From 3a379f98a1d4c0f50d052d8496355765cd89ce0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DrMint
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 16:24:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added properly typed icons
src/components/AppLayout.tsx | 92 +-
src/components/Ico.tsx | 2212 +++++++++++++++++
src/components/Inputs/Button.tsx | 10 +-
src/components/Inputs/LanguageSwitcher.tsx | 13 +-
src/components/Inputs/OrderableList.tsx | 19 +-
src/components/Inputs/PageSelector.tsx | 16 +-
src/components/Inputs/Select.tsx | 17 +-
src/components/Library/ContentLine.tsx | 15 +-
src/components/Library/ScanSet.tsx | 7 +-
src/components/LightBox.tsx | 9 +-
src/components/Markdown/Markdawn.tsx | 10 +-
src/components/PanelComponents/NavOption.tsx | 7 +-
.../PanelComponents/PanelHeader.tsx | 7 +-
.../PanelComponents/ReturnButton.tsx | 8 +-
src/components/Panels/MainPanel.tsx | 42 +-
src/components/PreviewCard.tsx | 39 +-
.../Chronology/ChronologyItemComponent.tsx | 7 +-
src/pages/about-us/index.tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/archives/index.tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/archives/videos/c/[uid].tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/archives/videos/index.tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/archives/videos/v/[uid].tsx | 33 +-
src/pages/chronicles/index.tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/contents/index.tsx | 5 +-
src/pages/dev/checkup/contents.tsx | 10 +-
src/pages/dev/checkup/libraryitems.tsx | 10 +-
src/pages/dev/editor.tsx | 58 +-
src/pages/library/[slug]/index.tsx | 17 +-
src/pages/library/index.tsx | 5 +-
src/pages/merch/index.tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/news/index.tsx | 3 +-
src/pages/wiki/index.tsx | 3 +-
32 files changed, 2441 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/components/Ico.tsx
diff --git a/src/components/AppLayout.tsx b/src/components/AppLayout.tsx
index 315e5f2..69f4ed0 100644
--- a/src/components/AppLayout.tsx
+++ b/src/components/AppLayout.tsx
@@ -4,13 +4,7 @@ import { UploadImageFragment } from "graphql/generated";
import { AppStaticProps } from "graphql/getAppStaticProps";
import { prettyLanguage, prettySlug } from "helpers/formatters";
import { getOgImage, ImageQuality, OgImage } from "helpers/img";
-import {
- getClient,
- getIndexes,
- Indexes,
- search,
- SearchResult,
-} from "helpers/search";
+import { getClient, Indexes, search, SearchResult } from "helpers/search";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { useMediaMobile } from "hooks/useMediaQuery";
import { AnchorIds } from "hooks/useScrollTopOnChange";
@@ -18,6 +12,7 @@ import Head from "next/head";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { useSwipeable } from "react-swipeable";
+import { Ico, Icon } from "./Ico";
import { OrderableList } from "./Inputs/OrderableList";
import { Select } from "./Inputs/Select";
import { MainPanel } from "./Panels/MainPanel";
@@ -26,7 +21,7 @@ import { PreviewCard } from "./PreviewCard";
interface Props extends AppStaticProps {
subPanel?: React.ReactNode;
- subPanelIcon?: string;
+ subPanelIcon?: Icon;
contentPanel?: React.ReactNode;
title?: string;
navTitle: string | null | undefined;
@@ -45,7 +40,7 @@ export function AppLayout(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
- subPanelIcon = "tune",
+ subPanelIcon = Icon.Tune,
} = props;
const router = useRouter();
const isMobile = useMediaMobile();
@@ -300,15 +295,14 @@ export function AppLayout(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
className="texture-paper-dots grid grid-cols-[5rem_1fr_5rem] place-items-center
border-t-[1px] border-dotted border-black bg-light [grid-area:navbar] desktop:hidden"
- {
- >
- {appLayout.mainPanelOpen ? "close" : "menu"}
+ />
@@ -318,19 +312,16 @@ export function AppLayout(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
- {
- appLayout.setSubPanelOpen(!appLayout.subPanelOpen);
- appLayout.setMainPanelOpen(false);
- }}
- >
- {subPanel && !turnSubIntoContent
- ? appLayout.subPanelOpen
- ? "close"
- : subPanelIcon
- : ""}
+ {subPanel && !turnSubIntoContent && (
+ {
+ appLayout.setSubPanelOpen(!appLayout.subPanelOpen);
+ appLayout.setMainPanelOpen(false);
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
): JSX.Element {
appLayout.darkMode === false
- >
- {langui.light}
+ text={langui.light}
+ />
+ text={}
+ />
+ text={langui.dark}
+ />
@@ -450,23 +438,18 @@ export function AppLayout(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
: 1 / 1.05
- >
- text_decrease
+ icon={Icon.TextDecrease}
+ />
+ )}%`}
+ />
+ icon={Icon.TextIncrease}
+ />
@@ -491,16 +471,14 @@ export function AppLayout(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
active={appLayout.dyslexic === false}
onClick={() => appLayout.setDyslexic(false)}
- >
- Zen Maru Gothic
+ text="Zen Maru Gothic"
+ />
+ text="OpenDyslexic"
+ />
diff --git a/src/components/Ico.tsx b/src/components/Ico.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef97111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/Ico.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,2212 @@
+import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
+import { MouseEventHandler } from "react";
+interface Props {
+ className?: string;
+ onClick?: MouseEventHandler | undefined;
+ icon: Icon;
+export function Ico(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
+ const { onClick, icon, className } = props;
+ return (
+ {icon}
+ );
+export enum Icon {
+ Onek = "1k",
+ OnekPlus = "1k_plus",
+ TwoK = "2k",
+ TwoKPlus = "2k_plus",
+ ThreeK = "3k",
+ ThreeKPlus = "3k_plus",
+ FourK = "4k",
+ FourKPlus = "4k_plus",
+ FiveK = "5k",
+ FiveKPlus = "5k_plus",
+ SixK = "6k",
+ SixKPlus = "6k_plus",
+ SevenK = "7k",
+ SevenKPlus = "7k_plus",
+ EightK = "8k",
+ EightKPlus = "8k_plus",
+ NineK = "9k",
+ NineKPlus = "9k_plus",
+ TenK = "10k",
+ TwoMP = "2mp",
+ ThreeMP = "3mp",
+ FourMP = "4mp",
+ FiveMP = "5mp",
+ SixMP = "6mp",
+ SevenMP = "7mp",
+ EightMP = "8mp",
+ NineMP = "9mp",
+ TenMP = "10mp",
+ ElevenMP = "11mp",
+ TwelveMP = "12mp",
+ ThirteenMP = "13mp",
+ FourteenMP = "14mp",
+ FifteenMP = "15mp",
+ SixteenMP = "16mp",
+ SeventeenMP = "17mp",
+ EighteenMP = "18mp",
+ NineteenMP = "19mp",
+ TwentyMP = "20mp",
+ TwentyOneMP = "21mp",
+ TwentyTwoMP = "22mp",
+ TwentyThreeMP = "23mp",
+ TwentyFourMP = "24mp",
+ OneTwoThree = "123",
+ EighteenUpRating = "18_up_rating",
+ ThirtyFps = "30fps",
+ ThirtyFpsSelect = "30fps_select",
+ SixtyFps = "60fps",
+ SixtyFpsSelect = "60fps_select",
+ ThreeSixty = "360",
+ ThreeDRotation = "3d_rotation",
+ ThreeP = "3p",
+ OnexMobiledata = "1x_mobiledata",
+ ThreeGMobiledata = "3g_mobiledata",
+ FourGMobiledata = "4g_mobiledata",
+ FourGPlusMobiledata = "4g_plus_mobiledata",
+ FiveG = "5g",
+ SixFtApart = "6_ft_apart",
+ Abc = "abc",
+ AcUnit = "ac_unit",
+ AccessAlarm = "access_alarm",
+ AccessAlarms = "access_alarms",
+ AccessTime = "access_time",
+ AccessTimeFilled = "access_time_filled",
+ Accessibility = "accessibility",
+ AccessibilityNew = "accessibility_new",
+ Accessible = "accessible",
+ AccessibleForward = "accessible_forward",
+ AccountBalance = "account_balance",
+ AccountBalanceWallet = "account_balance_wallet",
+ AccountBox = "account_box",
+ AccountCircle = "account_circle",
+ AccountTree = "account_tree",
+ AdUnits = "ad_units",
+ Adb = "adb",
+ Add = "add",
+ AddAPhoto = "add_a_photo",
+ AddAlarm = "add_alarm",
+ AddAlert = "add_alert",
+ AddBox = "add_box",
+ AddBusiness = "add_business",
+ AddCall = "add_call",
+ AddCard = "add_card",
+ AddChart = "add_chart",
+ AddCircle = "add_circle",
+ AddCircleOutline = "add_circle_outline",
+ AddComment = "add_comment",
+ AddHome = "add_home",
+ AddHomeWork = "add_home_work",
+ AddIcCall = "add_ic_call",
+ AddLink = "add_link",
+ AddLocation = "add_location",
+ AddLocationAlt = "add_location_alt",
+ AddModerator = "add_moderator",
+ AddPhotoAlternate = "add_photo_alternate",
+ AddReaction = "add_reaction",
+ AddRoad = "add_road",
+ AddShoppingCart = "add_shopping_cart",
+ AddTask = "add_task",
+ AddToDrive = "add_to_drive",
+ AddToHomeScreen = "add_to_home_screen",
+ AddToPhotos = "add_to_photos",
+ AddToQueue = "add_to_queue",
+ Addchart = "addchart",
+ AdfScanner = "adf_scanner",
+ Adjust = "adjust",
+ AdminPanelSettings = "admin_panel_settings",
+ AdsClick = "ads_click",
+ Agriculture = "agriculture",
+ Air = "air",
+ AirlineSeatFlat = "airline_seat_flat",
+ AirlineSeatFlatAngled = "airline_seat_flat_angled",
+ AirlineSeatIndividualSuite = "airline_seat_individual_suite",
+ AirlineSeatLegroomExtra = "airline_seat_legroom_extra",
+ AirlineSeatLegroomNormal = "airline_seat_legroom_normal",
+ AirlineSeatLegroomReduced = "airline_seat_legroom_reduced",
+ AirlineSeatReclineExtra = "airline_seat_recline_extra",
+ AirlineSeatReclineNormal = "airline_seat_recline_normal",
+ AirlineStops = "airline_stops",
+ Airlines = "airlines",
+ AirplaneTicket = "airplane_ticket",
+ AirplanemodeActive = "airplanemode_active",
+ AirplanemodeInactive = "airplanemode_inactive",
+ Airplay = "airplay",
+ AirportShuttle = "airport_shuttle",
+ Alarm = "alarm",
+ AlarmAdd = "alarm_add",
+ AlarmOff = "alarm_off",
+ AlarmOn = "alarm_on",
+ Album = "album",
+ AlignHorizontalCenter = "align_horizontal_center",
+ AlignHorizontalLeft = "align_horizontal_left",
+ AlignHorizontalRight = "align_horizontal_right",
+ AlignVerticalBottom = "align_vertical_bottom",
+ AlignVerticalCenter = "align_vertical_center",
+ AlignVerticalTop = "align_vertical_top",
+ AllInbox = "all_inbox",
+ AllInclusive = "all_inclusive",
+ AllOut = "all_out",
+ AltRoute = "alt_route",
+ AlternateEmail = "alternate_email",
+ AmpStories = "amp_stories",
+ Analytics = "analytics",
+ Anchor = "anchor",
+ Android = "android",
+ Animation = "animation",
+ Announcement = "announcement",
+ Aod = "aod",
+ Apartment = "apartment",
+ Api = "api",
+ AppBlocking = "app_blocking",
+ AppRegistration = "app_registration",
+ AppSettingsAlt = "app_settings_alt",
+ AppShortcut = "app_shortcut",
+ Approval = "approval",
+ Apps = "apps",
+ AppsOutage = "apps_outage",
+ Architecture = "architecture",
+ Archive = "archive",
+ AreaChart = "area_chart",
+ ArrowBack = "arrow_back",
+ ArrowBackIos = "arrow_back_ios",
+ ArrowBackIosNew = "arrow_back_ios_new",
+ ArrowCircleDown = "arrow_circle_down",
+ ArrowCircleLeft = "arrow_circle_left",
+ ArrowCircleRight = "arrow_circle_right",
+ ArrowCircleUp = "arrow_circle_up",
+ ArrowDownward = "arrow_downward",
+ ArrowDropDown = "arrow_drop_down",
+ ArrowDropDownCircle = "arrow_drop_down_circle",
+ ArrowDropUp = "arrow_drop_up",
+ ArrowForward = "arrow_forward",
+ ArrowForwardIos = "arrow_forward_ios",
+ ArrowLeft = "arrow_left",
+ ArrowOutward = "arrow_outward",
+ ArrowRight = "arrow_right",
+ ArrowRightAlt = "arrow_right_alt",
+ ArrowUpward = "arrow_upward",
+ ArtTrack = "art_track",
+ Article = "article",
+ AspectRatio = "aspect_ratio",
+ Assessment = "assessment",
+ Assignment = "assignment",
+ AssignmentInd = "assignment_ind",
+ AssignmentLate = "assignment_late",
+ AssignmentReturn = "assignment_return",
+ AssignmentReturned = "assignment_returned",
+ AssignmentTurnedIn = "assignment_turned_in",
+ AssistWalker = "assist_walker",
+ Assistant = "assistant",
+ AssistantDirection = "assistant_direction",
+ AssistantNavigation = "assistant_navigation",
+ AssistantPhoto = "assistant_photo",
+ AssuredWorkload = "assured_workload",
+ Atm = "atm",
+ AttachEmail = "attach_email",
+ AttachFile = "attach_file",
+ AttachMoney = "attach_money",
+ Attachment = "attachment",
+ Attractions = "attractions",
+ Attribution = "attribution",
+ AudioFile = "audio_file",
+ Audiotrack = "audiotrack",
+ AutoAwesome = "auto_awesome",
