import urllib.parse import cgi import json import re from datetime import datetime from szurubooru.func import util from import errors, middleware, routes, context def _json_serializer(obj): ''' JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default JSON code ''' if isinstance(obj, datetime): serial = obj.isoformat('T') + 'Z' return serial raise TypeError('Type not serializable') def _dump_json(obj): return json.dumps(obj, default=_json_serializer, indent=2) def _get_headers(env): headers = {} for key, value in env.items(): if key.startswith('HTTP_'): key = util.snake_case_to_upper_train_case(key[5:]) headers[key] = value return headers def _create_context(env): method = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] path = '/' + env['PATH_INFO'].lstrip('/') headers = _get_headers(env) files = {} params = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))) if 'multipart' in env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''): form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=env['wsgi.input'], environ=env) if not form.list: raise errors.HttpBadRequest('No files attached.') body = form.getvalue('metadata') for key in form: files[key] = form.getvalue(key) else: body = env['wsgi.input'].read() if body: try: if isinstance(body, bytes): body = body.decode('utf-8') for key, value in json.loads(body).items(): params[key] = value except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError): raise errors.HttpBadRequest( 'Could not decode the request body. The JSON ' 'was incorrect or was not encoded as UTF-8.') return context.Context(method, path, headers, params, files) def application(env, start_response): try: try: ctx = _create_context(env) if 'application/json' not in ctx.get_header('Accept'): raise errors.HttpNotAcceptable( 'This API only supports JSON responses.') for url, allowed_methods in routes.routes.items(): match = re.fullmatch(url, ctx.url) if not match: continue if ctx.method not in allowed_methods: raise errors.HttpMethodNotAllowed( 'Allowed methods: %r' % allowed_methods) for hook in middleware.pre_hooks: hook(ctx) handler = allowed_methods[ctx.method] try: response = handler(ctx, match.groupdict()) finally: for hook in middleware.post_hooks: hook(ctx) start_response('200', [('content-type', 'application/json')]) return (_dump_json(response).encode('utf-8'),) raise errors.HttpNotFound( 'Requested path ' + ctx.url + ' was not found.') except Exception as ex: for exception_type, handler in errors.error_handlers.items(): if isinstance(ex, exception_type): handler(ex) raise except errors.BaseHttpError as ex: start_response( '%d %s' % (ex.code, ex.reason), [('content-type', 'application/json')]) return (_dump_json({ 'title': ex.title, 'description': ex.description, }).encode('utf-8'),)