import json import logging import math import re import shlex import subprocess from typing import List from szurubooru import errors from szurubooru.func import mime, util logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Image: def __init__(self, content: bytes) -> None: self.content = content self._reload_info() @property def width(self) -> int: return["streams"][0]["width"] @property def height(self) -> int: return["streams"][0]["height"] @property def frames(self) -> int: return["streams"][0]["nb_read_frames"] def resize_fill(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: width_greater = self.width > self.height width, height = (-1, height) if width_greater else (width, -1) cli = [ "-i", "{path}", "-f", "image2", "-filter:v", "scale='{width}:{height}'".format(width=width, height=height), "-map", "0:v:0", "-vframes", "1", "-vcodec", "png", "-", ] if ( "duration" in["format"] and["format"]["format_name"] != "swf" ): duration = float(["format"]["duration"]) if duration > 3: cli = [ "-ss", "%d" % math.floor(duration * 0.3), ] + cli content = self._execute(cli, ignore_error_if_data=True) if not content: raise errors.ProcessingError("Error while resizing image.") self.content = content self._reload_info() def to_png(self) -> bytes: return self._execute( [ "-i", "{path}", "-f", "image2", "-map", "0:v:0", "-vframes", "1", "-vcodec", "png", "-", ] ) def to_jpeg(self) -> bytes: return self._execute( [ "-f", "lavfi", "-i", "color=white:s=%dx%d" % (self.width, self.height), "-i", "{path}", "-f", "image2", "-filter_complex", "overlay", "-map", "0:v:0", "-vframes", "1", "-vcodec", "mjpeg", "-", ] ) def to_webm(self) -> bytes: with util.create_temp_file_path(suffix=".log") as phase_log_path: # Pass 1 self._execute( [ "-i", "{path}", "-pass", "1", "-passlogfile", phase_log_path, "-vcodec", "libvpx-vp9", "-crf", "4", "-b:v", "2500K", "-acodec", "libvorbis", "-f", "webm", "-y", "/dev/null", ] ) # Pass 2 return self._execute( [ "-i", "{path}", "-pass", "2", "-passlogfile", phase_log_path, "-vcodec", "libvpx-vp9", "-crf", "4", "-b:v", "2500K", "-acodec", "libvorbis", "-f", "webm", "-", ] ) def to_mp4(self) -> bytes: with util.create_temp_file_path(suffix=".dat") as mp4_temp_path: width = self.width height = self.height altered_dimensions = False if self.width % 2 != 0: width = self.width - 1 altered_dimensions = True if self.height % 2 != 0: height = self.height - 1 altered_dimensions = True args = [ "-i", "{path}", "-vcodec", "libx264", "-preset", "slow", "-crf", "22", "-b:v", "200K", "-profile:v", "main", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-acodec", "aac", "-f", "mp4", ] if altered_dimensions: args += ["-filter:v", "scale='%d:%d'" % (width, height)] self._execute(args + ["-y", mp4_temp_path]) with open(mp4_temp_path, "rb") as mp4_temp: return def check_for_sound(self) -> bool: audioinfo = json.loads( self._execute( [ "-i", "{path}", "-of", "json", "-select_streams", "a", "-show_streams", ], program="ffprobe", ).decode("utf-8") ) assert "streams" in audioinfo if len(audioinfo["streams"]) < 1: return False log = self._execute( [ "-hide_banner", "-progress", "-", "-i", "{path}", "-af", "volumedetect", "-max_muxing_queue_size", "99999", "-vn", "-sn", "-f", "null", "-y", "/dev/null", ], get_logs=True, ).decode("utf-8", errors="replace") log_match =".*volumedetect.*mean_volume: (.*) dB", log) if not log_match or not log_match.groups(): raise errors.ProcessingError( "A problem occured when trying to check for audio" ) meanvol = float(log_match.groups()[0]) # -91.0 dB is the minimum for 16-bit audio, assume sound if > -80.0 dB return meanvol > -80.0 def _execute( self, cli: List[str], program: str = "ffmpeg", ignore_error_if_data: bool = False, get_logs: bool = False, ) -> bytes: extension = mime.get_extension(mime.get_mime_type(self.content)) assert extension with util.create_temp_file(suffix="." + extension) as handle: handle.write(self.content) handle.flush() cli = [program, "-loglevel", "32" if get_logs else "24"] + cli cli = [part.format( for part in cli] proc = subprocess.Popen( cli, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) out, err = proc.communicate(input=self.content) if proc.returncode != 0: logger.warning( "Failed to execute ffmpeg command (cli=%r, err=%r)", " ".join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in cli), err, ) if (len(out) > 0 and not ignore_error_if_data) or len( out ) == 0: raise errors.ProcessingError( "Error while processing image.\n" + err.decode("utf-8") ) return err if get_logs else out def _reload_info(self) -> None: = json.loads( self._execute( [ "-i", "{path}", "-of", "json", "-select_streams", "v", "-show_format", "-show_streams", ], program="ffprobe", ).decode("utf-8") ) assert "format" in assert "streams" in if len(["streams"]) < 1: logger.warning("The video contains no video streams.") raise errors.ProcessingError( "The video contains no video streams." )