -> `Sync Project with Gradle Files` or by pressing `Alt+f` then `g`. 3. Build and test the generated Extention like normal `src` sources. - It's recommended to make changes here to skip going through step 1 and 2 multiple times, and when you are done, copying the changes back to `multisrc`. ### Scaffolding overrides You can use this python script to generate scaffolds for source overrides. Put it inside `multisrc/overrides/<themepkg>/` as `scaffold.py`. ```python import os, sys from pathlib import Path theme = Path(os.getcwd()).parts[-1] print(f"Detected theme: {theme}") if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Must be called with a class name and lang, for Example 'python scaffold.py LeviatanScans en'") exit(-1) source = sys.argv[1] package = source.lower() lang = sys.argv[2] print(f"working on {source} with lang {lang}") os.makedirs(f"{package}/src") os.makedirs(f"{package}/res") with open(f"{package}/src/{source}.kt", "w") as f: f.write(f"package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.{lang}.{package}\n\n") ``` ### Additional Notes - Generated sources extension version code is calculated as `baseVersionCode + overrideVersionCode + multisrcLibraryVersion`. - Currently `multisrcLibraryVersion` is `0` - When a new source is added, it doesn't need to set `overrideVersionCode` as it's default is `0`. - For each time a source changes in a way that should the version increase, `overrideVersionCode` should be increased by one. - When a theme's default implementation changes, `baseVersionCode` should be increased, the initial value should be `1`. - For example, for a new theme with a new source, extention version code will be `0 + 0 + 1 = 1`. ## Running To make local development more convenient, you can use the following run configuration to launch Tachiyomi directly at the Browse panel:  If you're running a Preview or debug build of Tachiyomi: ``` -W -S -n eu.kanade.tachiyomi.debug/eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.main.MainActivity -a eu.kanade.tachiyomi.SHOW_CATALOGUES ``` And for a release build of Tachiyomi: ``` -W -S -n eu.kanade.tachiyomi/eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.main.MainActivity -a eu.kanade.tachiyomi.SHOW_CATALOGUES ``` ## Debugging ### Android Debugger You can leverage the Android Debugger to step through your extension while debugging. You *cannot* simply use Android Studio's `Debug 'module.name'` -> this will most likely result in an error while launching. Instead, once you've built and installed your extension on the target device, use `Attach Debugger to Android Process` to start debugging Tachiyomi.  ### Logs You can also elect to simply rely on logs printed from your extension, which show up in the [`Logcat`](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/am-logcat) panel of Android Studio ## Building APKs can be created in Android Studio via `Build > Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) > Build APK(s)` or `Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK`.