import logging import os import urllib.request from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL from youtube_dl.utils import YoutubeDLError from szurubooru import config, errors from szurubooru.func import mime, util logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def download(url: str, use_video_downloader: bool = False) -> bytes: assert url request = urllib.request.Request(url) if config.config["user_agent"]: request.add_header("User-Agent", config.config["user_agent"]) request.add_header("Referer", url) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as handle: content = except Exception as ex: raise errors.ProcessingError("Error downloading %s (%s)" % (url, ex)) if ( use_video_downloader and mime.get_mime_type(content) == "application/octet-stream" ): return _youtube_dl_wrapper(url) return content def _youtube_dl_wrapper(url: str) -> bytes: outpath = os.path.join( config.config["data_dir"], "temporary-uploads", "youtubedl-" + util.get_sha1(url)[0:8] + ".dat", ) options = { "ignoreerrors": False, "format": "best[ext=webm]/best[ext=mp4]/best[ext=flv]", "logger": logger, "max_filesize": config.config["max_dl_filesize"], "max_downloads": 1, "outtmpl": outpath, } try: with YoutubeDL(options) as ydl: ydl.extract_info(url, download=True) with open(outpath, "rb") as f: return except YoutubeDLError as ex: raise errors.ThirdPartyError( "Error downloading video %s (%s)" % (url, ex) ) except FileNotFoundError: raise errors.ThirdPartyError( "Error downloading video %s (file could not be saved)" % (url) )