+ AutoAwesomeMosaic = "auto_awesome_mosaic",
+ AutoAwesomeMotion = "auto_awesome_motion",
+ AutoDelete = "auto_delete",
+ AutoFixHigh = "auto_fix_high",
+ AutoFixNormal = "auto_fix_normal",
+ AutoFixOff = "auto_fix_off",
+ AutoGraph = "auto_graph",
+ AutoMode = "auto_mode",
+ AutoStories = "auto_stories",
+ AutofpsSelect = "autofps_select",
+ Autorenew = "autorenew",
+ AvTimer = "av_timer",
+ BabyChangingStation = "baby_changing_station",
+ BackHand = "back_hand",
+ Backpack = "backpack",
+ Backspace = "backspace",
+ Backup = "backup",
+ BackupTable = "backup_table",
+ Badge = "badge",
+ BakeryDining = "bakery_dining",
+ Balance = "balance",
+ Balcony = "balcony",
+ Ballot = "ballot",
+ BarChart = "bar_chart",
+ BatchPrediction = "batch_prediction",
+ Bathroom = "bathroom",
+ Bathtub = "bathtub",
+ Battery0Bar = "battery_0_bar",
+ Battery1Bar = "battery_1_bar",
+ Battery20twotone = "battery_20twotone",
+ Battery2Bar = "battery_2_bar",
+ Battery30twotone = "battery_30twotone",
+ Battery3Bar = "battery_3_bar",
+ Battery4Bar = "battery_4_bar",
+ Battery50twotone = "battery_50twotone",
+ Battery5Bar = "battery_5_bar",
+ Battery60twotone = "battery_60twotone",
+ Battery6Bar = "battery_6_bar",
+ Battery80twotone = "battery_80twotone",
+ Battery90twotone = "battery_90twotone",
+ BatteryAlert = "battery_alert",
+ BatteryCharging20twotone = "battery_charging_20twotone",
+ BatteryCharging30twotone = "battery_charging_30twotone",
+ BatteryCharging50twotone = "battery_charging_50twotone",
+ BatteryCharging60twotone = "battery_charging_60twotone",
+ BatteryCharging80twotone = "battery_charging_80twotone",
+ BatteryCharging90twotone = "battery_charging_90twotone",
+ BatteryChargingFull = "battery_charging_full",
+ BatteryFull = "battery_full",
+ BatterySaver = "battery_saver",
+ BatteryStd = "battery_std",
+ BatteryUnknown = "battery_unknown",
+ BeachAccess = "beach_access",
+ Bed = "bed",
+ BedroomBaby = "bedroom_baby",
+ BedroomChild = "bedroom_child",
+ BedroomParent = "bedroom_parent",
+ Bedtime = "bedtime",
+ BedtimeOff = "bedtime_off",
+ Beenhere = "beenhere",
+ Bento = "bento",
+ BikeScooter = "bike_scooter",
+ Biotech = "biotech",
+ Blender = "blender",
+ Blind = "blind",
+ Blinds = "blinds",
+ BlindsClosed = "blinds_closed",
+ Block = "block",
+ BlockFlipped = "block_flipped",
+ Bloodtype = "bloodtype",
+ Bluetooth = "bluetooth",
+ BluetoothAudio = "bluetooth_audio",
+ BluetoothConnected = "bluetooth_connected",
+ BluetoothDisabled = "bluetooth_disabled",
+ BluetoothDrive = "bluetooth_drive",
+ BluetoothSearching = "bluetooth_searching",
+ BlurCircular = "blur_circular",
+ BlurLinear = "blur_linear",
+ BlurOff = "blur_off",
+ BlurOn = "blur_on",
+ Bolt = "bolt",
+ Book = "book",
+ BookOnline = "book_online",
+ Bookmark = "bookmark",
+ BookmarkAdd = "bookmark_add",
+ BookmarkAdded = "bookmark_added",
+ BookmarkBorder = "bookmark_border",
+ BookmarkRemove = "bookmark_remove",
+ Bookmarks = "bookmarks",
+ BorderAll = "border_all",
+ BorderBottom = "border_bottom",
+ BorderClear = "border_clear",
+ BorderColor = "border_color",
+ BorderHorizontal = "border_horizontal",
+ BorderInner = "border_inner",
+ BorderLeft = "border_left",
+ BorderOuter = "border_outer",
+ BorderRight = "border_right",
+ BorderStyle = "border_style",
+ BorderTop = "border_top",
+ BorderVertical = "border_vertical",
+ Boy = "boy",
+ BrandingWatermark = "branding_watermark",
+ BreakfastDining = "breakfast_dining",
+ Brightness1 = "brightness_1",
+ Brightness2 = "brightness_2",
+ Brightness3 = "brightness_3",
+ Brightness4 = "brightness_4",
+ Brightness5 = "brightness_5",
+ Brightness6 = "brightness_6",
+ Brightness7 = "brightness_7",
+ BrightnessAuto = "brightness_auto",
+ BrightnessHigh = "brightness_high",
+ BrightnessLow = "brightness_low",
+ BrightnessMedium = "brightness_medium",
+ BroadcastOnHome = "broadcast_on_home",
+ BroadcastOnPersonal = "broadcast_on_personal",
+ BrokenImage = "broken_image",
+ BrowseGallery = "browse_gallery",
+ BrowserNotSupported = "browser_not_supported",
+ BrowserUpdated = "browser_updated",
+ BrunchDining = "brunch_dining",
+ Brush = "brush",
+ BubbleChart = "bubble_chart",
+ BugReport = "bug_report",
+ Build = "build",
+ BuildCircle = "build_circle",
+ Bungalow = "bungalow",
+ BurstMode = "burst_mode",
+ BusAlert = "bus_alert",
+ Business = "business",
+ BusinessCenter = "business_center",
+ Cabin = "cabin",
+ Cable = "cable",
+ Cached = "cached",
+ Cake = "cake",
+ Calculate = "calculate",
+ CalendarMonth = "calendar_month",
+ CalendarToday = "calendar_today",
+ CalendarViewDay = "calendar_view_day",
+ CalendarViewMonth = "calendar_view_month",
+ CalendarViewWeek = "calendar_view_week",
+ Call = "call",
+ CallEnd = "call_end",
+ CallMade = "call_made",
+ CallMerge = "call_merge",
+ CallMissed = "call_missed",
+ CallMissedOutgoing = "call_missed_outgoing",
+ CallReceived = "call_received",
+ CallSplit = "call_split",
+ CallToAction = "call_to_action",
+ Camera = "camera",
+ CameraAlt = "camera_alt",
+ CameraEnhance = "camera_enhance",
+ CameraFront = "camera_front",
+ CameraIndoor = "camera_indoor",
+ CameraOutdoor = "camera_outdoor",
+ CameraRear = "camera_rear",
+ CameraRoll = "camera_roll",
+ Cameraswitch = "cameraswitch",
+ Campaign = "campaign",
+ Cancel = "cancel",
+ CancelPresentation = "cancel_presentation",
+ CancelScheduleSend = "cancel_schedule_send",
+ CandlestickChart = "candlestick_chart",
+ CarCrash = "car_crash",
+ CarRental = "car_rental",
+ CarRepair = "car_repair",
+ CardGiftcard = "card_giftcard",
+ CardMembership = "card_membership",
+ CardTravel = "card_travel",
+ Carpenter = "carpenter",
+ Cases = "cases",
+ Casino = "casino",
+ Cast = "cast",
+ CastConnected = "cast_connected",
+ CastForEducation = "cast_for_education",
+ Castle = "castle",
+ CatchingPokemon = "catching_pokemon",
+ Category = "category",
+ Celebration = "celebration",
+ CellTower = "cell_tower",
+ CellWifi = "cell_wifi",
+ CenterFocusStrong = "center_focus_strong",
+ CenterFocusWeak = "center_focus_weak",
+ Chair = "chair",
+ ChairAlt = "chair_alt",
+ Chalet = "chalet",
+ ChangeCircle = "change_circle",
+ ChangeHistory = "change_history",
+ ChargingStation = "charging_station",
+ Chat = "chat",
+ ChatBubble = "chat_bubble",
+ ChatBubbleOutline = "chat_bubble_outline",
+ Check = "check",
+ CheckBox = "check_box",
+ CheckBoxOutlineBlank = "check_box_outline_blank",
+ CheckCircle = "check_circle",
+ CheckCircleOutline = "check_circle_outline",
+ Checklist = "checklist",
+ ChecklistRtl = "checklist_rtl",
+ Checkroom = "checkroom",
+ ChevronLeft = "chevron_left",
+ ChevronRight = "chevron_right",
+ ChildCare = "child_care",
+ ChildFriendly = "child_friendly",
+ ChromeReaderMode = "chrome_reader_mode",
+ Church = "church",
+ Circle = "circle",
+ CircleNotifications = "circle_notifications",
+ Class = "class",
+ CleanHands = "clean_hands",
+ CleaningServices = "cleaning_services",
+ Clear = "clear",
+ ClearAll = "clear_all",
+ Close = "close",
+ CloseFullscreen = "close_fullscreen",
+ ClosedCaption = "closed_caption",
+ ClosedCaptionDisabled = "closed_caption_disabled",
+ ClosedCaptionOff = "closed_caption_off",
+ Cloud = "cloud",
+ CloudCircle = "cloud_circle",
+ CloudDone = "cloud_done",
+ CloudDownload = "cloud_download",
+ CloudOff = "cloud_off",
+ CloudQueue = "cloud_queue",
+ CloudSync = "cloud_sync",
+ CloudUpload = "cloud_upload",
+ CloudySnowing = "cloudy_snowing",
+ Co2 = "co2",
+ CoPresent = "co_present",
+ Code = "code",
+ CodeOff = "code_off",
+ Coffee = "coffee",
+ CoffeeMaker = "coffee_maker",
+ Collections = "collections",
+ CollectionsBookmark = "collections_bookmark",
+ ColorLens = "color_lens",
+ Colorize = "colorize",
+ Comment = "comment",
+ CommentBank = "comment_bank",
+ CommentsDisabled = "comments_disabled",
+ Commit = "commit",
+ Commute = "commute",
+ Compare = "compare",
+ CompareArrows = "compare_arrows",
+ CompassCalibration = "compass_calibration",
+ Compost = "compost",
+ Compress = "compress",
+ Computer = "computer",
+ ConfirmationNumber = "confirmation_number",
+ ConnectWithoutContact = "connect_without_contact",
+ ConnectedTv = "connected_tv",
+ ConnectingAirports = "connecting_airports",
+ Construction = "construction",
+ ContactEmergency = "contact_emergency",
+ ContactMail = "contact_mail",
+ ContactPage = "contact_page",
+ ContactPhone = "contact_phone",
+ ContactSupport = "contact_support",
+ Contactless = "contactless",
+ Contacts = "contacts",
+ ContentCopy = "content_copy",
+ ContentCut = "content_cut",
+ ContentPaste = "content_paste",
+ ContentPasteGo = "content_paste_go",
+ ContentPasteOff = "content_paste_off",
+ ContentPasteSearch = "content_paste_search",
+ Contrast = "contrast",
+ ControlCamera = "control_camera",
+ ControlPoint = "control_point",
+ ControlPointDuplicate = "control_point_duplicate",
+ Cookie = "cookie",
+ CopyAll = "copy_all",
+ Copyright = "copyright",
+ Coronavirus = "coronavirus",
+ CorporateFare = "corporate_fare",
+ Cottage = "cottage",
+ Countertops = "countertops",
+ Create = "create",
+ CreateNewFolder = "create_new_folder",
+ CreditCard = "credit_card",
+ CreditCardOff = "credit_card_off",
+ CreditScore = "credit_score",
+ Crib = "crib",
+ CrisisAlert = "crisis_alert",
+ Crop = "crop",
+ Crop169 = "crop_16_9",
+ Crop32 = "crop_3_2",
+ Crop54 = "crop_5_4",
+ Crop75 = "crop_7_5",
+ CropDin = "crop_din",
+ CropFree = "crop_free",
+ CropLandscape = "crop_landscape",
+ CropOriginal = "crop_original",
+ CropPortrait = "crop_portrait",
+ CropRotate = "crop_rotate",
+ CropSquare = "crop_square",
+ CrueltyFree = "cruelty_free",
+ Css = "css",
+ CurrencyBitcoin = "currency_bitcoin",
+ CurrencyExchange = "currency_exchange",
+ CurrencyFranc = "currency_franc",
+ CurrencyLira = "currency_lira",
+ CurrencyPound = "currency_pound",
+ CurrencyRuble = "currency_ruble",
+ CurrencyRupee = "currency_rupee",
+ CurrencyYen = "currency_yen",
+ CurrencyYuan = "currency_yuan",
+ Curtains = "curtains",
+ CurtainsClosed = "curtains_closed",
+ Cyclone = "cyclone",
+ Dangerous = "dangerous",
+ DarkMode = "dark_mode",
+ Dashboard = "dashboard",
+ DashboardCustomize = "dashboard_customize",
+ DataArray = "data_array",
+ DataExploration = "data_exploration",
+ DataObject = "data_object",
+ DataSaverOff = "data_saver_off",
+ DataSaverOn = "data_saver_on",
+ DataThresholding = "data_thresholding",
+ DataUsage = "data_usage",
+ Dataset = "dataset",
+ DatasetLinked = "dataset_linked",
+ DateRange = "date_range",
+ Deblur = "deblur",
+ Deck = "deck",
+ Dehaze = "dehaze",
+ Delete = "delete",
+ DeleteForever = "delete_forever",
+ DeleteOutline = "delete_outline",
+ DeleteSweep = "delete_sweep",
+ DeliveryDining = "delivery_dining",
+ DensityLarge = "density_large",
+ DensityMedium = "density_medium",
+ DensitySmall = "density_small",
+ DepartureBoard = "departure_board",
+ Description = "description",
+ Deselect = "deselect",
+ DesignServices = "design_services",
+ Desk = "desk",
+ DesktopAccessDisabled = "desktop_access_disabled",
+ DesktopMac = "desktop_mac",
+ DesktopWindows = "desktop_windows",
+ Details = "details",
+ DeveloperBoard = "developer_board",
+ DeveloperBoardOff = "developer_board_off",
+ DeveloperMode = "developer_mode",
+ DeviceHub = "device_hub",
+ DeviceThermostat = "device_thermostat",
+ DeviceUnknown = "device_unknown",
+ Devices = "devices",
+ DevicesFold = "devices_fold",
+ DevicesOther = "devices_other",
+ DialerSip = "dialer_sip",
+ Dialpad = "dialpad",
+ Diamond = "diamond",
+ Difference = "difference",
+ Dining = "dining",
+ DinnerDining = "dinner_dining",
+ Directions = "directions",
+ DirectionsBike = "directions_bike",
+ DirectionsBoat = "directions_boat",
+ DirectionsBoatFilled = "directions_boat_filled",
+ DirectionsBus = "directions_bus",
