const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin"); /* CONFIG */ const light = { r: 255, g: 237, b: 216 }; const mid = { r: 240, g: 209, b: 179 }; const dark = { r: 156, g: 102, b: 68 }; const shade = { r: 156, g: 102, b: 68 }; const black = { r: 27, g: 24, b: 17 }; const dark_light = { r: 38, g: 34, b: 30 }; const dark_mid = { r: 57, g: 45, b: 34 }; const dark_dark = { r: 192, g: 132, b: 94 }; const dark_shade = { r: 12, g: 6, b: 4 }; const dark_black = { r: 235, g: 234, b: 231 }; const breakDektop = { min: "60rem" }; const breakMobile = { max: "60rem" }; const breakThin = { max: "25rem" }; /* END CONFIG */ module.exports = { darkMode: "class", content: ["./src/**/*.{tsx,ts}"], theme: { colors: { light: `rgb(${light.r}, ${light.g}, ${light.b})`, mid: `rgb(${mid.r}, ${mid.g}, ${mid.b})`, dark: `rgb(${dark.r}, ${dark.g}, ${dark.b})`, shade: `rgb(${shade.r}, ${shade.g}, ${shade.b})`, black: `rgb(${black.r}, ${black.g}, ${black.b})`, // Dark mode "dark-light": `rgb(${dark_light.r}, ${dark_light.g}, ${dark_light.b})`, "dark-mid": `rgb(${dark_mid.r}, ${dark_mid.g}, ${dark_mid.b})`, "dark-dark": `rgb(${dark_dark.r}, ${dark_dark.g}, ${dark_dark.b})`, "dark-shade": `rgb(${dark_shade.r}, ${dark_shade.g}, ${dark_shade.b})`, "dark-black": `rgb(${dark_black.r}, ${dark_black.g}, ${dark_black.b})`, }, fontFamily: { body: ["Zen Maru Gothic"], headers: ["Vollkorn"], monospace: ["monospace"], }, screens: { desktop: breakDektop, mobile: breakMobile, thin: breakThin, coarse: { raw: "(pointer: coarse)" }, fine: { raw: "(pointer: fine)" }, }, backgroundImage: { paper: "url('/paper.webp')", "dark-paper": "url('/paper.webp')", }, extend: { boxShadow: { "inner-sm": "inset 0 1px 4px -2px", }, }, }, plugins: [ require("@tailwindcss/typography"), plugin(function ({ addVariant, e }) { addVariant("webkit-scrollbar", ({ modifySelectors, separator }) => { modifySelectors(({ className }) => { return `.${e( `webkit-scrollbar${separator}${className}` )}::-webkit-scrollbar`; }); }); }), // Colorization thanks to plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) { addUtilities({ ".colorize-light": { filter: getFilterRecipe(light), }, ".colorize-mid": { filter: getFilterRecipe(mid), }, ".colorize-dark": { filter: getFilterRecipe(dark), }, ".colorize-black": { filter: getFilterRecipe(black), }, // Dark mode ".colorize-dark-light": { filter: getFilterRecipe(dark_light), }, ".colorize-dark-mid": { filter: getFilterRecipe(dark_mid), }, ".colorize-dark-dark": { filter: getFilterRecipe(dark_dark), }, ".colorize-dark-black": { filter: getFilterRecipe(dark_black), }, }); }), // Colored Dropshadow plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) { addUtilities({ ".drop-shadow-shade-md": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.15)) drop-shadow(0 2px 2px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.2))`, }, ".drop-shadow-shade-lg": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 10px 8px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.2)) drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.4))`, }, ".drop-shadow-shade-xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 20px 13px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.25)) drop-shadow(0 8px 5px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.7))`, }, ".drop-shadow-shade-2xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 25px 25px rgb(${shade.r} ${shade.g} ${shade.b} / 0.8))`, }, ".drop-shadow-black-md": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.15)) drop-shadow(0 2px 2px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.2))`, }, ".drop-shadow-black-lg": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 10px 8px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.2)) drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.4))`, }, ".drop-shadow-black-xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 20px 13px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.25)) drop-shadow(0 8px 5px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.7))`, }, ".drop-shadow-black-2xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 25px 25px