import datetime import sqlalchemy from szurubooru import config, db, errors from szurubooru.func import ( users, snapshots, scores, comments, tags, util, mime, images, files) EMPTY_PIXEL = \ b'\x47\x49\x46\x38\x39\x61\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00' \ b'\xff\xff\xff\x21\xf9\x04\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x2c\x00\x00\x00\x00' \ b'\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x4c\x01\x00\x3b' class PostNotFoundError(errors.NotFoundError): pass class PostAlreadyFeaturedError(errors.ValidationError): pass class PostAlreadyUploadedError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostIdError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostSafetyError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostSourceError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostContentError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostRelationError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostNoteError(errors.ValidationError): pass class InvalidPostFlagError(errors.ValidationError): pass SAFETY_MAP = { db.Post.SAFETY_SAFE: 'safe', db.Post.SAFETY_SKETCHY: 'sketchy', db.Post.SAFETY_UNSAFE: 'unsafe', } TYPE_MAP = { db.Post.TYPE_IMAGE: 'image', db.Post.TYPE_ANIMATION: 'animation', db.Post.TYPE_VIDEO: 'video', db.Post.TYPE_FLASH: 'flash', } FLAG_MAP = { db.Post.FLAG_LOOP: 'loop', } def get_post_content_url(post): assert post return '%s/posts/%d.%s' % ( config.config['data_url'].rstrip('/'), post.post_id, mime.get_extension(post.mime_type) or 'dat') def get_post_thumbnail_url(post): assert post return '%s/generated-thumbnails/%d.jpg' % ( config.config['data_url'].rstrip('/'), post.post_id) def get_post_content_path(post): assert post return 'posts/%d.%s' % ( post.post_id, mime.get_extension(post.mime_type) or 'dat') def get_post_thumbnail_path(post): assert post return 'generated-thumbnails/%d.jpg' % (post.post_id) def get_post_thumbnail_backup_path(post): assert post return 'posts/custom-thumbnails/%d.dat' % (post.post_id) def serialize_note(note): assert note return { 'polygon': note.polygon, 'text': note.text, } def serialize_post(post, auth_user, options=None): return util.serialize_entity( post, { 'id': lambda: post.post_id, 'version': lambda: post.version, 'creationTime': lambda: post.creation_time, 'lastEditTime': lambda: post.last_edit_time, 'safety': lambda: SAFETY_MAP[], 'source': lambda: post.source, 'type': lambda: TYPE_MAP[post.type], 'mimeType': lambda: post.mime_type, 'checksum': lambda: post.checksum, 'fileSize': lambda: post.file_size, 'canvasWidth': lambda: post.canvas_width, 'canvasHeight': lambda: post.canvas_height, 'contentUrl': lambda: get_post_content_url(post), 'thumbnailUrl': lambda: get_post_thumbnail_url(post), 'flags': lambda: post.flags, 'tags': lambda: [ tag.names[0].name for tag in tags.sort_tags(post.tags)], 'relations': lambda: sorted( { post['id']: post for post in [ serialize_micro_post(rel, auth_user) \ for rel in post.relations ] }.values(), key=lambda post: post['id']), 'user': lambda: users.serialize_micro_user(post.user, auth_user), 'score': lambda: post.score, 'ownScore': lambda: scores.get_score(post, auth_user), 'ownFavorite': lambda: len( [user for user in post.favorited_by \ if user.user_id == auth_user.user_id]) > 0, 'tagCount': lambda: post.tag_count, 'favoriteCount': lambda: post.favorite_count, 'commentCount': lambda: post.comment_count, 'noteCount': lambda: post.note_count, 'relationCount': lambda: post.relation_count, 'featureCount': lambda: post.feature_count, 'lastFeatureTime': lambda: post.last_feature_time, 'favoritedBy': lambda: [ users.serialize_micro_user(rel.user, auth_user) \ for rel in post.favorited_by], 'hasCustomThumbnail': lambda: files.has(get_post_thumbnail_backup_path(post)), 'notes': lambda: sorted( [serialize_note(note) for note in post.notes], key=lambda x: x['polygon']), 'comments': lambda: [ comments.serialize_comment(comment, auth_user) \ for comment in sorted( post.comments, key=lambda comment: comment.creation_time)], 'snapshots': lambda: snapshots.get_serialized_history(post), }, options) def serialize_micro_post(post, auth_user): return serialize_post( post, auth_user=auth_user, options=['id', 'thumbnailUrl']) def get_post_count(): return db.session.query(sqlalchemy.func.count(db.Post.post_id)).one()[0] def try_get_post_by_id(post_id): try: post_id = int(post_id) except ValueError: raise InvalidPostIdError('Invalid post ID: %r.' % post_id) return db.session \ .query(db.Post) \ .filter(db.Post.post_id == post_id) \ .one_or_none() def get_post_by_id(post_id): post = try_get_post_by_id(post_id) if not post: raise PostNotFoundError('Post %r not found.' % post_id) return post def try_get_current_post_feature(): return db.session \ .query(db.PostFeature) \ .order_by(db.PostFeature.time.desc()) \ .first() def try_get_featured_post(): post_feature = try_get_current_post_feature() return if post_feature else None def create_post(content, tag_names, user): post = db.Post() = db.Post.SAFETY_SAFE post.user = user post.creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() post.flags = [] # we'll need post ID post.type = '' post.checksum = '' post.mime_type = '' db.session.add(post) db.session.flush() update_post_content(post, content) new_tags = update_post_tags(post, tag_names) return (post, new_tags) def update_post_safety(post, safety): assert post safety = util.flip(SAFETY_MAP).get(safety, None) if not safety: raise InvalidPostSafetyError( 'Safety can be either of %r.' % list(SAFETY_MAP.values())) = safety def update_post_source(post, source): assert post if util.value_exceeds_column_size(source, db.Post.source): raise InvalidPostSourceError('Source is too long.') post.source = source def update_post_content(post, content): assert post if not content: raise InvalidPostContentError('Post content missing.') post.mime_type = mime.get_mime_type(content) if mime.is_flash(post.mime_type): post.type = db.Post.TYPE_FLASH elif mime.is_image(post.mime_type): if mime.is_animated_gif(content): post.type = db.Post.TYPE_ANIMATION else: post.type = db.Post.TYPE_IMAGE elif mime.is_video(post.mime_type): post.type = db.Post.TYPE_VIDEO else: raise InvalidPostContentError('Unhandled file type: %r' % post.mime_type) post.checksum = util.get_md5(content) other_post = db.session \ .query(db.Post) \ .filter(db.Post.checksum == post.checksum) \ .filter(db.Post.post_id != post.post_id) \ .one_or_none() if other_post: raise PostAlreadyUploadedError( 'Post already uploaded (%d)' % other_post.post_id) post.file_size = len(content) try: image = images.Image(content) post.canvas_width = image.width post.canvas_height = image.height except errors.ProcessingError: post.canvas_width = None post.canvas_height = None if post.canvas_width <= 0 or post.canvas_height <= 0: post.canvas_width = None post.canvas_height = None, content) update_post_thumbnail(post, content=None, do_delete=False) def update_post_thumbnail(post, content=None, do_delete=True): assert post if not content: content = files.get(get_post_content_path(post)) if do_delete: files.delete(get_post_thumbnail_backup_path(post)) else:, content) generate_post_thumbnail(post) def generate_post_thumbnail(post): assert post if files.has(get_post_thumbnail_backup_path(post)): content = files.get(get_post_thumbnail_backup_path(post)) else: content = files.get(get_post_content_path(post)) try: image = images.Image(content) image.resize_fill( int(config.config['thumbnails']['post_width']), int(config.config['thumbnails']['post_height'])), image.to_jpeg()) except errors.ProcessingError:, EMPTY_PIXEL) def update_post_tags(post, tag_names): assert post existing_tags, new_tags = tags.get_or_create_tags_by_names(tag_names) post.tags = existing_tags + new_tags return new_tags def update_post_relations(post, new_post_ids): assert post old_posts = post.relations old_post_ids = [p.post_id for p in old_posts] new_posts = db.session \ .query(db.Post) \ .filter(db.Post.post_id.in_(new_post_ids)) \ .all() if len(new_posts) != len(new_post_ids): raise InvalidPostRelationError('One of relations does not exist.') relations_to_del = [p for p in old_posts if p.post_id not in new_post_ids] relations_to_add = [p for p in new_posts if p.post_id not in old_post_ids] for relation in relations_to_del: post.relations.remove(relation) relation.relations.remove(post) for relation in relations_to_add: post.relations.append(relation) relation.relations.append(post) def update_post_notes(post, notes): assert post post.notes = [] for note in notes: for field in ('polygon', 'text'): if field not in note: raise InvalidPostNoteError('Note is missing %r field.' % field) if not note['text']: raise InvalidPostNoteError('A note\'s text cannot be empty.') if not isinstance(note['polygon'], (list, tuple)): raise InvalidPostNoteError( 'A note\'s polygon must be a list of points.') if len(note['polygon']) < 3: raise InvalidPostNoteError( 'A note\'s polygon must have at least 3 points.') for point in note['polygon']: if not isinstance(point, (list, tuple)): raise InvalidPostNoteError( 'A note\'s polygon point must be a list of length 2.') if len(point) != 2: raise InvalidPostNoteError( 'A point in note\'s polygon must have two coordinates.') try: pos_x = float(point[0]) pos_y = float(point[1]) if not 0 <= pos_x <= 1 or not 0 <= pos_y <= 1: raise InvalidPostNoteError( 'All points must fit in the image (0..1 range).') except ValueError: raise InvalidPostNoteError( 'A point in note\'s polygon must be numeric.') if util.value_exceeds_column_size(note['text'], db.PostNote.text): raise InvalidPostNoteError('Note text is too long.') post.notes.append( db.PostNote(polygon=note['polygon'], text=str(note['text']))) def update_post_flags(post, flags): assert post target_flags = [] for flag in flags: flag = util.flip(FLAG_MAP).get(flag, None) if not flag: raise InvalidPostFlagError( 'Flag must be one of %r.' % list(FLAG_MAP.values())) target_flags.append(flag) post.flags = target_flags def feature_post(post, user): assert post post_feature = db.PostFeature() post_feature.time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() = post post_feature.user = user db.session.add(post_feature) def delete(post): assert post db.session.delete(post)