+ DirectionsBusFilled = "directions_bus_filled",
+ DirectionsCar = "directions_car",
+ DirectionsCarFilled = "directions_car_filled",
+ DirectionsOff = "directions_off",
+ DirectionsRailway = "directions_railway",
+ DirectionsRailwayFilled = "directions_railway_filled",
+ DirectionsRun = "directions_run",
+ DirectionsSubway = "directions_subway",
+ DirectionsSubwayFilled = "directions_subway_filled",
+ DirectionsTransit = "directions_transit",
+ DirectionsTransitFilled = "directions_transit_filled",
+ DirectionsWalk = "directions_walk",
+ DirtyLens = "dirty_lens",
+ DisabledByDefault = "disabled_by_default",
+ DisabledVisible = "disabled_visible",
+ DiscFull = "disc_full",
+ Discount = "discount",
+ DisplaySettings = "display_settings",
+ Diversity1 = "diversity_1",
+ Diversity2 = "diversity_2",
+ Diversity3 = "diversity_3",
+ Dns = "dns",
+ DoDisturb = "do_disturb",
+ DoDisturbAlt = "do_disturb_alt",
+ DoDisturbOff = "do_disturb_off",
+ DoDisturbOn = "do_disturb_on",
+ DoNotDisturb = "do_not_disturb",
+ DoNotDisturbAlt = "do_not_disturb_alt",
+ DoNotDisturbOff = "do_not_disturb_off",
+ DoNotDisturbOn = "do_not_disturb_on",
+ DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilence = "do_not_disturb_on_total_silence",
+ DoNotStep = "do_not_step",
+ DoNotTouch = "do_not_touch",
+ Dock = "dock",
+ DocumentScanner = "document_scanner",
+ Domain = "domain",
+ DomainAdd = "domain_add",
+ DomainDisabled = "domain_disabled",
+ DomainVerification = "domain_verification",
+ Done = "done",
+ DoneAll = "done_all",
+ DoneOutline = "done_outline",
+ DonutLarge = "donut_large",
+ DonutSmall = "donut_small",
+ DoorBack = "door_back",
+ DoorFront = "door_front",
+ DoorSliding = "door_sliding",
+ Doorbell = "doorbell",
+ DoubleArrow = "double_arrow",
+ DownhillSkiing = "downhill_skiing",
+ Download = "download",
+ DownloadDone = "download_done",
+ DownloadForOffline = "download_for_offline",
+ Downloading = "downloading",
+ Drafts = "drafts",
+ DragHandle = "drag_handle",
+ DragIndicator = "drag_indicator",
+ Draw = "draw",
+ DriveEta = "drive_eta",
+ DriveFileMove = "drive_file_move",
+ DriveFileMoveOutline = "drive_file_move_outline",
+ DriveFileMoveRtl = "drive_file_move_rtl",
+ DriveFileRenameOutline = "drive_file_rename_outline",
+ DriveFolderUpload = "drive_folder_upload",
+ Dry = "dry",
+ DryCleaning = "dry_cleaning",
+ Duo = "duo",
+ Dvr = "dvr",
+ DynamicFeed = "dynamic_feed",
+ DynamicForm = "dynamic_form",
+ EMobiledata = "e_mobiledata",
+ Earbuds = "earbuds",
+ EarbudsBattery = "earbuds_battery",
+ East = "east",
+ Eco = "eco",
+ EdgesensorHigh = "edgesensor_high",
+ EdgesensorLow = "edgesensor_low",
+ Edit = "edit",
+ EditAttributes = "edit_attributes",
+ EditCalendar = "edit_calendar",
+ EditLocation = "edit_location",
+ EditLocationAlt = "edit_location_alt",
+ EditNote = "edit_note",
+ EditNotifications = "edit_notifications",
+ EditOff = "edit_off",
+ EditRoad = "edit_road",
+ Egg = "egg",
+ EggAlt = "egg_alt",
+ Eject = "eject",
+ Elderly = "elderly",
+ ElderlyWoman = "elderly_woman",
+ ElectricBike = "electric_bike",
+ ElectricBolt = "electric_bolt",
+ ElectricCar = "electric_car",
+ ElectricMeter = "electric_meter",
+ ElectricMoped = "electric_moped",
+ ElectricRickshaw = "electric_rickshaw",
+ ElectricScooter = "electric_scooter",
+ ElectricalServices = "electrical_services",
+ Elevator = "elevator",
+ Email = "email",
+ Emergency = "emergency",
+ EmergencyRecording = "emergency_recording",
+ EmergencyShare = "emergency_share",
+ EmojiEmotions = "emoji_emotions",
+ EmojiEvents = "emoji_events",
+ EmojiFlags = "emoji_flags",
+ EmojiFoodBeverage = "emoji_food_beverage",
+ EmojiNature = "emoji_nature",
+ EmojiObjects = "emoji_objects",
+ EmojiPeople = "emoji_people",
+ EmojiSymbols = "emoji_symbols",
+ EmojiTransportation = "emoji_transportation",
+ EnergySavingsLeaf = "energy_savings_leaf",
+ Engineering = "engineering",
+ EnhancedEncryption = "enhanced_encryption",
+ Equalizer = "equalizer",
+ Error = "error",
+ ErrorOutline = "error_outline",
+ Escalator = "escalator",
+ EscalatorWarning = "escalator_warning",
+ Euro = "euro",
+ EuroSymbol = "euro_symbol",
+ EvStation = "ev_station",
+ Event = "event",
+ EventAvailable = "event_available",
+ EventBusy = "event_busy",
+ EventNote = "event_note",
+ EventRepeat = "event_repeat",
+ EventSeat = "event_seat",
+ ExitToApp = "exit_to_app",
+ Expand = "expand",
+ ExpandCircleDown = "expand_circle_down",
+ ExpandLess = "expand_less",
+ ExpandMore = "expand_more",
+ Explicit = "explicit",
+ Explore = "explore",
+ ExploreOff = "explore_off",
+ Exposure = "exposure",
+ ExposureNeg1 = "exposure_neg_1",
+ ExposureNeg2 = "exposure_neg_2",
+ ExposurePlus1 = "exposure_plus_1",
+ ExposurePlus2 = "exposure_plus_2",
+ ExposureZero = "exposure_zero",
+ Extension = "extension",
+ ExtensionOff = "extension_off",
+ Face = "face",
+ Face2 = "face_2",
+ Face3 = "face_3",
+ Face4 = "face_4",
+ Face5 = "face_5",
+ Face6 = "face_6",
+ FaceRetouchingNatural = "face_retouching_natural",
+ FaceRetouchingOff = "face_retouching_off",
+ FaceUnlock = "face_unlock",
+ Facebook = "facebook",
+ FactCheck = "fact_check",
+ Factory = "factory",
+ FamilyRestroom = "family_restroom",
+ FastForward = "fast_forward",
+ FastRewind = "fast_rewind",
+ Fastfood = "fastfood",
+ Favorite = "favorite",
+ FavoriteBorder = "favorite_border",
+ Fax = "fax",
+ FeaturedPlayList = "featured_play_list",
+ FeaturedVideo = "featured_video",
+ Feed = "feed",
+ Feedback = "feedback",
+ Female = "female",
+ Fence = "fence",
+ Festival = "festival",
+ FiberDvr = "fiber_dvr",
+ FiberManualRecord = "fiber_manual_record",
+ FiberNew = "fiber_new",
+ FiberPin = "fiber_pin",
+ FiberSmartRecord = "fiber_smart_record",
+ FileCopy = "file_copy",
+ FileDownload = "file_download",
+ FileDownloadDone = "file_download_done",
+ FileDownloadOff = "file_download_off",
+ FileOpen = "file_open",
+ FilePresent = "file_present",
+ FileUpload = "file_upload",
+ Filter = "filter",
+ Filter1 = "filter_1",
+ Filter2 = "filter_2",
+ Filter3 = "filter_3",
+ Filter4 = "filter_4",
+ Filter5 = "filter_5",
+ Filter6 = "filter_6",
+ Filter7 = "filter_7",
+ Filter8 = "filter_8",
+ Filter9 = "filter_9",
+ Filter9Plus = "filter_9_plus",
+ FilterAlt = "filter_alt",
+ FilterAltOff = "filter_alt_off",
+ FilterBAndW = "filter_b_and_w",
+ FilterCenterFocus = "filter_center_focus",
+ FilterDrama = "filter_drama",
+ FilterFrames = "filter_frames",
+ FilterHdr = "filter_hdr",
+ FilterList = "filter_list",
+ FilterListAlt = "filter_list_alt",
+ FilterListOff = "filter_list_off",
+ FilterNone = "filter_none",
+ FilterTiltShift = "filter_tilt_shift",
+ FilterVintage = "filter_vintage",
+ FindInPage = "find_in_page",
+ FindReplace = "find_replace",
+ Fingerprint = "fingerprint",
+ FireExtinguisher = "fire_extinguisher",
+ FireHydrantAlt = "fire_hydrant_alt",
+ FireTruck = "fire_truck",
+ Fireplace = "fireplace",
+ FirstPage = "first_page",
+ FitScreen = "fit_screen",
+ Fitbit = "fitbit",
+ FitnessCenter = "fitness_center",
+ Flag = "flag",
+ FlagCircle = "flag_circle",
+ Flaky = "flaky",
+ Flare = "flare",
+ FlashAuto = "flash_auto",
+ FlashOff = "flash_off",
+ FlashOn = "flash_on",
+ FlashlightOff = "flashlight_off",
+ FlashlightOn = "flashlight_on",
+ Flatware = "flatware",
+ Flight = "flight",
+ FlightClass = "flight_class",
+ FlightLand = "flight_land",
+ FlightTakeoff = "flight_takeoff",
+ Flip = "flip",
+ FlipCameraAndroid = "flip_camera_android",
+ FlipCameraIos = "flip_camera_ios",
+ FlipToBack = "flip_to_back",
+ FlipToFront = "flip_to_front",
+ Flood = "flood",
+ Flourescent = "flourescent",
+ FlutterDash = "flutter_dash",
+ FmdBad = "fmd_bad",
+ FmdGood = "fmd_good",
+ Foggy = "foggy",
+ Folder = "folder",
+ FolderCopy = "folder_copy",
+ FolderDelete = "folder_delete",
+ FolderOff = "folder_off",
+ FolderOpen = "folder_open",
+ FolderShared = "folder_shared",
+ FolderSpecial = "folder_special",
+ FolderZip = "folder_zip",
+ FollowTheSigns = "follow_the_signs",
+ FontDownload = "font_download",
+ FontDownloadOff = "font_download_off",
+ FoodBank = "food_bank",
+ Forest = "forest",
+ ForkLeft = "fork_left",
+ ForkRight = "fork_right",
+ FormatAlignCenter = "format_align_center",
+ FormatAlignJustify = "format_align_justify",
+ FormatAlignLeft = "format_align_left",
+ FormatAlignRight = "format_align_right",
+ FormatBold = "format_bold",
+ FormatClear = "format_clear",
+ FormatColorFill = "format_color_fill",
+ FormatColorReset = "format_color_reset",
+ FormatColorText = "format_color_text",
+ FormatIndentDecrease = "format_indent_decrease",
+ FormatIndentIncrease = "format_indent_increase",
+ FormatItalic = "format_italic",
+ FormatLineSpacing = "format_line_spacing",
+ FormatListBulleted = "format_list_bulleted",
+ FormatListNumbered = "format_list_numbered",
+ FormatListNumberedRtl = "format_list_numbered_rtl",
+ FormatOverline = "format_overline",
+ FormatPaint = "format_paint",
+ FormatQuote = "format_quote",
+ FormatShapes = "format_shapes",
+ FormatSize = "format_size",
+ FormatStrikethrough = "format_strikethrough",
+ FormatTextdirectionLToR = "format_textdirection_l_to_r",
+ FormatTextdirectionRToL = "format_textdirection_r_to_l",
+ FormatUnderlined = "format_underlined",
+ Fort = "fort",
+ Forum = "forum",
+ Forward = "forward",
+ Forward10 = "forward_10",
+ Forward30 = "forward_30",
+ Forward5 = "forward_5",
+ ForwardToInbox = "forward_to_inbox",
+ Foundation = "foundation",
+ FreeBreakfast = "free_breakfast",
+ FreeCancellation = "free_cancellation",
+ FrontHand = "front_hand",
+ Fullscreen = "fullscreen",
+ FullscreenExit = "fullscreen_exit",
+ Functions = "functions",
+ GMobiledata = "g_mobiledata",
+ GTranslate = "g_translate",
+ Gamepad = "gamepad",
+ Games = "games",
+ Garage = "garage",
+ GasMeter = "gas_meter",
+ Gavel = "gavel",
+ GeneratingTokens = "generating_tokens",
+ Gesture = "gesture",
+ GetApp = "get_app",
+ Gif = "gif",
+ GifBox = "gif_box",
+ Girl = "girl",
+ Gite = "gite",
+ GolfCourse = "golf_course",
+ GppBad = "gpp_bad",
+ GppGood = "gpp_good",
+ GppMaybe = "gpp_maybe",
+ GpsFixed = "gps_fixed",
+ GpsNotFixed = "gps_not_fixed",
+ GpsOff = "gps_off",
+ Grade = "grade",
+ Gradient = "gradient",
+ Grading = "grading",
+ Grain = "grain",
+ GraphicEq = "graphic_eq",
+ Grass = "grass",
+ Grid3x3 = "grid_3x3",
+ Grid4x4 = "grid_4x4",
+ GridGoldenratio = "grid_goldenratio",
+ GridOff = "grid_off",
+ GridOn = "grid_on",
+ GridView = "grid_view",
+ Group = "group",
+ GroupAdd = "group_add",
+ GroupOff = "group_off",
+ GroupRemove = "group_remove",
+ GroupWork = "group_work",
+ Groups = "groups",
+ Groups2 = "groups_2",
+ Groups3 = "groups_3",
+ HMobiledata = "h_mobiledata",
+ HPlusMobiledata = "h_plus_mobiledata",
+ Hail = "hail",
+ Handshake = "handshake",
+ Handyman = "handyman",
+ Hardware = "hardware",
+ Hd = "hd",
+ HdrAuto = "hdr_auto",
+ HdrAutoSelect = "hdr_auto_select",
+ HdrEnhancedSelect = "hdr_enhanced_select",
+ HdrOff = "hdr_off",
+ HdrOffSelect = "hdr_off_select",
+ HdrOn = "hdr_on",
+ HdrOnSelect = "hdr_on_select",
+ HdrPlus = "hdr_plus",
+ HdrStrong = "hdr_strong",
+ HdrWeak = "hdr_weak",
+ Headphones = "headphones",
+ HeadphonesBattery = "headphones_battery",
+ Headset = "headset",
+ HeadsetMic = "headset_mic",
+ HeadsetOff = "headset_off",
+ Healing = "healing",
+ HealthAndSafety = "health_and_safety",
+ Hearing = "hearing",
+ HearingDisabled = "hearing_disabled",
+ HeartBroken = "heart_broken",
+ HeatPump = "heat_pump",
+ Height = "height",
+ Help = "help",
+ HelpCenter = "help_center",
+ HelpOutline = "help_outline",
+ Hevc = "hevc",
+ Hexagon = "hexagon",
+ HideImage = "hide_image",
+ HideSource = "hide_source",
+ HighQuality = "high_quality",
+ Highlight = "highlight",