rgb(${black.r} ${black.g} ${black.b} / 0.8))`, }, // Dark mode ".drop-shadow-dark-shade-md": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.15)) drop-shadow(0 2px 2px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.2))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-shade-lg": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 10px 8px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.2)) drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.4))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-shade-xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 20px 13px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.25)) drop-shadow(0 8px 5px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.7))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-shade-2xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 25px 25px rgb(${dark_shade.r} ${dark_shade.g} ${dark_shade.b} / 0.8))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-black-md": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.15)) drop-shadow(0 2px 2px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.2))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-black-lg": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 10px 8px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.2)) drop-shadow(0 4px 3px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.4))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-black-xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 20px 13px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.25)) drop-shadow(0 8px 5px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.7))`, }, ".drop-shadow-dark-black-2xl": { filter: `drop-shadow(0 25px 25px rgb(${dark_black.r} ${dark_black.g} ${dark_black.b} / 0.8))`, }, }); }), plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) { addUtilities({ ".linearbg-obi": { background: "linear-gradient(to right, theme('colors.mid'), theme('colors.light') 3%, theme('colors.light') 97%, theme('colors.mid'))", }, ".linearbg-dark-obi": { background: "linear-gradient(to right, theme('colors.dark-mid'), theme('colors.dark-light') 3%, theme('colors.dark-light') 97%, theme('colors.dark-mid'))", }, }); }), ], }; /* The following is taken from Used for colorizing any element using filters. */ function getFilterRecipe(rgb) { const color = new FilterColorTransform(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); const solver = new Solver(color); const result = solver.solve(); return result; } class FilterColorTransform { constructor(r, g, b) { this.set(r, g, b); } set(r, g, b) { this.r = this.clamp(r); this.g = this.clamp(g); this.b = this.clamp(b); } hueRotate(angle = 0) { angle = (angle / 180) * Math.PI; const sin = Math.sin(angle); const cos = Math.cos(angle); this.multiply([ 0.213 + cos * 0.787 - sin * 0.213, 0.715 - cos * 0.715 - sin * 0.715, 0.072 - cos * 0.072 + sin * 0.928, 0.213 - cos * 0.213 + sin * 0.143, 0.715 + cos * 0.285 + sin * 0.14, 0.072 - cos * 0.072 - sin * 0.283, 0.213 - cos * 0.213 - sin * 0.787, 0.715 - cos * 0.715 + sin * 0.715, 0.072 + cos * 0.928 + sin * 0.072, ]); } grayscale(value = 1) { this.multiply([ 0.2126 + 0.7874 * (1 - value), 0.7152 - 0.7152 * (1 - value), 0.0722 - 0.0722 * (1 - value), 0.2126 - 0.2126 * (1 - value), 0.7152 + 0.2848 * (1 - value), 0.0722 - 0.0722 * (1 - value), 0.2126 - 0.2126 * (1 - value), 0.7152 - 0.7152 * (1 - value), 0.0722 + 0.9278 * (1 - value), ]); } sepia(value = 1) { this.multiply([ 0.393 + 0.607 * (1 - value), 0.769 - 0.769 * (1 - value), 0.189 - 0.189 * (1 - value), 0.349 - 0.349 * (1 - value), 0.686 + 0.314 * (1 - value), 0.168 - 0.168 * (1 - value), 0.272 - 0.272 * (1 - value), 0.534 - 0.534 * (1 - value), 0.131 + 0.869 * (1 - value), ]); } saturate(value = 1) { this.multiply([ 0.213 + 0.787 * value, 0.715 - 0.715 * value, 0.072 - 0.072 * value, 0.213 - 0.213 * value, 0.715 + 0.285 * value, 0.072 - 0.072 * value, 0.213 - 0.213 * value, 0.715 - 0.715 * value, 0.072 + 0.928 * value, ]); } multiply(matrix) { const newR = this.clamp( this.r * matrix[0] + this.g * matrix[1] + this.b * matrix[2] ); const newG = this.clamp( this.r * matrix[3] + this.g * matrix[4] + this.b * matrix[5] ); const newB = this.clamp( this.r * matrix[6] + this.g * matrix[7] + this.b * matrix[8] ); this.r = newR; this.g = newG; this.b = newB; } brightness(value = 1) { this.linear(value); } contrast(value = 1) { this.linear(value, -(0.5 * value) + 0.5); } linear(slope = 1, intercept = 0) { this.r = this.clamp(this.r * slope + intercept * 255); this.g = this.clamp(this.g * slope + intercept * 255); this.b = this.clamp(this.b * slope + intercept * 255); } invert(value = 1) { this.r = this.clamp((value + (this.r / 255) * (1 - 2 * value)) * 255); this.g = this.clamp((value + (this.g / 255) * (1 - 2 * value)) * 255); this.b = this.clamp((value + (this.b / 255) * (1 - 2 * value)) * 255); } hsl() { // Code taken from, licensed under CC BY-SA. const r = this.r / 255; const g = this.g / 255; const b = this.b / 255; const max = Math.max(r, g, b); const min = Math.min(r, g, b); let h, s, l = (max + min) / 2; if (max === min) { h = s = 0; } else { const d = max - min; s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); switch (max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; } h /= 6; } return { h: h * 100, s: s * 100, l: l * 100, }; } clamp(value) { if (value > 255) { value = 255; } else if (value < 0) { value = 0; } return value; } } class Solver { constructor(target) { = target; this.targetHSL = target.hsl(); this.reusedColor = new FilterColorTransform(0, 0, 0); } solve() { const result = this.solveNarrow(this.solveWide()); return this.css(result.values); } solveWide() { const A = 5; const c = 15; const a = [60, 180, 18000, 600, 1.2, 1.2]; let best = { loss: Infinity }; for (let i = 0; best.loss > 25 && i < 3; i++) { const initial = [50, 20, 3750, 50, 100, 100]; const result = this.spsa(A, a, c, initial, 1000); if (result.loss < best.loss) { best = result; } } return best; } solveNarrow(wide) { const A = wide.loss; const c = 2; const A1 = A + 1; const a = [0.25 * A1, 0.25 * A1, A1, 0.25 * A1, 0.2 * A1, 0.2 * A1]; return this.spsa(A, a, c, wide.values, 500); } spsa(A, a, c, values, iters) { const alpha = 1; const gamma = 0.16666666666666666; let best = null; let bestLoss = Infinity; const deltas = new Array(6); const highArgs = new Array(6); const lowArgs = new Array(6); for (let k = 0; k < iters; k++) { const ck = c / Math.pow(k + 1, gamma); for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { deltas[i] = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; highArgs[i] = values[i] + ck * deltas[i]; lowArgs[i] = values[i] - ck * deltas[i]; } const lossDiff = this.loss(highArgs) - this.loss(lowArgs); for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { const g = (lossDiff / (2 * ck)) * deltas[i]; const ak = a[i] / Math.pow(A + k + 1, alpha); values[i] = fix(values[i] - ak * g, i); } const loss = this.loss(values); if (loss < bestLoss) { best = values.slice(0); bestLoss = loss; } } return { values: best, loss: bestLoss }; function fix(value, idx) { let max = 100; if (idx === 2 /* saturate */) { max = 7500; } else if (idx === 4 /* brightness */ || idx === 5 /* contrast */) { max = 200; } if (idx === 3 /* hue-rotate */) { if (value > max) { value %= max; } else if (value < 0) { value = max + (value % max); } } else if (value < 0) { value = 0; } else if (value > max) { value = max; } return value; } } loss(filters) { // Argument is array of percentages. const color = this.reusedColor; color.set(0, 0, 0); color.invert(filters[0] / 100); color.sepia(filters[1] / 100); color.saturate(filters[2] / 100); color.hueRotate(filters[3] * 3.6); color.brightness(filters[4] / 100); color.contrast(filters[5] / 100); const colorHSL = color.hsl(); return ( Math.abs(color.r - + Math.abs(color.g - + Math.abs(color.b - + Math.abs(colorHSL.h - this.targetHSL.h) + Math.abs(colorHSL.s - this.targetHSL.s) + Math.abs(colorHSL.l - this.targetHSL.l) ); } css(filters) { function fmt(idx, multiplier = 1) { return Math.round(filters[idx] * multiplier); } return ` brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(${fmt(0)}%) sepia(${fmt(1)}%) saturate(${fmt(2)}%) hue-rotate(${fmt(3, 3.6)}deg) brightness(${fmt(4)}%) contrast(${fmt(5)}%); `; } }