import os from wand.image import Image from natsort import os_sorted import math # CONFIG sourceFolder = "input/" destinationFolder = "output/" maxSize = 3000 rightToLeft = False # END CONFIG def getListFiles(sourceFolder): files = os_sorted(os.listdir(sourceFolder)) #files = [file for file in files if not file.startswith("_")] return files def resizeAndSave(image, savePath): height = image.height newHeight = min(maxSize, height) newWidth = newHeight * meanRatio image.transform(resize=str(newWidth) + "x" + str(newHeight) + "!") image.compression_quality = 75 def savePath(): return destinationFolder + str(saveIndex) + ".webp" # Read all the widths and heights from the images widths = [] heights = [] ratios = [] for file in getListFiles(sourceFolder): path = sourceFolder + file + '[0]' image = Image(filename=path) widths += [image.width] heights += [image.height] ratios += [image.width / image.height] print(file, image.orientation, ratios[-1]) ratios.sort() if (ratios[-1] > ratios[0] * 1.5): medianRatio = (ratios[-1] + ratios[0]) / 2 groupA = [e for e in ratios if e < medianRatio] groupB = [e for e in ratios if e >= medianRatio] meanRatioA = sum(groupA) / len(groupA) meanRatioB = sum(groupB) / 2 / len(groupB) meanRatio = (meanRatioA + meanRatioB) / 2 print(meanRatioA, meanRatioB, meanRatio) else: meanRatio = sum(ratios) / len(ratios) print(meanRatio) # Convert and split the images saveIndex = 1 for file in getListFiles(sourceFolder): path = sourceFolder + file + '[0]' image = Image(filename=path) height = image.height width = image.width if (width > height): # Double page left = image.clone() left.crop(0, 0, math.floor(width / 2), height) right = image.clone() right.crop(math.ceil(width / 2), 0, width, height) if (rightToLeft): resizeAndSave(right, savePath()) saveIndex += 1 resizeAndSave(left, savePath()) saveIndex += 1 else: resizeAndSave(left, savePath()) saveIndex += 1 resizeAndSave(right, savePath()) saveIndex += 1 else: resizeAndSave(image, savePath()) saveIndex += 1 print(file, "DONE")