+ HighlightAlt = "highlight_alt",
+ HighlightOff = "highlight_off",
+ Hiking = "hiking",
+ History = "history",
+ HistoryEdu = "history_edu",
+ HistoryToggleOff = "history_toggle_off",
+ Hive = "hive",
+ Hls = "hls",
+ HlsOff = "hls_off",
+ HolidayVillage = "holiday_village",
+ Home = "home",
+ HomeFilled = "home_filled",
+ HomeMax = "home_max",
+ HomeMini = "home_mini",
+ HomeRepairService = "home_repair_service",
+ HomeWork = "home_work",
+ HorizontalDistribute = "horizontal_distribute",
+ HorizontalRule = "horizontal_rule",
+ HorizontalSplit = "horizontal_split",
+ HotTub = "hot_tub",
+ Hotel = "hotel",
+ HotelClass = "hotel_class",
+ HourglassBottom = "hourglass_bottom",
+ HourglassDisabled = "hourglass_disabled",
+ HourglassEmpty = "hourglass_empty",
+ HourglassFull = "hourglass_full",
+ HourglassTop = "hourglass_top",
+ House = "house",
+ HouseSiding = "house_siding",
+ Houseboat = "houseboat",
+ HowToReg = "how_to_reg",
+ HowToVote = "how_to_vote",
+ Html = "html",
+ Http = "http",
+ Https = "https",
+ Hub = "hub",
+ Hvac = "hvac",
+ IceSkating = "ice_skating",
+ Icecream = "icecream",
+ Image = "image",
+ ImageAspectRatio = "image_aspect_ratio",
+ ImageNotSupported = "image_not_supported",
+ ImageSearch = "image_search",
+ ImagesearchRoller = "imagesearch_roller",
+ ImportContacts = "import_contacts",
+ ImportExport = "import_export",
+ ImportantDevices = "important_devices",
+ Inbox = "inbox",
+ IncompleteCircle = "incomplete_circle",
+ IndeterminateCheckBox = "indeterminate_check_box",
+ Info = "info",
+ InfoOutline = "info_outline",
+ Input = "input",
+ InsertChart = "insert_chart",
+ InsertChartOutlined = "insert_chart_outlined",
+ InsertComment = "insert_comment",
+ InsertDriveFile = "insert_drive_file",
+ InsertEmoticon = "insert_emoticon",
+ InsertInvitation = "insert_invitation",
+ InsertLink = "insert_link",
+ InsertPageBreak = "insert_page_break",
+ InsertPhoto = "insert_photo",
+ Insights = "insights",
+ InstallDesktop = "install_desktop",
+ InstallMobile = "install_mobile",
+ IntegrationInstructions = "integration_instructions",
+ Interests = "interests",
+ InterpreterMode = "interpreter_mode",
+ Inventory = "inventory",
+ Inventory2 = "inventory_2",
+ InvertColors = "invert_colors",
+ InvertColorsOff = "invert_colors_off",
+ IosShare = "ios_share",
+ Iron = "iron",
+ Iso = "iso",
+ Javascript = "javascript",
+ JoinFull = "join_full",
+ JoinInner = "join_inner",
+ JoinLeft = "join_left",
+ JoinRight = "join_right",
+ Kayaking = "kayaking",
+ KebabDining = "kebab_dining",
+ Key = "key",
+ KeyOff = "key_off",
+ Keyboard = "keyboard",
+ KeyboardAlt = "keyboard_alt",
+ KeyboardArrowDown = "keyboard_arrow_down",
+ KeyboardArrowLeft = "keyboard_arrow_left",
+ KeyboardArrowRight = "keyboard_arrow_right",
+ KeyboardArrowUp = "keyboard_arrow_up",
+ KeyboardBackspace = "keyboard_backspace",
+ KeyboardCapslock = "keyboard_capslock",
+ KeyboardCommandKey = "keyboard_command_key",
+ KeyboardControlKey = "keyboard_control_key",
+ KeyboardDoubleArrowDown = "keyboard_double_arrow_down",
+ KeyboardDoubleArrowLeft = "keyboard_double_arrow_left",
+ KeyboardDoubleArrowRight = "keyboard_double_arrow_right",
+ KeyboardDoubleArrowUp = "keyboard_double_arrow_up",
+ KeyboardHide = "keyboard_hide",
+ KeyboardOptionKey = "keyboard_option_key",
+ KeyboardReturn = "keyboard_return",
+ KeyboardTab = "keyboard_tab",
+ KeyboardVoice = "keyboard_voice",
+ KingBed = "king_bed",
+ Kitchen = "kitchen",
+ Kitesurfing = "kitesurfing",
+ Label = "label",
+ LabelImportant = "label_important",
+ LabelImportantOutline = "label_important_outline",
+ LabelOff = "label_off",
+ LabelOutline = "label_outline",
+ Lan = "lan",
+ Landscape = "landscape",
+ Landslide = "landslide",
+ Language = "language",
+ Laptop = "laptop",
+ LaptopChromebook = "laptop_chromebook",
+ LaptopMac = "laptop_mac",
+ LaptopWindows = "laptop_windows",
+ LastPage = "last_page",
+ Launch = "launch",
+ Layers = "layers",
+ LayersClear = "layers_clear",
+ Leaderboard = "leaderboard",
+ LeakAdd = "leak_add",
+ LeakRemove = "leak_remove",
+ LegendToggle = "legend_toggle",
+ Lens = "lens",
+ LensBlur = "lens_blur",
+ LibraryAdd = "library_add",
+ LibraryAddCheck = "library_add_check",
+ LibraryBooks = "library_books",
+ LibraryMusic = "library_music",
+ Light = "light",
+ LightMode = "light_mode",
+ Lightbulb = "lightbulb",
+ LightbulbCircle = "lightbulb_circle",
+ LightbulbOutline = "lightbulb_outline",
+ LineAxis = "line_axis",
+ LineStyle = "line_style",
+ LineWeight = "line_weight",
+ LinearScale = "linear_scale",
+ Link = "link",
+ LinkOff = "link_off",
+ LinkedCamera = "linked_camera",
+ Liquor = "liquor",
+ List = "list",
+ ListAlt = "list_alt",
+ LiveHelp = "live_help",
+ LiveTv = "live_tv",
+ Living = "living",
+ LocalActivity = "local_activity",
+ LocalAirport = "local_airport",
+ LocalAtm = "local_atm",
+ LocalBar = "local_bar",
+ LocalCafe = "local_cafe",
+ LocalCarWash = "local_car_wash",
+ LocalConvenienceStore = "local_convenience_store",
+ LocalDining = "local_dining",
+ LocalDrink = "local_drink",
+ LocalFireDepartment = "local_fire_department",
+ LocalFlorist = "local_florist",
+ LocalGasStation = "local_gas_station",
+ LocalGroceryStore = "local_grocery_store",
+ LocalHospital = "local_hospital",
+ LocalHotel = "local_hotel",
+ LocalLaundryService = "local_laundry_service",
+ LocalLibrary = "local_library",
+ LocalMall = "local_mall",
+ LocalMovies = "local_movies",
+ LocalOffer = "local_offer",
+ LocalParking = "local_parking",
+ LocalPharmacy = "local_pharmacy",
+ LocalPhone = "local_phone",
+ LocalPizza = "local_pizza",
+ LocalPlay = "local_play",
+ LocalPolice = "local_police",
+ LocalPostOffice = "local_post_office",
+ LocalPrintshop = "local_printshop",
+ LocalSee = "local_see",
+ LocalShipping = "local_shipping",
+ LocalTaxi = "local_taxi",
+ LocationCity = "location_city",
+ LocationDisabled = "location_disabled",
+ LocationOff = "location_off",
+ LocationOn = "location_on",
+ LocationPin = "location_pin",
+ LocationSearching = "location_searching",
+ Lock = "lock",
+ LockClock = "lock_clock",
+ LockOpen = "lock_open",
+ LockOutline = "lock_outline",
+ LockPerson = "lock_person",
+ LockReset = "lock_reset",
+ Login = "login",
+ LogoDev = "logo_dev",
+ Logout = "logout",
+ Looks = "looks",
+ Looks3 = "looks_3",
+ Looks4 = "looks_4",
+ Looks5 = "looks_5",
+ Looks6 = "looks_6",
+ LooksOne = "looks_one",
+ LooksTwo = "looks_two",
+ Loop = "loop",
+ Loupe = "loupe",
+ LowPriority = "low_priority",
+ Loyalty = "loyalty",
+ LteMobiledata = "lte_mobiledata",
+ LtePlusMobiledata = "lte_plus_mobiledata",
+ Luggage = "luggage",
+ LunchDining = "lunch_dining",
+ Lyrics = "lyrics",
+ MacroOff = "macro_off",
+ Mail = "mail",
+ MailLock = "mail_lock",
+ MailOutline = "mail_outline",
+ Male = "male",
+ Man = "man",
+ Man2 = "man_2",
+ Man3 = "man_3",
+ Man4 = "man_4",
+ ManageAccounts = "manage_accounts",
+ ManageHistory = "manage_history",
+ ManageSearch = "manage_search",
+ Map = "map",
+ MapsHomeWork = "maps_home_work",
+ MapsUgc = "maps_ugc",
+ Margin = "margin",
+ MarkAsUnread = "mark_as_unread",
+ MarkChatRead = "mark_chat_read",
+ MarkChatUnread = "mark_chat_unread",
+ MarkEmailRead = "mark_email_read",
+ MarkEmailUnread = "mark_email_unread",
+ MarkUnreadChatAlt = "mark_unread_chat_alt",
+ Markunread = "markunread",
+ MarkunreadMailbox = "markunread_mailbox",
+ Masks = "masks",
+ Maximize = "maximize",
+ MediaBluetoothOff = "media_bluetooth_off",
+ MediaBluetoothOn = "media_bluetooth_on",
+ Mediation = "mediation",
+ MedicalInformation = "medical_information",
+ MedicalServices = "medical_services",
+ Medication = "medication",
+ MedicationLiquid = "medication_liquid",
+ MeetingRoom = "meeting_room",
+ Memory = "memory",
+ Menu = "menu",
+ MenuBook = "menu_book",
+ MenuOpen = "menu_open",
+ Merge = "merge",
+ MergeType = "merge_type",
+ Message = "message",
+ Mic = "mic",
+ MicExternalOff = "mic_external_off",
+ MicExternalOn = "mic_external_on",
+ MicNone = "mic_none",
+ MicOff = "mic_off",
+ Microwave = "microwave",
+ MilitaryTech = "military_tech",
+ Minimize = "minimize",
+ MinorCrash = "minor_crash",
+ MiscellaneousServices = "miscellaneous_services",
+ MissedVideoCall = "missed_video_call",
+ Mms = "mms",
+ MobileFriendly = "mobile_friendly",
+ MobileOff = "mobile_off",
+ MobileScreenShare = "mobile_screen_share",
+ MobiledataOff = "mobiledata_off",
+ Mode = "mode",
+ ModeComment = "mode_comment",
+ ModeEdit = "mode_edit",
+ ModeEditOutline = "mode_edit_outline",
+ ModeFanOff = "mode_fan_off",
+ ModeNight = "mode_night",
+ ModeOfTravel = "mode_of_travel",
+ ModeStandby = "mode_standby",
+ ModelTraining = "model_training",
+ MonetizationOn = "monetization_on",
+ Money = "money",
+ MoneyOff = "money_off",
+ MoneyOffCsred = "money_off_csred",
+ Monitor = "monitor",
+ MonitorHeart = "monitor_heart",
+ MonitorWeight = "monitor_weight",
+ MonochromePhotos = "monochrome_photos",
+ Mood = "mood",
+ MoodBad = "mood_bad",
+ Moped = "moped",
+ More = "more",
+ MoreHoriz = "more_horiz",
+ MoreTime = "more_time",
+ MoreVert = "more_vert",
+ Mosque = "mosque",
+ MotionPhotosAuto = "motion_photos_auto",
+ MotionPhotosOff = "motion_photos_off",
+ MotionPhotosOn = "motion_photos_on",
+ MotionPhotosPause = "motion_photos_pause",
+ MotionPhotosPaused = "motion_photos_paused",
+ Mouse = "mouse",
+ MoveDown = "move_down",
+ MoveToInbox = "move_to_inbox",
+ MoveUp = "move_up",
+ Movie = "movie",
+ MovieCreation = "movie_creation",
+ MovieFilter = "movie_filter",
+ Moving = "moving",
+ Mp = "mp",
+ MultilineChart = "multiline_chart",
+ MultipleStop = "multiple_stop",
+ Museum = "museum",
+ MusicNote = "music_note",
+ MusicOff = "music_off",
+ MusicVideo = "music_video",
+ MyLocation = "my_location",
+ Nat = "nat",
+ Nature = "nature",
+ NaturePeople = "nature_people",
+ NavigateBefore = "navigate_before",
+ NavigateNext = "navigate_next",
+ Navigation = "navigation",
+ NearMe = "near_me",
+ NearMeDisabled = "near_me_disabled",
+ NearbyError = "nearby_error",
+ NearbyOff = "nearby_off",
+ NestCamWiredStand = "nest_cam_wired_stand",
+ NetworkCell = "network_cell",
+ NetworkCheck = "network_check",
+ NetworkLocked = "network_locked",
+ NetworkPing = "network_ping",
+ NetworkWifi = "network_wifi",
+ NetworkWifi1Bar = "network_wifi_1_bar",
+ NetworkWifi2Bar = "network_wifi_2_bar",
+ NetworkWifi3Bar = "network_wifi_3_bar",
+ NewLabel = "new_label",
+ NewReleases = "new_releases",
+ Newspaper = "newspaper",
+ NextPlan = "next_plan",
+ NextWeek = "next_week",
+ Nfc = "nfc",
+ NightShelter = "night_shelter",
+ Nightlife = "nightlife",
+ Nightlight = "nightlight",
+ NightlightRound = "nightlight_round",
+ NightsStay = "nights_stay",
+ NoAccounts = "no_accounts",
+ NoAdultContent = "no_adult_content",
+ NoBackpack = "no_backpack",
+ NoCell = "no_cell",
+ NoCrash = "no_crash",
+ NoDrinks = "no_drinks",
+ NoEncryption = "no_encryption",
+ NoEncryptionGmailerrorred = "no_encryption_gmailerrorred",
+ NoFlash = "no_flash",
+ NoFood = "no_food",
+ NoLuggage = "no_luggage",
+ NoMeals = "no_meals",
+ NoMealsOuline = "no_meals_ouline",
+ NoMeetingRoom = "no_meeting_room",
+ NoPhotography = "no_photography",
+ NoSim = "no_sim",
+ NoStroller = "no_stroller",
+ NoTransfer = "no_transfer",
+ NoiseAware = "noise_aware",
+ NoiseControlOff = "noise_control_off",
+ NordicWalking = "nordic_walking",
+ North = "north",
+ NorthEast = "north_east",
+ NorthWest = "north_west",
+ NotAccessible = "not_accessible",
+ NotInterested = "not_interested",
+ NotListedLocation = "not_listed_location",
+ NotStarted = "not_started",
+ Note = "note",
+ NoteAdd = "note_add",
+ NoteAlt = "note_alt",
+ Notes = "notes",
+ NotificationAdd = "notification_add",
+ NotificationImportant = "notification_important",
