# Accord's Library v3.0 ## Ongoing - [Analytics] Add analytics - [Tooltips] Tooltip in under next element (example in timeline) - [Language override] Maso actor is not focusable with keyboard nav ## Short term - [Timeline] Improve layout/spacing on mobile - Display if a content has a source language - [JSLess] Display if a content is available in more than one language - Number of audio players seems limited (on Chrome and Firefox) - [RichTextContent] Handle relationship - [Component] Make a metadata title component (combine with collectible custom info and table of content) - [RichTextContent] Add autolink block support ## Mid term - Save cookies for longer than just the session - [Timeline] Error if collectible not published? - [Timeline] display source language - [Timeline] Add details button in footer with credits + last updated / created - [Videos] see why no video on Firefox and no poster on Chrome https://v3.accords-library.com/en/videos/661b672825d380e548dbb8c8 - [Videos] Display platform info + channel page - [JSLess] Provide JS-less alternative for timeline card footers - [JSLess] Provide JS-less alternative for parent pages ## Long term - [WebManifest] Add shortcuts https://web.dev/patterns/web-apps/shortcuts - [PWA] Rich install UI https://web.dev/patterns/web-apps/richer-install-ui/ - Try using CSS instead of JS for parallax effect - More data caching between the CMS and Astro - [Folders] Support for nameless section - [Scripts] Can't run the scripts using node (ts-node?) - [Scans] Adapt size of obi based on cover/dustjacket - [Scans] Order of cover/dustjacket/obi should be based on the book's page order. - [Medias] Add Parent pages - Add proper localization for formatFilesize, formatInches, formatMillimeters, formatPounds, and formatGrams - [Timeline] Some filtering options (by source/languages) - The Chronicles - The Changelog - Grid view (all files) - Web archives - Contact page - About us page - Global search function - Consider official search plugin for payload https://payloadcms.com/docs/plugins/search - Convert Rich text to simple text for indexing and open graph purposes - Anonymous comments - [Images] add images group (which could be named or not) - [Recorders] add list of contributions on recorders' pages - Check if cache and prefetching can be used / should be used - Detect unused wording keys ## Bonus - Static HTML site export for archival - Secret Terminal mode