+ Notifications = "notifications",
+ NotificationsActive = "notifications_active",
+ NotificationsNone = "notifications_none",
+ NotificationsOff = "notifications_off",
+ NotificationsPaused = "notifications_paused",
+ Numbers = "numbers",
+ OfflineBolt = "offline_bolt",
+ OfflinePin = "offline_pin",
+ OfflineShare = "offline_share",
+ OilBarrel = "oil_barrel",
+ OnDeviceTraining = "on_device_training",
+ OndemandVideo = "ondemand_video",
+ OnlinePrediction = "online_prediction",
+ Opacity = "opacity",
+ OpenInBrowser = "open_in_browser",
+ OpenInFull = "open_in_full",
+ OpenInNew = "open_in_new",
+ OpenInNewOff = "open_in_new_off",
+ OpenWith = "open_with",
+ OtherHouses = "other_houses",
+ Outbond = "outbond",
+ Outbound = "outbound",
+ Outbox = "outbox",
+ OutdoorGrill = "outdoor_grill",
+ OutgoingMail = "outgoing_mail",
+ Outlet = "outlet",
+ OutlinedFlag = "outlined_flag",
+ Output = "output",
+ Padding = "padding",
+ Pages = "pages",
+ Pageview = "pageview",
+ Paid = "paid",
+ Palette = "palette",
+ PanTool = "pan_tool",
+ PanToolAlt = "pan_tool_alt",
+ Panorama = "panorama",
+ PanoramaFishEye = "panorama_fish_eye",
+ PanoramaHorizontal = "panorama_horizontal",
+ PanoramaHorizontalSelect = "panorama_horizontal_select",
+ PanoramaPhotosphere = "panorama_photosphere",
+ PanoramaPhotosphereSelect = "panorama_photosphere_select",
+ PanoramaVertical = "panorama_vertical",
+ PanoramaVerticalSelect = "panorama_vertical_select",
+ PanoramaWideAngle = "panorama_wide_angle",
+ PanoramaWideAngleSelect = "panorama_wide_angle_select",
+ Paragliding = "paragliding",
+ Park = "park",
+ PartyMode = "party_mode",
+ Password = "password",
+ Pattern = "pattern",
+ Pause = "pause",
+ PauseCircle = "pause_circle",
+ PauseCircleFilled = "pause_circle_filled",
+ PauseCircleOutline = "pause_circle_outline",
+ PausePresentation = "pause_presentation",
+ Payment = "payment",
+ Payments = "payments",
+ PedalBike = "pedal_bike",
+ Pending = "pending",
+ PendingActions = "pending_actions",
+ Pentagon = "pentagon",
+ People = "people",
+ PeopleAlt = "people_alt",
+ PeopleOutline = "people_outline",
+ Percent = "percent",
+ PermCameraMic = "perm_camera_mic",
+ PermContactCalendar = "perm_contact_calendar",
+ PermDataSetting = "perm_data_setting",
+ PermDeviceInformation = "perm_device_information",
+ PermIdentity = "perm_identity",
+ PermMedia = "perm_media",
+ PermPhoneMsg = "perm_phone_msg",
+ PermScanWifi = "perm_scan_wifi",
+ Person = "person",
+ Person2 = "person_2",
+ Person3 = "person_3",
+ Person4 = "person_4",
+ PersonAdd = "person_add",
+ PersonAddAlt = "person_add_alt",
+ PersonAddAlt1 = "person_add_alt_1",
+ PersonAddDisabled = "person_add_disabled",
+ PersonOff = "person_off",
+ PersonOutline = "person_outline",
+ PersonPin = "person_pin",
+ PersonPinCircle = "person_pin_circle",
+ PersonRemove = "person_remove",
+ PersonRemoveAlt1 = "person_remove_alt_1",
+ PersonSearch = "person_search",
+ PersonalInjury = "personal_injury",
+ PersonalVideo = "personal_video",
+ PestControl = "pest_control",
+ PestControlRodent = "pest_control_rodent",
+ Pets = "pets",
+ Phishing = "phishing",
+ Phone = "phone",
+ PhoneAndroid = "phone_android",
+ PhoneBluetoothSpeaker = "phone_bluetooth_speaker",
+ PhoneCallback = "phone_callback",
+ PhoneDisabled = "phone_disabled",
+ PhoneEnabled = "phone_enabled",
+ PhoneForwarded = "phone_forwarded",
+ PhoneInTalk = "phone_in_talk",
+ PhoneIphone = "phone_iphone",
+ PhoneLocked = "phone_locked",
+ PhoneMissed = "phone_missed",
+ PhonePaused = "phone_paused",
+ Phonelink = "phonelink",
+ PhonelinkErase = "phonelink_erase",
+ PhonelinkLock = "phonelink_lock",
+ PhonelinkOff = "phonelink_off",
+ PhonelinkRing = "phonelink_ring",
+ PhonelinkSetup = "phonelink_setup",
+ Photo = "photo",
+ PhotoAlbum = "photo_album",
+ PhotoCamera = "photo_camera",
+ PhotoCameraBack = "photo_camera_back",
+ PhotoCameraFront = "photo_camera_front",
+ PhotoFilter = "photo_filter",
+ PhotoLibrary = "photo_library",
+ PhotoSizeSelectActual = "photo_size_select_actual",
+ PhotoSizeSelectLarge = "photo_size_select_large",
+ PhotoSizeSelectSmall = "photo_size_select_small",
+ Php = "php",
+ Piano = "piano",
+ PianoOff = "piano_off",
+ PictureAsPdf = "picture_as_pdf",
+ PictureInPicture = "picture_in_picture",
+ PictureInPictureAlt = "picture_in_picture_alt",
+ PieChart = "pie_chart",
+ PieChartOutline = "pie_chart_outline",
+ PieChartOutlined = "pie_chart_outlined",
+ Pin = "pin",
+ PinDrop = "pin_drop",
+ PinEnd = "pin_end",
+ PinInvoke = "pin_invoke",
+ Pinch = "pinch",
+ PivotTableChart = "pivot_table_chart",
+ Pix = "pix",
+ Place = "place",
+ Plagiarism = "plagiarism",
+ PlayArrow = "play_arrow",
+ PlayCircle = "play_circle",
+ PlayCircleFilled = "play_circle_filled",
+ PlayCircleOutline = "play_circle_outline",
+ PlayDisabled = "play_disabled",
+ PlayForWork = "play_for_work",
+ PlayLesson = "play_lesson",
+ PlaylistAdd = "playlist_add",
+ PlaylistAddCheck = "playlist_add_check",
+ PlaylistAddCheckCircle = "playlist_add_check_circle",
+ PlaylistAddCircle = "playlist_add_circle",
+ PlaylistPlay = "playlist_play",
+ PlaylistRemove = "playlist_remove",
+ Plumbing = "plumbing",
+ PlusOne = "plus_one",
+ Podcasts = "podcasts",
+ PointOfSale = "point_of_sale",
+ Policy = "policy",
+ Poll = "poll",
+ Polyline = "polyline",
+ Polymer = "polymer",
+ Pool = "pool",
+ PortableWifiOff = "portable_wifi_off",
+ Portrait = "portrait",
+ PostAdd = "post_add",
+ Power = "power",
+ PowerInput = "power_input",
+ PowerOff = "power_off",
+ PowerSettingsNew = "power_settings_new",
+ PrecisionManufacturing = "precision_manufacturing",
+ PregnantWoman = "pregnant_woman",
+ PresentToAll = "present_to_all",
+ Preview = "preview",
+ PriceChange = "price_change",
+ PriceCheck = "price_check",
+ Print = "print",
+ PrintDisabled = "print_disabled",
+ PriorityHigh = "priority_high",
+ PrivacyTip = "privacy_tip",
+ PrivateConnectivity = "private_connectivity",
+ ProductionQuantityLimits = "production_quantity_limits",
+ Propane = "propane",
+ PropaneTank = "propane_tank",
+ Psychology = "psychology",
+ PsychologyAlt = "psychology_alt",
+ Public = "public",
+ PublicOff = "public_off",
+ Publish = "publish",
+ PublishedWithChanges = "published_with_changes",
+ PunchClock = "punch_clock",
+ PushPin = "push_pin",
+ QrCode = "qr_code",
+ QrCode2 = "qr_code_2",
+ QrCodeScanner = "qr_code_scanner",
+ QueryBuilder = "query_builder",
+ QueryStats = "query_stats",
+ QuestionAnswer = "question_answer",
+ QuestionMark = "question_mark",
+ Queue = "queue",
+ QueueMusic = "queue_music",
+ QueuePlayNext = "queue_play_next",
+ Quickreply = "quickreply",
+ Quiz = "quiz",
+ RMobiledata = "r_mobiledata",
+ Radar = "radar",
+ Radio = "radio",
+ RadioButtonChecked = "radio_button_checked",
+ RadioButtonUnchecked = "radio_button_unchecked",
+ RailwayAlert = "railway_alert",
+ RamenDining = "ramen_dining",
+ RampLeft = "ramp_left",
+ RampRight = "ramp_right",
+ RateReview = "rate_review",
+ RawOff = "raw_off",
+ RawOn = "raw_on",
+ ReadMore = "read_more",
+ RealEstateAgent = "real_estate_agent",
+ Receipt = "receipt",
+ ReceiptLong = "receipt_long",
+ RecentActors = "recent_actors",
+ Recommend = "recommend",
+ RecordVoiceOver = "record_voice_over",
+ Rectangle = "rectangle",
+ Recycling = "recycling",
+ Redeem = "redeem",
+ Redo = "redo",
+ ReduceCapacity = "reduce_capacity",
+ Refresh = "refresh",
+ RememberMe = "remember_me",
+ Remove = "remove",
+ RemoveCircle = "remove_circle",
+ RemoveCircleOutline = "remove_circle_outline",
+ RemoveDone = "remove_done",
+ RemoveFromQueue = "remove_from_queue",
+ RemoveModerator = "remove_moderator",
+ RemoveRedEye = "remove_red_eye",
+ RemoveRoad = "remove_road",
+ RemoveShoppingCart = "remove_shopping_cart",
+ Reorder = "reorder",
+ Repartition = "repartition",
+ Repeat = "repeat",
+ RepeatOn = "repeat_on",
+ RepeatOne = "repeat_one",
+ RepeatOneOn = "repeat_one_on",
+ Replay = "replay",
+ Replay10 = "replay_10",
+ Replay30 = "replay_30",
+ Replay5 = "replay_5",
+ ReplayCircleFilled = "replay_circle_filled",
+ Reply = "reply",
+ ReplyAll = "reply_all",
+ Report = "report",
+ ReportGmailerrorred = "report_gmailerrorred",
+ ReportOff = "report_off",
+ ReportProblem = "report_problem",
+ RequestPage = "request_page",
+ RequestQuote = "request_quote",
+ ResetTv = "reset_tv",
+ RestartAlt = "restart_alt",
+ Restaurant = "restaurant",
+ RestaurantMenu = "restaurant_menu",
+ Restore = "restore",
+ RestoreFromTrash = "restore_from_trash",
+ RestorePage = "restore_page",
+ Reviews = "reviews",
+ RiceBowl = "rice_bowl",
+ RingVolume = "ring_volume",
+ Rocket = "rocket",
+ RocketLaunch = "rocket_launch",
+ RollerShades = "roller_shades",
+ RollerShadesClosed = "roller_shades_closed",
+ RollerSkating = "roller_skating",
+ Roofing = "roofing",
+ Room = "room",
+ RoomPreferences = "room_preferences",
+ RoomService = "room_service",
+ Rotate90DegreesCcw = "rotate_90_degrees_ccw",
+ Rotate90DegreesCw = "rotate_90_degrees_cw",
+ RotateLeft = "rotate_left",
+ RotateRight = "rotate_right",
+ RoundaboutLeft = "roundabout_left",
+ RoundaboutRight = "roundabout_right",
+ RoundedCorner = "rounded_corner",
+ Route = "route",
+ Router = "router",
+ Rowing = "rowing",
+ RssFeed = "rss_feed",
+ Rsvp = "rsvp",
+ Rtt = "rtt",
+ Rule = "rule",
+ RuleFolder = "rule_folder",
+ RunCircle = "run_circle",
+ RunningWithErrors = "running_with_errors",
+ RvHookup = "rv_hookup",
+ SafetyCheck = "safety_check",
+ SafetyDivider = "safety_divider",
+ Sailing = "sailing",
+ Sanitizer = "sanitizer",
+ Satellite = "satellite",
+ SatelliteAlt = "satellite_alt",
+ Save = "save",
+ SaveAlt = "save_alt",
+ SaveAs = "save_as",
+ SavedSearch = "saved_search",
+ Savings = "savings",
+ Scale = "scale",
+ Scanner = "scanner",
+ ScatterPlot = "scatter_plot",
+ Schedule = "schedule",
+ ScheduleSend = "schedule_send",
+ Schema = "schema",
+ School = "school",
+ Science = "science",
+ Score = "score",
+ Scoreboard = "scoreboard",
+ ScreenLockLandscape = "screen_lock_landscape",
+ ScreenLockPortrait = "screen_lock_portrait",
+ ScreenLockRotation = "screen_lock_rotation",
+ ScreenRotation = "screen_rotation",
+ ScreenRotationAlt = "screen_rotation_alt",
+ ScreenSearchDesktop = "screen_search_desktop",
+ ScreenShare = "screen_share",
+ Screenshot = "screenshot",
+ ScreenshotMonitor = "screenshot_monitor",
+ ScubaDiving = "scuba_diving",
+ Sd = "sd",
+ SdCard = "sd_card",
+ SdCardAlert = "sd_card_alert",
+ SdStorage = "sd_storage",
+ Search = "search",
+ SearchOff = "search_off",
+ Security = "security",
+ SecurityUpdate = "security_update",
+ SecurityUpdateGood = "security_update_good",
+ SecurityUpdateWarning = "security_update_warning",
+ Segment = "segment",
+ SelectAll = "select_all",
+ SelfImprovement = "self_improvement",
+ Sell = "sell",
+ Send = "send",
+ SendAndArchive = "send_and_archive",
+ SendTimeExtension = "send_time_extension",
+ SendToMobile = "send_to_mobile",
+ SensorDoor = "sensor_door",
+ SensorOccupied = "sensor_occupied",
+ SensorWindow = "sensor_window",
+ Sensors = "sensors",
+ SensorsOff = "sensors_off",
+ SentimentDissatisfied = "sentiment_dissatisfied",
+ SentimentNeutral = "sentiment_neutral",
+ SentimentSatisfied = "sentiment_satisfied",
+ SentimentSatisfiedAlt = "sentiment_satisfied_alt",
+ SentimentVeryDissatisfied = "sentiment_very_dissatisfied",
+ SentimentVerySatisfied = "sentiment_very_satisfied",
+ SetMeal = "set_meal",
+ Settings = "settings",
+ SettingsAccessibility = "settings_accessibility",
+ SettingsApplications = "settings_applications",
+ SettingsBackupRestore = "settings_backup_restore",
+ SettingsBluetooth = "settings_bluetooth",
+ SettingsBrightness = "settings_brightness",
+ SettingsCell = "settings_cell",
+ SettingsEthernet = "settings_ethernet",
+ SettingsInputAntenna = "settings_input_antenna",
+ SettingsInputComponent = "settings_input_component",
+ SettingsInputComposite = "settings_input_composite",
+ SettingsInputHdmi = "settings_input_hdmi",
+ SettingsInputSvideo = "settings_input_svideo",
+ SettingsOverscan = "settings_overscan",
+ SettingsPhone = "settings_phone",
+ SettingsPower = "settings_power",
+ SettingsRemote = "settings_remote",
+ SettingsSuggest = "settings_suggest",
+ SettingsSystemDaydream = "settings_system_daydream",
+ SettingsVoice = "settings_voice",
+ SevereCold = "severe_cold",
+ ShapeLine = "shape_line",
+ Share = "share",
+ ShareLocation = "share_location",
+ Shield = "shield",
+ ShieldMoon = "shield_moon",
+ Shop = "shop",
+ Shop2 = "shop_2",
+ ShopTwo = "shop_two",
+ ShoppingBag = "shopping_bag",
+ ShoppingBasket = "shopping_basket",
+ ShoppingCart = "shopping_cart",
+ ShoppingCartCheckout = "shopping_cart_checkout",
+ ShortText = "short_text",
+ Shortcut = "shortcut",
+ ShowChart = "show_chart",
+ Shower = "shower",
+ Shuffle = "shuffle",
+ ShuffleOn = "shuffle_on",
+ ShutterSpeed = "shutter_speed",
+ Sick = "sick",
+ SignLanguage = "sign_language",
+ SignalCellular0Bar = "signal_cellular_0_bar",
+ SignalCellular1Bartwotone = "signal_cellular_1_bartwotone",
+ SignalCellular2Bartwotone = "signal_cellular_2_bartwotone",
+ SignalCellular3Bartwotone = "signal_cellular_3_bartwotone",
+ SignalCellular4Bar = "signal_cellular_4_bar",
+ SignalCellularAlt = "signal_cellular_alt",
+ SignalCellularAlt1Bar = "signal_cellular_alt_1_bar",
+ SignalCellularAlt2Bar = "signal_cellular_alt_2_bar",
+ SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet0Bar = "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_0_bar",
+ SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet1Bartwotone = "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_1_bartwotone",
+ SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet2Bartwotone = "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_2_bartwotone",
+ SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet3Bartwotone = "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_3_bartwotone",
+ SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet4Bar = "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar",
+ SignalCellularNoSim = "signal_cellular_no_sim",
+ SignalCellularNodata = "signal_cellular_nodata",
+ SignalCellularNull = "signal_cellular_null",
+ SignalCellularOff = "signal_cellular_off",
+ SignalWifi0Bar = "signal_wifi_0_bar",
+ SignalWifi1BarLocktwotone = "signal_wifi_1_bar_locktwotone",
+ SignalWifi1Bartwotone = "signal_wifi_1_bartwotone",
+ SignalWifi2BarLocktwotone = "signal_wifi_2_bar_locktwotone",
+ SignalWifi2Bartwotone = "signal_wifi_2_bartwotone",
+ SignalWifi3BarLocktwotone = "signal_wifi_3_bar_locktwotone",
+ SignalWifi3Bartwotone = "signal_wifi_3_bartwotone",
+ SignalWifi4Bar = "signal_wifi_4_bar",
+ SignalWifi4BarLock = "signal_wifi_4_bar_lock",
+ SignalWifiBad = "signal_wifi_bad",
+ SignalWifiConnectedNoInternet0twotone = "signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_0twotone",
+ SignalWifiConnectedNoInternet1twotone = "signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_1twotone",
+ SignalWifiConnectedNoInternet2twotone = "signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_2twotone",
+ SignalWifiConnectedNoInternet3twotone = "signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_3twotone",
+ SignalWifiConnectedNoInternet4 = "signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_4",
+ SignalWifiOff = "signal_wifi_off",
+ SignalWifiStatusbar1Bartwotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_1_bartwotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbar2Bartwotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_2_bartwotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbar3Bartwotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_3_bartwotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbar4Bar = "signal_wifi_statusbar_4_bar",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarConnectedNoInternet1twotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_1twotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarConnectedNoInternet2twotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_2twotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarConnectedNoInternet3twotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_3twotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarConnectedNoInternet4 = "signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_4",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarConnectedNoInternettwotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internettwotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarNotConnectedtwotone = "signal_wifi_statusbar_not_connectedtwotone",
+ SignalWifiStatusbarNull = "signal_wifi_statusbar_null",
+ Signpost = "signpost",
+ SimCard = "sim_card",
+ SimCardAlert = "sim_card_alert",
+ SimCardDownload = "sim_card_download",
+ SingleBed = "single_bed",
+ Sip = "sip",
+ Skateboarding = "skateboarding",
+ SkipNext = "skip_next",
+ SkipPrevious = "skip_previous",
+ Sledding = "sledding",
+ Slideshow = "slideshow",
+ SlowMotionVideo = "slow_motion_video",
+ SmartButton = "smart_button",
+ SmartDisplay = "smart_display",
+ SmartScreen = "smart_screen",
+ SmartToy = "smart_toy",
+ Smartphone = "smartphone",
+ SmokeFree = "smoke_free",
+ SmokingRooms = "smoking_rooms",
+ Sms = "sms",
+ SmsFailed = "sms_failed",
+ SnippetFolder = "snippet_folder",
+ Snooze = "snooze",
+ Snowboarding = "snowboarding",
+ Snowing = "snowing",
+ Snowmobile = "snowmobile",
+ Snowshoeing = "snowshoeing",
+ Soap = "soap",
+ SocialDistance = "social_distance",
+ SolarPower = "solar_power",
+ Sort = "sort",
+ SortByAlpha = "sort_by_alpha",
+ Sos = "sos",
+ SoupKitchen = "soup_kitchen",
+ Source = "source",
+ South = "south",
+ SouthAmerica = "south_america",
+ SouthEast = "south_east",
+ SouthWest = "south_west",
+ Spa = "spa",
+ SpaceBar = "space_bar",
+ SpaceDashboard = "space_dashboard",
+ SpatialAudio = "spatial_audio",
+ SpatialAudioOff = "spatial_audio_off",
+ SpatialTracking = "spatial_tracking",
+ Speaker = "speaker",
+ SpeakerGroup = "speaker_group",
+ SpeakerNotes = "speaker_notes",
+ SpeakerNotesOff = "speaker_notes_off",
+ SpeakerPhone = "speaker_phone",
+ Speed = "speed",
+ Spellcheck = "spellcheck",
+ Splitscreen = "splitscreen",
+ Spoke = "spoke",
+ Sports = "sports",
+ SportsBar = "sports_bar",
+ SportsBaseball = "sports_baseball",
+ SportsBasketball = "sports_basketball",
+ SportsCricket = "sports_cricket",
+ SportsEsports = "sports_esports",
+ SportsFootball = "sports_football",
+ SportsGolf = "sports_golf",
+ SportsGymnastics = "sports_gymnastics",
+ SportsHandball = "sports_handball",
+ SportsHockey = "sports_hockey",
+ SportsKabaddi = "sports_kabaddi",
+ SportsMartialArts = "sports_martial_arts",
+ SportsMma = "sports_mma",
+ SportsMotorsports = "sports_motorsports",
+ SportsRugby = "sports_rugby",
+ SportsScore = "sports_score",
+ SportsSoccer = "sports_soccer",
+ SportsTennis = "sports_tennis",
+ SportsVolleyball = "sports_volleyball",
+ Square = "square",
+ SquareFoot = "square_foot",
+ SsidChart = "ssid_chart",
+ StackedBarChart = "stacked_bar_chart",
+ StackedLineChart = "stacked_line_chart",
+ Stadium = "stadium",
+ Stairs = "stairs",
+ Star = "star",
+ StarBorder = "star_border",
+ StarBorderPurple500 = "star_border_purple500",
+ StarHalf = "star_half",
+ StarOutline = "star_outline",
+ StarPurple500 = "star_purple500",
+ StarRate = "star_rate",
+ Stars = "stars",
+ Start = "start",
+ StayCurrentLandscape = "stay_current_landscape",
+ StayCurrentPortrait = "stay_current_portrait",
+ StayPrimaryLandscape = "stay_primary_landscape",
+ StayPrimaryPortrait = "stay_primary_portrait",
+ StickyNote2 = "sticky_note_2",
+ Stop = "stop",
+ StopCircle = "stop_circle",
+ StopScreenShare = "stop_screen_share",
+ Storage = "storage",
+ Store = "store",
+ StoreMallDirectory = "store_mall_directory",
+ Storefront = "storefront",
+ Storm = "storm",
+ Straight = "straight",
+ Straighten = "straighten",
+ Stream = "stream",
+ Streetview = "streetview",
+ StrikethroughS = "strikethrough_s",
+ Stroller = "stroller",
+ Style = "style",
+ SubdirectoryArrowLeft = "subdirectory_arrow_left",
+ SubdirectoryArrowRight = "subdirectory_arrow_right",
+ Subject = "subject",
+ Subscript = "subscript",
+ Subscriptions = "subscriptions",
+ Subtitles = "subtitles",
+ SubtitlesOff = "subtitles_off",
+ Subway = "subway",
+ Summarize = "summarize",
+ Sunny = "sunny",
+ SunnySnowing = "sunny_snowing",
+ Superscript = "superscript",
+ SupervisedUserCircle = "supervised_user_circle",
+ SupervisorAccount = "supervisor_account",
+ Support = "support",
+ SupportAgent = "support_agent",
+ Surfing = "surfing",
+ SurroundSound = "surround_sound",
+ SwapCalls = "swap_calls",
+ SwapHoriz = "swap_horiz",
+ SwapHorizontalCircle = "swap_horizontal_circle",
+ SwapVert = "swap_vert",
+ SwapVerticalCircle = "swap_vertical_circle",
+ Swipe = "swipe",
+ SwipeDown = "swipe_down",
+ SwipeDownAlt = "swipe_down_alt",
+ SwipeLeft = "swipe_left",
+ SwipeLeftAlt = "swipe_left_alt",
+ SwipeRight = "swipe_right",
+ SwipeRightAlt = "swipe_right_alt",
+ SwipeUp = "swipe_up",
+ SwipeUpAlt = "swipe_up_alt",
+ SwipeVertical = "swipe_vertical",
+ SwitchAccessShortcut = "switch_access_shortcut",
+ SwitchAccessShortcutAdd = "switch_access_shortcut_add",
+ SwitchAccount = "switch_account",
+ SwitchCamera = "switch_camera",
+ SwitchLeft = "switch_left",
+ SwitchRight = "switch_right",
+ SwitchVideo = "switch_video",
+ Synagogue = "synagogue",
+ Sync = "sync",
+ SyncAlt = "sync_alt",
+ SyncDisabled = "sync_disabled",
+ SyncLock = "sync_lock",
+ SyncProblem = "sync_problem",
+ SystemSecurityUpdate = "system_security_update",
+ SystemSecurityUpdateGood = "system_security_update_good",
+ SystemSecurityUpdateWarning = "system_security_update_warning",
+ SystemUpdate = "system_update",
+ SystemUpdateAlt = "system_update_alt",
+ Tab = "tab",
+ TabUnselected = "tab_unselected",
+ TableBar = "table_bar",
+ TableChart = "table_chart",
+ TableRestaurant = "table_restaurant",
+ TableRows = "table_rows",
+ TableView = "table_view",
+ Tablet = "tablet",
+ TabletAndroid = "tablet_android",
+ TabletMac = "tablet_mac",
+ Tag = "tag",
+ TagFaces = "tag_faces",
+ TakeoutDining = "takeout_dining",
+ TapAndPlay = "tap_and_play",
+ Tapas = "tapas",
+ Task = "task",
+ TaskAlt = "task_alt",
+ TaxiAlert = "taxi_alert",
+ TempleBuddhist = "temple_buddhist",
+ TempleHindu = "temple_hindu",
+ Terminal = "terminal",
+ Terrain = "terrain",
+ TextDecrease = "text_decrease",
+ TextFields = "text_fields",
+ TextFormat = "text_format",
+ TextIncrease = "text_increase",
+ TextRotateUp = "text_rotate_up",
+ TextRotateVertical = "text_rotate_vertical",
+ TextRotationAngledown = "text_rotation_angledown",
+ TextRotationAngleup = "text_rotation_angleup",
+ TextRotationDown = "text_rotation_down",
+ TextRotationNone = "text_rotation_none",
+ TextSnippet = "text_snippet",
+ Textsms = "textsms",
+ Texture = "texture",
+ TheaterComedy = "theater_comedy",
+ Theaters = "theaters",
+ Thermostat = "thermostat",
+ ThermostatAuto = "thermostat_auto",
+ ThumbDown = "thumb_down",
+ ThumbDownAlt = "thumb_down_alt",
+ ThumbDownOffAlt = "thumb_down_off_alt",
+ ThumbUp = "thumb_up",
+ ThumbUpAlt = "thumb_up_alt",
+ ThumbUpOffAlt = "thumb_up_off_alt",
+ ThumbsUpDown = "thumbs_up_down",
+ Thunderstorm = "thunderstorm",
+ TimeToLeave = "time_to_leave",
+ Timelapse = "timelapse",
+ Timeline = "timeline",
+ Timer = "timer",
+ Timer10 = "timer_10",
+ Timer10Select = "timer_10_select",
+ Timer3 = "timer_3",
+ Timer3Select = "timer_3_select",
+ TimerOff = "timer_off",
+ TipsAndUpdates = "tips_and_updates",
+ TireRepair = "tire_repair",
+ Title = "title",
+ Toc = "toc",
+ Today = "today",
+ ToggleOff = "toggle_off",
+ ToggleOn = "toggle_on",
+ Token = "token",
+ Toll = "toll",
+ Tonality = "tonality",
+ Topic = "topic",
+ Tornado = "tornado",
+ TouchApp = "touch_app",
+ Tour = "tour",
+ Toys = "toys",
+ TrackChanges = "track_changes",
+ Traffic = "traffic",
+ Train = "train",
+ Tram = "tram",
+ Transcribe = "transcribe",
+ TransferWithinAStation = "transfer_within_a_station",
+ Transform = "transform",
+ Transgender = "transgender",
+ TransitEnterexit = "transit_enterexit",
+ Translate = "translate",
+ TravelExplore = "travel_explore",
+ TrendingDown = "trending_down",
+ TrendingFlat = "trending_flat",
+ TrendingUp = "trending_up",
+ TripOrigin = "trip_origin",
+ Troubleshoot = "troubleshoot",
+ Try = "try",
+ Tsunami = "tsunami",
+ Tty = "tty",
+ Tune = "tune",
+ Tungsten = "tungsten",
+ TurnLeft = "turn_left",
+ TurnRight = "turn_right",
+ TurnSharpLeft = "turn_sharp_left",
+ TurnSharpRight = "turn_sharp_right",
+ TurnSlightLeft = "turn_slight_left",
+ TurnSlightRight = "turn_slight_right",
+ TurnedIn = "turned_in",
+ TurnedInNot = "turned_in_not",
+ Tv = "tv",
+ TvOff = "tv_off",
+ TwoWheeler = "two_wheeler",
+ TypeSpecimen = "type_specimen",
+ UTurnLeft = "u_turn_left",
+ UTurnRight = "u_turn_right",
+ Umbrella = "umbrella",
+ Unarchive = "unarchive",
+ Undo = "undo",
+ UnfoldLess = "unfold_less",
+ UnfoldLessDouble = "unfold_less_double",
+ UnfoldMore = "unfold_more",
+ UnfoldMoreDouble = "unfold_more_double",
+ Unpublished = "unpublished",
+ Unsubscribe = "unsubscribe",
+ Upcoming = "upcoming",
+ Update = "update",
+ UpdateDisabled = "update_disabled",
+ Upgrade = "upgrade",
+ Upload = "upload",
+ UploadFile = "upload_file",
+ Usb = "usb",
+ UsbOff = "usb_off",
+ Vaccines = "vaccines",
+ VapeFree = "vape_free",
+ VapingRooms = "vaping_rooms",
+ Verified = "verified",
+ VerifiedUser = "verified_user",
+ VerticalAlignBottom = "vertical_align_bottom",
+ VerticalAlignCenter = "vertical_align_center",
+ VerticalAlignTop = "vertical_align_top",
+ VerticalDistribute = "vertical_distribute",
+ VerticalShades = "vertical_shades",
+ VerticalShadesClosed = "vertical_shades_closed",
+ VerticalSplit = "vertical_split",
+ Vibration = "vibration",
+ VideoCall = "video_call",
+ VideoCameraBack = "video_camera_back",
+ VideoCameraFront = "video_camera_front",
+ VideoFile = "video_file",
+ VideoLabel = "video_label",
+ VideoLibrary = "video_library",
+ VideoSettings = "video_settings",
+ VideoStable = "video_stable",
+ Videocam = "videocam",
+ VideocamOff = "videocam_off",
+ VideogameAsset = "videogame_asset",
+ VideogameAssetOff = "videogame_asset_off",
+ ViewAgenda = "view_agenda",
+ ViewArray = "view_array",
+ ViewCarousel = "view_carousel",
+ ViewColumn = "view_column",
+ ViewComfy = "view_comfy",
+ ViewComfyAlt = "view_comfy_alt",
+ ViewCompact = "view_compact",
+ ViewCompactAlt = "view_compact_alt",
+ ViewCozy = "view_cozy",
+ ViewDay = "view_day",
+ ViewHeadline = "view_headline",
+ ViewInAr = "view_in_ar",
+ ViewKanban = "view_kanban",
+ ViewList = "view_list",
+ ViewModule = "view_module",
+ ViewQuilt = "view_quilt",
+ ViewSidebar = "view_sidebar",
+ ViewStream = "view_stream",
+ ViewTimeline = "view_timeline",
+ ViewWeek = "view_week",
+ Vignette = "vignette",
+ Villa = "villa",
+ Visibility = "visibility",
+ VisibilityOff = "visibility_off",
+ VoiceChat = "voice_chat",
+ VoiceOverOff = "voice_over_off",
+ Voicemail = "voicemail",
+ Volcano = "volcano",
+ VolumeDown = "volume_down",
+ VolumeDownAlt = "volume_down_alt",
+ VolumeMute = "volume_mute",
+ VolumeOff = "volume_off",
+ VolumeUp = "volume_up",
+ VolunteerActivism = "volunteer_activism",
+ VpnKey = "vpn_key",
+ VpnKeyOff = "vpn_key_off",
+ VpnLock = "vpn_lock",
+ Vrpano = "vrpano",
+ Wallet = "wallet",
+ Wallpaper = "wallpaper",
+ Warehouse = "warehouse",
+ Warning = "warning",
+ WarningAmber = "warning_amber",
+ Wash = "wash",
+ Watch = "watch",
+ WatchLater = "watch_later",
+ WatchOff = "watch_off",
+ Water = "water",
+ WaterDamage = "water_damage",
+ WaterDrop = "water_drop",
+ WaterfallChart = "waterfall_chart",
+ Waves = "waves",
+ WavingHand = "waving_hand",
+ WbAuto = "wb_auto",
+ WbCloudy = "wb_cloudy",
+ WbIncandescent = "wb_incandescent",
+ WbIridescent = "wb_iridescent",
+ WbShade = "wb_shade",
+ WbSunny = "wb_sunny",
+ WbTwighlight = "wb_twighlight",
+ WbTwilight = "wb_twilight",
+ Wc = "wc",
+ Web = "web",
+ WebAsset = "web_asset",
+ WebAssetOff = "web_asset_off",
+ WebStories = "web_stories",
+ Webhook = "webhook",
+ Weekend = "weekend",
+ West = "west",
+ Whatsapp = "whatsapp",
+ Whatshot = "whatshot",
+ WheelchairPickup = "wheelchair_pickup",
+ WhereToVote = "where_to_vote",
+ Widgets = "widgets",
+ WidthFull = "width_full",
+ WidthNormal = "width_normal",
+ WidthWide = "width_wide",
+ Wifi = "wifi",
+ Wifi1Bar = "wifi_1_bar",
+ Wifi2Bar = "wifi_2_bar",
+ WifiCalling = "wifi_calling",
+ WifiCalling1twotone = "wifi_calling_1twotone",
+ WifiCalling2twotone = "wifi_calling_2twotone",
+ WifiCalling3 = "wifi_calling_3",
+ WifiChannel = "wifi_channel",
+ WifiFind = "wifi_find",
+ WifiLock = "wifi_lock",
+ WifiOff = "wifi_off",
+ WifiPassword = "wifi_password",
+ WifiProtectedSetup = "wifi_protected_setup",
+ WifiTethering = "wifi_tethering",
+ WifiTetheringError = "wifi_tethering_error",
+ WifiTetheringErrorRounded = "wifi_tethering_error_rounded",
+ WifiTetheringOff = "wifi_tethering_off",
+ WindPower = "wind_power",
+ Window = "window",
+ WineBar = "wine_bar",
+ Woman = "woman",
+ Woman2 = "woman_2",
+ Work = "work",
+ WorkHistory = "work_history",
+ WorkOff = "work_off",
+ WorkOutline = "work_outline",
+ WorkspacePremium = "workspace_premium",
+ Workspaces = "workspaces",
+ WorkspacesFilled = "workspaces_filled",
+ WorkspacesOutline = "workspaces_outline",
+ WrapText = "wrap_text",
+ WrongLocation = "wrong_location",
+ Wysiwyg = "wysiwyg",
+ Yard = "yard",
+ YoutubeSearchedFor = "youtube_searched_for",
+ ZoomIn = "zoom_in",
+ ZoomInMap = "zoom_in_map",
+ ZoomOut = "zoom_out",
+ ZoomOutMap = "zoom_out_map",
diff --git a/src/components/Inputs/Button.tsx b/src/components/Inputs/Button.tsx
index b16fd34..3cfce30 100644
--- a/src/components/Inputs/Button.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Inputs/Button.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { MouseEventHandler } from "react";
@@ -6,8 +7,9 @@ interface Props {
id?: string;
className?: string;
href?: string;
- children: React.ReactNode;
active?: boolean;
+ icon?: Icon;
+ text?: string | null | undefined;
locale?: string;
target?: "_blank";
onClick?: MouseEventHandler;
@@ -22,7 +24,8 @@ export function Button(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
- children,
+ icon,
+ text,
@@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ export function Button(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
- {children}
+ {icon && }
+ {text}
diff --git a/src/components/Inputs/LanguageSwitcher.tsx b/src/components/Inputs/LanguageSwitcher.tsx
index b1abbe4..6d152e7 100644
--- a/src/components/Inputs/LanguageSwitcher.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Inputs/LanguageSwitcher.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { AppStaticProps } from "graphql/getAppStaticProps";
import { prettyLanguage } from "helpers/formatters";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
@@ -26,18 +27,18 @@ export function LanguageSwitcher(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
+ text={prettyLanguage(locale, props.languages)}
+ />
+ icon={Icon.NavigateBefore}
+ />
+ icon={Icon.NavigateNext}
+ />
diff --git a/src/components/Inputs/Select.tsx b/src/components/Inputs/Select.tsx
index 396f6ed..77af1f3 100644
--- a/src/components/Inputs/Select.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Inputs/Select.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { Dispatch, Fragment, SetStateAction, useState } from "react";
@@ -31,16 +32,16 @@ export function Select(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
{state === -1 ? "—" : options[state]}
{state >= 0 && allowEmpty && (
- setState(-1)}
- className="material-icons !text-xs"
- >
- close
+ />
- setOpened(!opened)} className="material-icons">
- {opened ? "arrow_drop_up" : "arrow_drop_down"}
+ setOpened(!opened)}
+ icon={opened ? Icon.ArrowDropUp : Icon.ArrowDropDown}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
opened ? "grid" : "hidden"
- subdirectory_arrow_right
{content.attributes.scan_set &&
content.attributes.scan_set.length > 0 && (
+ text={langui.view_scans}
+ />
{content.attributes.content?.data && (
+ text={langui.open_content}
+ />
{content.attributes.scan_set &&
diff --git a/src/components/Library/ScanSet.tsx b/src/components/Library/ScanSet.tsx
index c2a5961..3f2a7d7 100644
--- a/src/components/Library/ScanSet.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Library/ScanSet.tsx
@@ -100,9 +100,10 @@ export function ScanSet(props: Immutable
): JSX.Element {
{content?.data?.attributes?.slug && (
diff --git a/src/components/LightBox.tsx b/src/components/LightBox.tsx
index 6bc9c8f..29048f4 100644
--- a/src/components/LightBox.tsx
+++ b/src/components/LightBox.tsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { useSwipeable } from "react-swipeable";
import { Img } from "./Img";
import { Button } from "./Inputs/Button";
import { Popup } from "./Popup";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props {
@@ -63,9 +64,7 @@ export function LightBox(props: Immutable
): JSX.Element {
{index > 0 && (
@@ -76,9 +75,7 @@ export function LightBox(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
{index < images.length - 1 && (
diff --git a/src/components/Markdown/Markdawn.tsx b/src/components/Markdown/Markdawn.tsx
index f3de86a..ecc1269 100644
--- a/src/components/Markdown/Markdawn.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Markdown/Markdawn.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { HorizontalLine } from "components/HorizontalLine";
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { Img } from "components/Img";
import { InsetBox } from "components/InsetBox";
import { ToolTip } from "components/ToolTip";
@@ -284,8 +285,9 @@ function HeaderToolTip(props: { id: string }) {
- {
`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL_SELF + window.location.pathname}#${
@@ -293,9 +295,7 @@ function HeaderToolTip(props: { id: string }) {
- >
- link
+ />
diff --git a/src/components/PanelComponents/NavOption.tsx b/src/components/PanelComponents/NavOption.tsx
index 64ffe1b..69c2957 100644
--- a/src/components/PanelComponents/NavOption.tsx
+++ b/src/components/PanelComponents/NavOption.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { ToolTip } from "components/ToolTip";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
@@ -5,7 +6,7 @@ import { MouseEventHandler } from "react";
interface Props {
url: string;
- icon?: string;
+ icon?: Icon;
title: string | null | undefined;
subtitle?: string | null | undefined;
border?: boolean;
@@ -54,9 +55,7 @@ export function NavOption(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
props.icon ? "text-left" : "text-center"
} ${divCommon}`}
- {props.icon && (
- {props.icon}
- )}
+ {props.icon && }
{!props.reduced && (
diff --git a/src/components/PanelComponents/PanelHeader.tsx b/src/components/PanelComponents/PanelHeader.tsx
index f634770..34a4db1 100644
--- a/src/components/PanelComponents/PanelHeader.tsx
+++ b/src/components/PanelComponents/PanelHeader.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import { HorizontalLine } from "components/HorizontalLine";
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
interface Props {
- icon?: string;
+ icon?: Icon;
title: string | null | undefined;
description?: string | null | undefined;
@@ -11,9 +12,7 @@ export function PanelHeader(props: Immutable
): JSX.Element {
return (
- {props.icon && (
- )}
+ {props.icon &&
{props.description ?
: ""}
diff --git a/src/components/PanelComponents/ReturnButton.tsx b/src/components/PanelComponents/ReturnButton.tsx
index edc40fc..7384507 100644
--- a/src/components/PanelComponents/ReturnButton.tsx
+++ b/src/components/PanelComponents/ReturnButton.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { HorizontalLine } from "components/HorizontalLine";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { Button } from "components/Inputs/Button";
import { useAppLayout } from "contexts/AppLayoutContext";
import { AppStaticProps } from "graphql/getAppStaticProps";
@@ -36,10 +37,9 @@ export function ReturnButton(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
onClick={() => appLayout.setSubPanelOpen(false)}
className="grid grid-flow-col gap-2"
- >
- navigate_before
- {props.langui.return_to} {props.title}
+ text={`${props.langui.return_to} ${props.title}`}
+ icon={Icon.NavigateBefore}
+ />
{props.horizontalLine && }
diff --git a/src/components/Panels/MainPanel.tsx b/src/components/Panels/MainPanel.tsx
index 1c76265..2a1a0b2 100644
--- a/src/components/Panels/MainPanel.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Panels/MainPanel.tsx
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { useMediaDesktop } from "hooks/useMediaQuery";
import Markdown from "markdown-to-jsx";
import Link from "next/link";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props {
langui: AppStaticProps["langui"];
@@ -34,9 +35,12 @@ export function MainPanel(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
@@ -74,9 +78,8 @@ export function MainPanel(props: Immutable
): JSX.Element {
onClick={() => {
- >
- settings
+ icon={Icon.Settings}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
onClick={() => {
- >
- search
+ icon={Icon.Search}
+ />
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ export function MainPanel(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
): JSX.Element {
): JSX.Element {
diff --git a/src/components/PreviewCard.tsx b/src/components/PreviewCard.tsx
index 3bda531..f612568 100644
--- a/src/components/PreviewCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/PreviewCard.tsx
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import { ImageQuality } from "helpers/img";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import Link from "next/link";
import { Chip } from "./Chip";
+import { Ico, Icon } from "./Ico";
import { Img } from "./Img";
interface Props {
@@ -69,17 +70,19 @@ export function PreviewCard(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
{metadata.release_date && (
- event
{metadata.price && metadata.currencies && (
- shopping_cart
@@ -89,17 +92,19 @@ export function PreviewCard(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
{metadata.views && (
- visibility
{ && (
- person
@@ -175,12 +180,10 @@ export function PreviewCard(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
bg-shade bg-opacity-[var(--bg-opacity)] text-light
transition-colors drop-shadow-shade-lg"
- play_circle_outline
): JSX.Element {
{event.source?.data ? (
) : (
- <>
No sources!
- >
diff --git a/src/pages/about-us/index.tsx b/src/pages/about-us/index.tsx
index b36e212..52e98c7 100644
--- a/src/pages/about-us/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/about-us/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { AppLayout } from "components/AppLayout";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { NavOption } from "components/PanelComponents/NavOption";
import { PanelHeader } from "components/PanelComponents/PanelHeader";
import { SubPanel } from "components/Panels/SubPanel";
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ export default function AboutUs(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
const subPanel = (
diff --git a/src/pages/archives/index.tsx b/src/pages/archives/index.tsx
index 8ce723d..f510f46 100644
--- a/src/pages/archives/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/archives/index.tsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { SubPanel } from "components/Panels/SubPanel";
import { AppStaticProps, getAppStaticProps } from "graphql/getAppStaticProps";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { GetStaticPropsContext } from "next";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props extends AppStaticProps {}
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ export default function Archives(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
const subPanel = (
diff --git a/src/pages/archives/videos/c/[uid].tsx b/src/pages/archives/videos/c/[uid].tsx
index 86581fe..6474bcb 100644
--- a/src/pages/archives/videos/c/[uid].tsx
+++ b/src/pages/archives/videos/c/[uid].tsx
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import {
} from "next";
import { Fragment, useState } from "react";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props extends AppStaticProps {
channel: NonNullable<
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ export default function Channel(props: Props): JSX.Element {
diff --git a/src/pages/archives/videos/index.tsx b/src/pages/archives/videos/index.tsx
index c57c37d..ec0aa0c 100644
--- a/src/pages/archives/videos/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/archives/videos/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { AppLayout } from "components/AppLayout";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { PageSelector } from "components/Inputs/PageSelector";
import { Switch } from "components/Inputs/Switch";
import { PanelHeader } from "components/PanelComponents/PanelHeader";
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ export default function Videos(props: Props): JSX.Element {
diff --git a/src/pages/archives/videos/v/[uid].tsx b/src/pages/archives/videos/v/[uid].tsx
index 1156b0b..f09bb74 100644
--- a/src/pages/archives/videos/v/[uid].tsx
+++ b/src/pages/archives/videos/v/[uid].tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { AppLayout } from "components/AppLayout";
import { HorizontalLine } from "components/HorizontalLine";
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
import { Button } from "components/Inputs/Button";
import { InsetBox } from "components/InsetBox";
import { NavOption } from "components/PanelComponents/NavOption";
@@ -107,24 +108,27 @@ export default function Video(props: Props): JSX.Element {
- event
- visibility
? prettyShortenNumber(video.views)
: video.views.toLocaleString()}
{ && (
- thumb_up
? prettyShortenNumber(video.likes)
: video.likes.toLocaleString()}
@@ -135,7 +139,10 @@ export default function Video(props: Props): JSX.Element {
@@ -148,10 +155,8 @@ export default function Video(props: Props): JSX.Element {
+ text={}
+ />
diff --git a/src/pages/chronicles/index.tsx b/src/pages/chronicles/index.tsx
index cb376ca..cd879b1 100644
--- a/src/pages/chronicles/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/chronicles/index.tsx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { SubPanel } from "components/Panels/SubPanel";
import { AppStaticProps, getAppStaticProps } from "graphql/getAppStaticProps";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { GetStaticPropsContext } from "next";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props extends AppStaticProps {}
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ export default function Chronicles(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
const subPanel = (
diff --git a/src/pages/contents/index.tsx b/src/pages/contents/index.tsx
index c015027..3870984 100644
--- a/src/pages/contents/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/contents/index.tsx
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { prettyinlineTitle, prettySlug } from "helpers/formatters";
import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { GetStaticPropsContext } from "next";
import { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import { Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props extends AppStaticProps {
contents: NonNullable["data"];
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ export default function Contents(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
const subPanel = (
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ export default function Contents(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
- subPanelIcon="search"
+ subPanelIcon={Icon.Search}
diff --git a/src/pages/dev/checkup/contents.tsx b/src/pages/dev/checkup/contents.tsx
index 0256f83..0b3cbeb 100644
--- a/src/pages/dev/checkup/contents.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/dev/checkup/contents.tsx
@@ -44,16 +44,14 @@ export default function CheckupContents(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
className="w-4 text-xs"
- >
- F
+ text="F"
+ />
+ text="B"
+ />
{line.subitems.join(" -> ")}
diff --git a/src/pages/dev/checkup/libraryitems.tsx b/src/pages/dev/checkup/libraryitems.tsx
index d3f47f6..8163cd5 100644
--- a/src/pages/dev/checkup/libraryitems.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/dev/checkup/libraryitems.tsx
@@ -49,16 +49,14 @@ export default function CheckupLibraryItems(
className="w-4 text-xs"
- >
- F
+ text="F"
+ />
+ text="B"
+ />
{line.subitems.join(" -> ")}
diff --git a/src/pages/dev/editor.tsx b/src/pages/dev/editor.tsx
index 73cba3d..8545e8c 100644
--- a/src/pages/dev/editor.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/dev/editor.tsx
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { Immutable } from "helpers/types";
import { GetStaticPropsContext } from "next";
import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import TurndownService from "turndown";
+import { Ico, Icon } from "components/Ico";
interface Props extends AppStaticProps {}
@@ -87,10 +88,7 @@ export default function Editor(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
Use this to create dialogues and transcripts. You can then add
transcript speech line within (
- record_voice_over
- )
+ )
@@ -110,9 +108,8 @@ export default function Editor(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
- >
- question_answer
+ icon={Icon.QuestionAnswer}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- record_voice_over
+ icon={Icon.RecordVoiceOver}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- density_large
+ icon={Icon.DensityLarge}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- check_box_outline_blank
+ icon={Icon.CheckBoxOutlineBlank}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- more_horiz
+ icon={Icon.MoreHoriz}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- link
+ icon={Icon.Link}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- link+ target
+ icon={Icon.Link}
+ text="+ target"
+ />
): JSX.Element {
- >
- person
+ icon={Icon.Person}
+ />
): JSX.Element {
onClick={() => {
- >
- html
+ icon={Icon.Html}
+ />
diff --git a/src/pages/library/[slug]/index.tsx b/src/pages/library/[slug]/index.tsx
index cb2bb0b..178dbc2 100644
--- a/src/pages/library/[slug]/index.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/library/[slug]/index.tsx
@@ -157,13 +157,12 @@ export default function LibrarySlug(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
+ />
@@ -188,9 +187,11 @@ export default function LibrarySlug(props: Immutable
): JSX.Element {
{, index) => (
{url?.url && (
@@ -437,9 +438,7 @@ export default function LibrarySlug(props: Immutable): JSX.Element {
{displayOpenScans && (